
I've only seen the trailer and this looked really bad, but I didn't think it would be cancelled, let alone it happening so quick.



I don't think I've ever seen an episode of anything that has ever been on CW. They all have the same feel. Like, they're trying to be gritty, but because it's geared toward a younger audience it just feels laughable.



Their shows always look like B-tier productions.


I don't think I've ever seen an episode of anything that has ever been on CW. They all have the same feel.


Not an entire episode.


Their shows are (usually) targeted at teens. Even shows with the adult leads, the characters act like angsty teens

Their shows are basically melodramatic teen soap operas




This was basically a CW shows that got the DC thing branded into it.

You could take away the Batman angle & it wouldn't change a damn thing.

It was a CW teen melodrama


When I heard this show was coming out, I was excited because I'm a Batman fan. But I lost all excitement when I found out it was a CW show.


I'm vaguely interested in seeing how these CW shows adapt certain big-name Batman characters, like Harvey Dent, and I 100% approve of the actor they got to play him (even if I think it's rather ridiculous that this show takes place *after* Batman/Bruce Wayne's death, and Harvey is still yet to become Two-Face...; then again, I suppose that's the beauty of Elseworlds).

Misha Collins is the closest anyone has got to resembling the Harvey Dent of the comics, so it's a shame he presumably won't ever get a chance to transform into Two-Face, much like Billy Dee Williams and Nicholas D'Agosto, who was practically forgotten about in "Gotham" after a handful of episodes. Here's hoping that either The Batman franchise, or whatever James Gunn and Andy Muschietti are doing with the rebooted DC Universe, do Dent/Two=Face justice.


I hear Pennyworth is a good show and it's not on CW. I've considered watching that even though there's no Batman.


Pennyworth is another one that just got the DC property branded into it. You could take away the DC thing & it wouldn't change a thing..

I've only seen the first season & it's honestly a solid action/crime thriller


It's ridiculous.

I hope this is the last time they greenlight one of these CW shows. It's easy to tell that they're going to be imminently cancelled from the start.

I feel sorry for anyone who invests their time in these shows (as much as they're not my thing, despite, or maybe *because* of being, a big DC media fan), whether they're viewers or actors, and feel quite annoyed at the execs, producers and showrunners, particularly the useless Greg Berlanti, who keep greenlighting this stuff, surely knowing the chances of it lasting a full season is minimal.


They're just adapting anything to see if it's going to work. I wouldn't be surprised if they do an entire show that's an origin story of the designer of the Batmobile like that one episode in the animated series.


CW makes shows geared towards the "Modern" audiences aka wokesters for the most part. The Flash was all right and I watched that for a bit until it felt too I dunno, cosplaying rather than actual hero looking.


And the actor has such a massive head.


They're probably canceling CW all together cause it turns out the network has never once been profitable.
