MovieChat Forums > 13 Reasons Why (2017) Discussion > Has anyone seen this ???

Has anyone seen this ???

getting good reviews on Netflix


dubious. i feel like everything on netflix gets good reviews. at least early on


Definitely worth the watch. They do a good job keeping the audience wanting to see more. Some characters get cut and bruised, and this allows the show to make seamless time jumps without having to spell out the chronology. The hallucination stuff in a couple of the middle episodes I think were a bit overdone. Tony was very annoying until near the end when his full role was understood. The last few episodes were emotional with several graphic scenes. There is a set up for another season, but I'm not sure I care about the characters who would be involved.


Yes, I'm on episode 5 and it's pretty good.


Good to know. I may watch this next.




It was really powerful. I think they do the subject justice. I read the book when it was first released and always expected a movie, but now I get why the tv show structure makes sense. I just hope they don't take it past two seasons.


I'm on the 3rd episode. It's good!


this is not the type of show i usually watch if ever. I was just bored and wanted something going in the background, but i have to say i found it hard to stop watching this show all the way up till the end. It is very good.


same here - I am six in and must see the end.


I watched it twice. The second time through was different, because it puts you in the place of the other characters who had already heard the tapes.


I'm on episode 8 and so far this is like a snowflake generation necrologue...


I binge watch it because I could not stop the next button. I loved the series and the actors that brought to life each and everyone of the characters in the book. We have more background about everybody and the characters development was very well flash out in my opinion. They did the book justice and improve on it filling blank spaces and bringing more emotions into play. I felt everything that Hannah and Clay were feeling and could not stop my tears from falling I must admit. Very powerful and hope to see what they would do next with how the series ended.


This is a must see for preteens, teenagers and parents. Actually, I think most people would benefit from viewing this movie. It addressed so many issues regarding bullying and they did it very honestly. The actors were very believable. Wow.


I mostly agree. But then I find some of the comments on the board extremely disheartening- without any empathy at all. It's all spelled out and yet, even after watching, there are some people who just don't understand 😓
