MovieChat Forums > Ravilla

Ravilla (8)



this is not the type of show i usually watch if ever. I was just bored and wanted something going in the background, but i have to say i found it hard to stop watching this show all the way up till the end. It is very good. i wish there was more resolution to what happen to certain people in the end, specially the rapist or what stalker dude was hoarding bombs and guns. I don't see how a show like this could have a season 2 so i guess we will never know. where in the hell did you learn to spell? was referring to you supposedly from what ive read online they say only her claws are covered, but i thought they showed us a picture of her skeleton covered in the movie good to see the imdb trolls made the trip over lol i just thought it was strange to have him die of a giant tree limb, I mean i would of rather seem him die of the wounds from fighting then from the being impaled on the tree. Also from the looks of it where he was impaled should of hit his ribs and not actually went through, you know since his bones are covered in adamantium I saw the movie as more of an ending to the original 3 x-men movies, could probably throw in the stand alone wolverine movies also. Xavier mentions how they first met in the first x-men movie and mentions things from the other 2 movies, so I saw it as a fitting end to the original movies we had before days of future past and the other reboots. Just seems to fit with the crappy future they seem to be in, where things were never set right like in DOFP. View all replies >