MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > I still don't understand Dwight's motiva...

I still don't understand Dwight's motivation in this?..

How was the doctor a threat to him?


He wasn't.

Dwight pretended that he had killed his wife and hid the ending of her letter to him in the doctor's pocket. Negan found it and assumed it was meant for the doctor. Dwight set him up so his wife could be free (only so long as Negan doesn't find out that she is still alive).


Why does he have to throw the doctor under the bus to make negan believe that sherry is dead. Why can't he just tell negan that he saw walkers tear sherry apart just like he told the doctor. Am I missing something? Makes no sense why he had to betray the doctor like that. So stupid. Also negan is a retard for killing their only dr.


Negan would have suspected Dwight of helping with or knowing about Daryl's escape. Who do you think Negan would have made pay for that seeing as she is missing?

This way he has gained Negan's trust and he got rid of the jerk doctor who he had lied to, so again if she is ever found alive, the doctor would have been a problem because he told him she was dead.

It also makes Negan think she was unfaithful to him with the doctor without his order to do so (like the girls were ordered to see to Eugene).


How was the doctor a jerk? I hate Dwight and can only hope he dies sometime soon! He is awful!


Yeah.... I have a feeling Dwight will be switching to Rick's crew, he doesn't seem like one who will stick with Negan forever, despite being a butt to Daryl stealing his motorcycle and crossbow.


I think he will eventually switch sides also and that he won't be the only one as perhaps Negan throwing the doctor in the furnace might make some the others want to have other leadership that isn't so cruel.

The girls were plotting to kill him so things might not be going Negan's way for too much longer.


That furnace scene was brutal !! Yikes!


I don't know how Dwight could become a sympathetic cast regular after doing that. You could see a path of redemption back for the Father or the hotel woman in Fear the Walking Dead because they were reacting out of complete terror, but this seemed more calculated and self centered. He knew Negan wouldn't believe any story without proof so he had to put the blame on someone. Maybe he justified it because the doctor was a collaborator, maybe because he thought the doctor was flirting with his wife, maybe he did it because he just didn't want Negan to pursue his wife, but if so it didn't seem like the actor was aware of these motivations on the Talking Dead.


He did it as a "sacrifice" to Negan, so that Negan would be appeased.


Agreed! Dwight is a piece of walking crap. He is also a coward. I don't want to see him become a regular cast member. He needs to die as fast as possible. What he did to that doctor and his friend in an earlier episode was awful. Like Sherry said, she couldn't even trust that she would hand her back to Negan. He's so pathetic. He has a motorcycle and could literally drive away from the insanity that is Negan's World but he continues to kill for Negan and return to be his puppet!


I think his logic is that Negan's resources are so great that he knew he couldn't have escaped if he tried to search for her and join her and that move would've ultimately put her in more danger, but still you don't sacrifice someone for your own selfish wants.


Exactly! He sacrificed the poor doctor just like he did w/his friend in an earlier episode. Ugh . . . . I hate Dwight. He's a loser. There's no way I would ever go back to Negan's world. The guy cannot be trusted and is completely volatile! Sherry escapes and what does he do . . . . get his guys to beat up Dwight and throw him back in a cell?!?!?!?!

I'd rather take my chances on the road than return to that hell hole! He has a motorcycle and could probably make it pretty far before anyone went looking for him. Is Negan really going to spend time and resources searching the East coast for Dwight?


More bad writing.

1) Dwight didn't need to get the doc killed for his story to be accepter by Negan
2) Negan is a dumb twat for believing any of it.

A Eugene heavy episode. Just what the fans have been crying out for.



I am actually not a fan of "centric" eps, but I really enjoyed this Eugene one. It showed his potential.


"A Eugene heavy episode. Just what the fans have been crying out for."

Well, Eugene or no Eugene, you gotta admit, we did need to see what happened at the Sanctuary in the aftermath of Daryl's escape.


Why? Who cares?

Frankly, I'm bored of Negan and his cult already. The show needs to speed up and get to the war but I suspect they're gonna drag this shit all the way out into season eight and nine.


Bored of Negan? I think Negan is a great baddie, I thought it was good to see how Negan treats people he needs (Eugene) and how he treats those he doesn't (the doctor)... there has to be a reason people follow him and the way Eugene was treated showed a glimpse of that!


He doesn't need a doctor?

Just because he has another one, that doesn't mean he doesn't need a second. I find his whole cult leader stuff utterly unrealistic. Who are his second in command? Why doesn't someone just kill him? I've seen nothing that explains his hold over people.


Ok, people he doesn't think he needs.. his arrogance will eventually be his downfall but he thinks Eugene can take the doctors place and so he doesn't need the doctor now.

As for why people follow him, it's because he has built this community where they can have whatever they want, none of the other communities have managed this. It's a choice of follow him or he will take everything you have should you join another community. People probably just want an easy life and to the majority of the people in his group, he's a saviour.. Most people will always choose to be on the winning side rather than throw that all up in the air and risk loosing everything.


I hate Negan too, but I'm not unhappy w/the season. I enjoy this show and find it every entertaining. I'm looking forward to Negan's downfall!

That said, I do think the people around him would have tried to kill him by now. He is far too unpredictable and crazy. Anything sets him off. I do find it unbelievable that none of his own ppl have tried to kill him yet.


It just feels too convenient for her to die like that and then putting the blame on her, someone need to be accountable and it will fall on Dwight, Negan would never accept that and let no one goes unpunished. Thus the doc is the scape goat, also if Sherry ever get found by them she wont be punished for letting Daryl escape.

Therefore having someone to take the blame is the best way out of this predicament.
