MovieChat Forums > Interview with the Vampire (2022) Discussion > Imagine if people defended OTHER project...

Imagine if people defended OTHER projects that ruined the source material...

The Conqueror (1956)
"I don't see why people are SO upset that John Wayne is playing Genghis Khan. Get over it! Film is a different medium than real life and they needed to UPDATE the character. Wayne is an old school, grizzled tough guy, that's TOTALLY faithful to who Genghis Khan was. Khan himself would support Wayne! Maybe try actually WATCHING the movie before you knock it!"

Gulliver's Travels (2010)
"Look, having Jack Black playing Gulliver and setting the story in modern times just gives sooo much more DEPTH than the book ever had. Don't get me wrong, I liked the book, but the film version, Jack is a fully fleshed out Lemuel Gulliver FAR more than what Jonathan Swift ever wrote on the printed page. I LOVE the modern day New York City setting, its so much more visually stunning than Europe in the early 1700s!"

The Time Machine (2002)
"Is having the Morlocks speaking modern day English in the year A.D. 802,701 accurate to what H.G. Wells wrote? No. But that was never the point of the novel. This film is MUCH more faithful to the SPIRIT of what Wells was trying to say. That's why Wells himself approved this version, giving his seal of approval from beyond the grave. If you trolls dislike this version, you simply dislike Wells ideas in the first place, and you're probably socialist-phobic. This is a MODERN retelling, please join us in the 21st century!"


Stanley Kubricks The Shining ruined the source material of Stephen Kings novel, and its praises are still sung to this day. Its rare that a movie out does the book but it happens. I dont know much about this movie, but the 90's interview strayed from source material as well.


I hear people complain about this adaptation a lot.


Anne Rice approved. What are you whining about?


Bullshit. Rice hated the casting of Cruise.

“Wells approved it from beyond the grave”?! Quite simply, you are beneath contempt.


Rice was very happy with Cruise's performance.

There is a major problem with the Cruise and Pitt performances which becomes very obvious after watching this miniseries. They presented Lestat and Louis as WASPs instead of Frenchmen. The movie feels more like a Hollywood performance. I WATCHED an unhappy Louis. I WATCHED an infatuated Lestat.

On the contrary, the miniseries Lestat and Louis are very French. I'm enjoying the French and Creole language and cultures. They do a great job showing New Orleans.

Louis' rejection by his family, his brother's suicide, his mother's blaming him for the the suicide, his loneliness, his grief when his sister finally rejects him are all palpable to me. Louis is a tragic character and I feel the grief along with him.

Lestat's domestic violence against Louis is painful to watch because it's realistic. Lestat knows he will never be loved by Louis and fears losing him and being alone again. One scene has Lestat telling Louis he loves him after severely beating him. Something common in abusive relationships. And the terror of a child who witnesses her "parents" domestic abuse is realistically portrayed, too.

This is no longer a story about just vampires. It crosses the line into a very relatable human story.

I doubt you're watching it or read the book. Too bad you can't get pass your hatred of black people and gays to watch a surprisingly great interpretation of Rice's book.


>> “Wells approved it from beyond the grave”?! Quite simply, you are beneath contempt. <<

Are you describing yourself? Anne Rice passed away in 2021. Encounter with a Turd Pile was completed nearly a year AFTER her death. She "approved" this woke crapfest with Christopher Rice's name on it as much as H.G. Wells "approved" The Time Machine remake directed by his great great grandson.

Dead people can't "approve" of changes some Hollywood production makes to their source material, no matter how much people defending Encounter with a Turd Pile want to pretend otherwise, and spread the myth that Anne Rice "approved" what we're getting on screen now.


Bull. Anne Rice merely "approved" of AMC making a TV series based on her vampire chronicles.

She did NOT approve of the final product we ended up with.

As I'm SURE you're aware (but want to intentionally mislead people about anyway), she passed away LONG before the TV series was completed. She certainly would NOT have approved all of the changes that Encounter with a Turd Pile made to her source material. But unfortunately, her untimely death gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted with it, after she had signed away the rights.



Anne Rice would've known what their intentions were before signing the contract. She and her son are executive producers for the show. Her son knows his mother and her wishes more than you do. He inherits her legacy and is fine with the series.

Did you even read the book or watch the series? If not, you're just displaying your prejudice based on bigotry. There were numerous changes to the movie, too.


Of course I've read the book. I first read it when I was 13 years old! There were a lot of cool material in the book that the 1994 film didn't have the time to use, like Lestat's elderly father still being alive, living with Lestat, and blissfully unaware his son is a vampire. Had this been a FAITHFUL adaptation that cared about covering stuff like that, I would have been the first to applaud it. Encounter with a Turd Pile has no interest in ACCURATELY covering material from the book that the 1994 film wasn't able to.

"Christopher Rice approves it, therefore his mommy would too" is a retread of the arguments that Drekkies use to defend Star Trek Discovery ("Rod Roddenberry rubber stamped it to to make $$$ off his dad's name, therefore his dad would have loved it, too!"), which is of course total bullcrud. Wouldn't surprise me if you're posting those same arguments trying to prop up THAT dumpster fire, too. Anyone can play this game. Ronald Reagan Jr. voted for Bernie Sanders, OBVIOUSLY the former President Reagan would have too, right? Nobody is stupid enough to fall for this "implied approval because the dead person's child endorses it" propaganda.

Give it up, you're grasping at straws trying to defend Encounter with a Turd Pile.


Who told you it was supposed to be a FAITHFUL adaption? Been there done that with the film! It would be boring to see the same exact story for a third time. Contextual content is different while the essence of the characters and their relationships remain unchanged.

Your examples are irrelevant since Christopher and his mother were executive producers TOGETHER. Obviously, Anne Rice's choice made while she was still alive!!

The show is a success! Second season was announced!!!


Are you criticizing the series without watching it?


Because black people.



Are Benzos effective in treating white panic?

Asking for a friend.


The source material has not been ruined, it has been re-imagined. And having watched this series through to the end (of the current season) I have to say that the creators actually have a lot of respect for the source material. Yeah, they took some artistic liberties, and changed the time period and yada yada, but the spirit of the novel is still there. Lestat is awesome and a total douchebag, Claudia is vindictive and terrifying, and Louis is meandering and brooding, just like they were written in the novel. There are plenty of Easter eggs for the fans.
And [SPOILER ALERT] they even brought Armand into the picture, so the makers of this show aren’t bullshitting us, they actually did their research.
This is simply a re-imagining, and a pretty good one.
Take it or leave it.


I'll leave it, thank you very much.

I suspect you guys touting how "good" Encounter with a Turd Pile is are probably paid to spread this propaganda on social media.


I agree.

And if it's a re imagine it should be stated this is the case or that it is Chris version of the universe.

This is not Anne and it is being pitched as if it is when it's not with people looking at this thinking this is her content.


People complain about ruining the source all the time for all reasons. Cherry picking a few instances where it didn't happen isn't valid. Rice herself complained about the original movie for a while. She didn't like the Tom Cruise casting.



You have a point but most films and tv shows are not 100 percent adaptions anyway. Maybe there should be a disclaimer stating some aspects of the original source material have been changed. Due to... it being too long, mostly impossible to film, wanted to do something different than what was written for our own reasons. Maybe then people who are offended by the changes will simply not watch.
Then again perhaps the title and character names should be changed also since it isn't the same as the source material. Renee's Vampire Diary based loosely on the stories of Anne Rice.
