Not bad up until the 3rd act

I was honestly enjoying this film decently (minus a few stupid moments) until the climax. It’s very rushed, confused, underwhelming and unimpressive. The big sendoff that kills all the zombies didn’t feel like that big final moment, more like something you’d see in the 2nd act action scene then the grand finale. I’m honestly not sure exactly what the character’s big plan was even supposed to be; they just go out there, blow something up, more zombies come. How was that even supposed to work? Did I miss something? Compared to the massive climax from the first movie, this one is almost nonexistent.

The first two acts were both very flawed but at least the plot made sense and the characters weren't unrealistic idiots. For whatever reason, that completely changes once the third act begins.



Yaaa gotta agree. I mean zombies stop attacking humans and run in a straight distracted like now cause you got people with riot shields and trash can lids? what happened to the super smart and strong ones?


It didn't work so well, but it wasn't completely bad. I didn't care for the monster truck because the plan seemed silly from the the beginning.

But then again, it's a zombie comedy. There are so many that fail that it's hard to be annoyed at this one.




i think my problem was mainly the film FELT waaaayyy too long.
and i love the cast.

BUT man was it long..


Funny thing is - it was only 99 minutes, so barely sraping the minimum of film lenght (bellow 90 means you wont get syndicated or shown in a lot of theaters). It just felt long (and i agree) because its pacing was off.


Yes. Once They all reach Babylon it’s quickly downhill. The whole lighting of the fireworks was so ridiculous. The pacifists managed to build this wonderfully protected area without learning that loud noises and lights attract zombies?
