MovieChat Forums > FritzLn

FritzLn (15)



hmm, isn't Quinn a little young to have a son old enough to teach? but Dar and the case worker lady were on the phone right after carrie first met with the case worker hahaha "love" hahaha. sexual desirability is all that matters. if it wasn't, tinder wouldnt exist sounds like every single man with an erection exactly. women say things like that to keep their "pedestalization" alive. to pretend they're arbiters of morality, goddesses that allow lowly human males to touch them every now and then. it's disney BS. watch what they do, ignore what they say. they're just filthy humans like everyone else interested as well. IMDB ratings look great, but you can't trust them anymore (if you ever could). no context without discussion boards 1. the SWAT team and degroat were at different locations, but the way it was filmed led you to believe they were at the same location. common film trick 2. dafoe's character accidentally called dan just before they arrived at degroat's roadblock. the call managed to record degroat, petty and affleck's character (screaming). woody harrelson's character yelled to "get that other one out". i'm guessing dan/local cops recognized woody's voice, then inferred the "other one" was affleck's character, because everyone knew he was indebted to petty and they were most likely together 3. maybe, but i imagine he's the top drug dealer in the hills, and the only one with a large headquarters, so it's not that strange the only thing i found contrived was the roadblock scene. petty accidentally dials dan right before he gets shot, then instead of killing affleck's character in the car too, harrelson's character yells to "get that other one out" haha i thought the same thing. how did that not make the script! dubious. i feel like everything on netflix gets good reviews. at least early on agreed. no different than burning down the library of alexandria IMO. luckily it's the year 2017 and data can be somewhat preserved and archived. because some sensitive ppl couldn't just log out, or accept the fact that not everyone agrees with everything you do and say they had to nuke the whole thing. why couldn't they just leave the boards up and disable comments? pathetic View all replies >