Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


I think you should look to yourself. Obvisously the scene made you feel insecure, probably more so cause of your husbdans presence.

There is nothing wrong with the scene.



I agree that it added nothing to the film. But the actress probably got paid more and since her role was small it was a win/win for her...apparently she doesn't care about everyone seeing her tits.

Don't be a hater, dear.


You would be happy in China, I just rewatched movie after years now from streaming Chinese website where they pixelated all nudity in beginning (well, it's still better than when they cut sex scenes completely, which was reason why I started downloading Shameless instead of watching streamed CN version with missing scenes, not that it would not be amazing any way that Shameless is allowed to watch in any part of day and only nude/sex/gay scenes are cutted, all drug/violence scenes are left uncensored) which was not pleasing experience and was done as usual poorly, in some shots you could see ass, in other they pixelated it, so pretty pointless censorship. And my point is that censorship was completely distracting, if they would not have done it I would look at her and could move on and focus on Denzel, but when they keep half of the screen pixelated and sometimes not pixelated it completely distracts me.

Btw. it's sad how insecure you feel if you don't let your husband have look at beautiful woman body, I would for sure not mind if they would show naked Denzel and my wife would be looking.

The best - Fight Club, American Beauty & Falling Down.


every time a woman gets bent that an extremely beautiful actress was nude in a movie and starts trying to invent reasons why it was so gratuitous and unnecessary and not artistic, I roll my eyes and laugh at the immaturity of it.


I bet Whip did her in the butt in one of the deleted scenes.


Picky, picky, picky.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


