MovieChat Forums > The Watcher (2022) Discussion > Anyone found Dean insufferable?

Anyone found Dean insufferable?

He was a douche all around. The way he handled Jasper knowing full well he’s mentally challenged was just disgusting.

And what was he thinking when publicly confronting and humiliating people accusing them of being involved with the letters? Especially the chief of police?

Then he starts sending The Watcher letters himself to scare his wife due to him being unable to pay the mortgage. I am surprised the wife forgave him at all.

It made me had very little sympathy for him. I don’t know what the writers were going for in making him so douchey.


He was just a typical New York asshole


Lol! Good point. I know many New Yorkers and, yeah, they can be real assholes.

But I felt Dean took it to another level. Plus, for an educated guy, he made a lot of stupid decisions.


I feel just the opposite about him. I can't even imagine how I would react or what I would do if someone - mentally handicapped or not - broke into my house and scared my child. Jasper had already been told NOT to come into the house and he didn't listen. I think Dean's reaction was completely appropriate.

In terms of his accusing people, he was being pushed to the edge by not only those threatening letters, but by extremely bizarre and frightening neighbors! They were a bunch of wackos!! And his son's pet ferret was murdered. And he finds out that there had been a mass murder in the house. And there was a bogus tape of some young girl in bed with him! He was being pummeled from all sides and he felt that he couldn't protect his family because he didn't know who was behind it and he really was not getting help from anyone, including the police.

He only wrote one letter, which was obviously a really, really stupid thing to do, but he was desperate at that point to get out so he tried it out of desperation.

If anything I felt very badly for the whole family, including Dean.


Typical New Yorker who moves to the suburbs. They try to take over everything and don't care about the people who have lived in the town all their lives. Having to deal with people like this is just an annoyance. A-holes all of them.


He's pretty much the poor man's Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but yeah I thought he did a good job portraying someone from New York City buying a house out in the suburbs.


Bobby Cannavale is no poor man's anything. He is a tremendous actor. If you haven't yet, you should see him as Gyp Rosetti in Boardwalk Empire. One of the best TV bad-guys I've ever seen.


I actually stopped watching because of him - can't stand his over-acting in anything he does. This is the most subdued role I've seen him in, and it still agitates me. No subtlety about his acting.


I think he's too tame, I wouldn't be making small talk with offenders, they'd be in their place very fast
