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ChiefAlex (21)


Problems with Post How did they manage to do sequel of this movie? Which Movie was Better? No time to Die or Spectre? Was Rambo 4 better than Rambo 5? Oppenheimer (2023) or JFK (1991)? View all posts >


I’ll tell you a silly story I remember seeing this movie back in the theater when I was around 7 or 8 with my parents. I didn’t know what movie I was going to see. The whole time this movie started I thought I was watching a movie trailer because I didn’t know what movie I was gonna to watch. I remember seeing a bunch of shootouts and explosions ,and something about switching faces. I thought to myself “wow this is going to be one hell an action movie.” Next thing I remember was seeing Nicolas Cage’s Character trying to escape the prison being chased by a helicopter he jumps in the air in slow motion into the water. It was at that moment that realized I was watching the movie the whole time. I’ll admit I was blown away by action at that time especially with the incredible boat chase near the end of the film. When I watched it again when I was older I thought it was a little ridiculous and over the top at times ,but I still had a fun time watching it though. Okay thanks I think it looks okay however it does seem like they’re using a lot of green screen and special effects. One of the things liked about the first two films was that they used practical effects ,and kept the CGI to a minimum. This movie looks their using a lot photoshop and green screen ,but the actors are much older now and they can’t really do some of there own stunts so it’s understandable that the filmmakers use green screen. From what I saw I thought he only shot the FBI team in the leg or arm so he hurt them ,but he didn't kill them. As far the the letting the scammers go. I think he main goal was to kill the main boss you know kind of like cutting off the head of a snake if that makes any sense. I think the SWAT team was corrupt or something which is why they tried to kill Jason Statham. I know the seal team was working for the bad guys so he had to fight them. Nope I was in High School when the remake came out though I didn't see until it was on HBO a couple of years later around 2009 I think. While I thought the kid was kind of creepy and some of the kills at the beginning were unsettling like the killing the kid with a tree branch ,and using the fork to kill a nurse. I didn't really like it all that much also the second half the the film is just a copy of the original where only the kills are more graphic. I have also seen the original when I was a kid on television and watched it again a couple of years ago on DVD. While the original was a little slow paced at times I still felt the original was far better than the remake. I wouldn't say I loved it ,but I definitely thought it was a solid film compared to the remake. I also liked how Michael was cold, calculating and observing before he kills ,and not just stabbing with gory kills. I remember this once scene SPOILER when Laurie goes to her friend's house only to find them all dead ,and she is being chased by Michael as she tries to leave the house she can't open the door because the door is blocked by a rake from the outside that is how Michael is supposed to be cold, calculating and dangerous. I feel like the person to directed the remake was the wrong person for the job. He should have directed the Friday the 13th remake with that would have fit more with his style since he directed other gory films like the Devil's Rejects. Overall the I thought the original film was better while the remake is just another gory remake. I was 13 in the eighth grade. I remember hearing about it ,but I didn't pay much attention to it until it beat The Matrix Revolutions from the top spot back in November of 2003. I then saw the movie in theaters weeks later on New years Eve back in 2003 ,and thought it was much better than I expected. I wouldn't say I loved it or that it was great ,but I definitely enjoyed it more than I thought I would. JJ Abrams? Gareth Edwards? Matt Reeves? Peter Jackson? Steven Spielberg? I thought Batman was a vigilante not a superhero? It's been a while since I've seen the movie though so I could be wrong. I thought he was angry about Superman and General Zod fighting in the middle of the city. Damaging buildings and property, and he felt superman put people's lives at risk or something like that? He somehow felt that superman was responsible or something like that from his point of view. View all replies >