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Speeed (174)


Who did you empathize with more? Pleasantly Surprised "Can you speak French?" The Russians AGAIN Hard to Stop Thinking About The Cutest Kid Lack of Suspense Felt Like a Long ABC After School Special Early Pre-Porn Titillation And I Liked It Why didn't Edward Walker just go? (Spoilers) View all posts >


Not. Young or under-teen prostitution was a common reality until the mid-20th century in many countries around the world including the US. That was what this story was about. I didn't think much of it when I saw it for the first time back in '78. The movie didn't have Brooke nude all that much aside from some back shots. Most of the nudity was with Sarandon. I don't think it was until the current era where people have developed this absolute disgust and outrage at the thought of a young teen being naked on camera. I honestly don't think it's anything to be ashamed of and find it absolutely natural. Lawrence looked pretty damn hot in this! She exudes sexy. If I were that 19 year old teen, I'd have hit it in a second! Would've been a pretty damn short movie. I dig her! I get a warm fuzzy feeling down in my plums when I think of her. I'm in her fan club, which happens to be in my bathroom. Please join my club. Thanks for the write up on the book. I was also debating on buying it or not since I loved the move and was wondering if it gets deeper and more detailed in the book. I'm a surfer and grew up and started surfing around the same time so this film really hit a chord with me. I think he had a nice singing voice but I didn't really like the songs he sang in this movie and A Night at the Opera. I did really enjoy the black folks more uptempo song where Harp led with a flute though. Many of the very slow ballads of the 30s and 40s weren't really my cup of tea. As a kid, I often wanted to fast-forward past these parts but couldn't but now with streaming and DVDs I can which is pretty nice. I had an uncle who ran away from home at the age of 12 and he survived in society somehow without parental supervision. He was from the hillbilly hills of Kentucky back in the 30s and 40s and he told me it wasn't uncommon for kids from abusive homes to split at a young age much earlier than 16. Another thing I got from the scene where she looks around at the things in and around Dave's house right before she quietly left, i.e. nice cozy home with a beautiful view of the mountains etc. was that they reminded her so much of what she had with Beau, aside from the baby furniture and the big family, which I'm sure she eventually would've loved to have had with him. I think those constant reminders would've drove her crazy had she stayed so she left. I just watched both the 2009 Orphan and this one. The original version had her looking convincingly like a 9 year old girl (yes, I know she was 10 at the time) while this second one had quite a few shots of her looking way older esp. around the eyes and jowls. Plus, this was supposed to have taken place when she was a year younger at 8 years of age with the original family that adopted her so her look wasn't all that convincing. Good effort though. I agree. She didn't really do anything to further the story. Also, her "confindent" smiling throughout the movie looked really forced. I agree. He looked suspicious as hell walking around with two big bags and wearing sunglasses indoors. Plus purposely bumping into Denzel hard on the way out. View all replies >