MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story Christmas (2022) Discussion > On a scale of 0-10 how did you like this...

On a scale of 0-10 how did you like this movie?

Me I give it a 6/10, there were some scenes that made me cringe but it was nice revisiting your favorite characters from the original.





It's a well done sequel. Not as great as the original, but it handles Ralph's character with respect and humor.


I think around a 6 or 7. I was pleasantly surprised by it. I was so happy they chose some little references without doing full on recreations of scenes. They had some of their own funny moments that will stick with me and I liked the overall plot of trying to fill the old man's shoes.


My rating for this movie is a 7.5/10. It does retread the original movie in certain areas and it isn't quite as strong as the original, but it was nice to see certain actors from the first return especially Peter Billingsley and Zack Ward. Also it did showed Scut Farkus as a fleshed out character especially in the last act where he helps Ralph get back home to put the star on top of the tree.


6/10 Yea it has some parts that seemed forced however it was better than I thought it would be. It had some good moments and it's worth a watch. It really brought me back. The only thing I didn't like was not getting the original mom. She's retired but they should of made her an offer she couldn't refuse.


A solid 7 out of 10. It's well above average, if not as iconic as the original. The thing to keep in mind is the original was told from a child's perspective, while this one is told from an adult perspective. Ralphie now has all the burdens and worries of any adult, but he's still maintained a good piece of his childhood in his heart. A Christmas Story Christmas has some poignant throwbacks, a few good laughs, and a real heart.


I agree. It's not quite on the level of the original, but it far exceeded my expectations. I will definitely watch it again in future Christmas seasons.


With movies like "A Christmas Story", "It's a Wonderful Life", and "Miracle on 34th Street" at 10, movies like "Elf" and "Christmas Vacation" at 5, and movies like "Father Christmas Is Back" at 0, I give "A Christmas Story Christmas" a solid 7, maybe even 8.



It's not that good, but there isn't anything that's really that bad either. It's just meh. Had a few decent chuckles, but really nothing memorable at all.
