MovieChat Forums > The Beekeeper (2024) Discussion > I thought it would at least be entertain...

I thought it would at least be entertaining action wise (spoilers)

But it wasn't, it is generic actions that we have seen in just about every recent action movie.

The story was laid out in the trailer, an old lady was scammed and killed herself, the beekeeper rented her barn went on a rampage.

Bear in mind the scammer has a registered phone number, but FBI has no clue who those people are after working on it for 2 years.

The beekeeper used his CIA connection to find out the call center where the scammers worked, somehow CIA has a lot of more in their hands on US domestic information than FBI, even FBI is responsible for counter intelligence.

And yes, the call center is in US, and within driving distance from the barn.

Then he burned the place down in front of everyone, did not even wear a mask. It is a $30 million dollar office building, that should punish the scammers, right? Of course no, they likely rented the place, even they own the building it is just a temporary set back, because those buildings are insured, those computers are likely insured too. How is that going to hurt these people? They will be up and running again in no time.

Why didn't he contact FBI to raid that place? Because he also burned all the evidence implicating the scammers. He says when law fails he takes over, but so far the law has not failed yet, he did not give it a chance.

He only acted again once when the manager of the place, not the owner, went after him, sent few goons trying to kill him.

Then he started to go after the owner, who just happened to be the son of the current female president, and her ex-lover was ex-CIA director, so they sent another beekeeper to handle the problem, and she (yes, another woman) appears to be worse than a mob hitman, just use a machine gun kept firing. An sniper would have killed him easily.

Then they are waiting at another call center he is going to hit. You see he is still not going after the owner as yet, apparently he is going to tear down another call center. There are about 20 of them in total. If I were the owner I would have triple the insurance and let him hit, just collect the insurance money.

And now the daughter of the old lady started going after the beekeeper with full force, she sent a SWAT team to protect the scammers, the same kind of scammers caused her mother to commit suicide, the operation is owned by the same people. Now she has the office locations and a lot of staffs with priors, but she had no interest to get to the bottom of it, instead she sent people to protect the scammers, and tried to capture the man avenging her mother.

Yeah, of course, that is believable.

And the ex-CIA director also sent his assets, highly trained soldiers, to defend the place.

And of course he walked in with no gun, beat up everyone, and walked away. That is where he beat up the manager and found out who owned the place. Clearly CIA did not know that, neither did the FBI, even they sent the SWAT team to protect the place.

Once found out it is connected to the son of the president, because of a photo at the scene, not though corporate registers. FBI agents (the daughter) reported to the deputy director of FBI. And the son went to his mother, the POTUS, and of course they upped protection.

And of course the beekeeper walked in and beat everyone up, when confronted, the son used his mother as human shield, and just as FBI came in, the son decided to kill his mother, his human shield, the POTUS, in front of everyone, that just makes sense.

Even when confronted in the end, where a lot of guns pointing at him, when he already killed a lot secret service personnel, apparently there is still no order to shoot the beekeeper.

The beekeeper shot the son right there and walked away.

The end.

I think they made these movies for high-schoolers who have been drinking.




So have you watched it? Can you tell me what kind of bee they called him in the end?




Well, at least you watched it.


When he saw the son hold a gun to her head, he realized the Queen didn’t need to be killed: he saw that her son alone was bad


If we use the bee analogy, her male offspring is still bad, and the queen still needs to die.

But I am guessing they are not following through with the bee analogy.


Its pure shit, steaming shit! Just a pussy hair above EX4


Yes. Plot was just so ridiculous. And I was angry when he let go and left to live every scammer who was sitting on the phone. THEY are the most guilty ones. They speak directly on the phone with people and convince them to give away money. He should have killed them all.

But what he did - he destroyed building. And this is the least problem for them. All those scammers he let go - will just go to another building.

All those scammer usually just rent place. And God know how many other firms rented place there. And innocent people probably died.


But he killed a lot of police and secret service personnel, who had nothing to do with any of the bad deeds, somehow their lives are not as valuable as scammers.


Yet. That was the most crazy part of the movie. He started this whole vendetta to aveng that lady. Then killed bunch of innocent people that had nothing to do with that. But let go all scammers apart 1 boss and 2 middle men. While all those scammers went to scam people further.

What an idiot. I wish someone would point this ans ask Stathem himself.


From what I saw I thought he only shot the FBI team in the leg or arm so he hurt them ,but he didn't kill them. As far the the letting the scammers go. I think he main goal was to kill the main boss you know kind of like cutting off the head of a snake if that makes any sense. I think the SWAT team was corrupt or something which is why they tried to kill Jason Statham. I know the seal team was working for the bad guys so he had to fight them.


There were police cut in half by the lift, I am not sure how you missed that.


I thought they were mercenaries disguised as Swat? I remember they were shooting at him in the elevator ,but I could be wrong though.


I think the cops he killed at Nine star united building all are mercenaries, and thus Clay considers them goons.
This is what capt Pettis (the leader) said when he introduced his team to the FBI squad: "Private security here on the orders of the Governor." and "Because Mr. Westwyld hired me".

At the mansions, Clay didn't kill any secret service (he shot at their body armor). He only deliberately killed the goons (mercenaries/other beekeepers?) . Perhaps some agents were wounded, like shot at the limbs, broken bones, or explosion concussion, but I believe no agents died.


It's a bang-bang, boom-boom, kick-ass - kick more ass movie.

Also known as a "popcorn" movie.



I was just hoping they were not so lazy with the plot, so I could at least enjoy it.

Teenagers might enjoy it because they know so little about the world, the problem is I am an old man.


written by dei high schoolers for dei high schoolers - you are no longer the coveted demographic




It was bad. Statham was good despite the awful dyed facial hair. The FBI daughter was why are you hunting down the guy avenging your ma? Stupid and annoying, idc about her oath. Required too much "ignore how implausible this is" - even for an action movie.


Required too much "ignore how implausible this is" - even for an action movie.

That is exactly the feeling when I was watching it.
