MovieChat Forums > Aquaman (2018) Discussion > See? If they stick to kiddie stuff DC ca...

See? If they stick to kiddie stuff DC can do alright!

Dark and ridiculous just don't mix well. Keep it light and semi-plausible for teens and adults like Marvel does or plain ridiculous and aimed at kids like DC does in Aquaman, Shazam and Wonder woman so viewers won't be traumatized so much by the death and destruction that is, for some reason, always included in every DC movie.


Are you Ralph from the Simpsons?


Is Aquaman really all that much more ridiculous than Marvel, though? I mean the movie. The character is a total loser in his history, but the movie isn't that much different than a Guardians or Thor movie.



I think that's the point he's making. Aquaman is very much following the tone of most Marvel movies. It's fun, light-hearted, and filled with action. Sure, there are serious parts (as there are serious parts in any Marvel movie) but it never takes itself too seriously. The superhero genre is kind of ridiculous, so some amount of levity is needed.


Well, depending on the subject. The Nolan trilogy would've suffered from levity as would Winter Soldier and Wonder Woman (IMO). I don't consider a brief moment of humor to be what we're talking about. But, yeah...this is Aquaman.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Shazam, a character I have loved since childhood, watching that live action show with him, Mentor and a Winnebago. This one just seems too....kiddy (which I realize is ironic since the character made his bones in comics by being very kiddy as well). I'm sadly not excited about that movie at all.


Even as dark as the Nolan trilogy, winter Soldier, and Wonder woman were, they still had some humor. Levity exists in most works, even if for a few seconds. The Godfather had two improved moments of humor thrown in because Coppla thought they were funny. And yet, The Godfather is a pretty bleak movie and also one of the best ever made.

The DC crowd have a weird idea that a single joke or a moment in which a character appears to be happy somehow ruins a movie.


Well, they still complain about the dance off in Guardians (showing they don't get it) even though MARVEL makes fun of it in Infinity War AND Suicide Squad had the villain doing the shimmy shimmy shake of destruction. The difference is, in Guardians it's one scene in an overall surprisingly good movie and even that scene was good in context. In Suicide Squad, it was akin to getting a paper cut after getting shot with a shotgun.


Also, Guardians of the Galaxy is a comedy. It is in the comedy genre, so one should expect a few jokes.

And yeah, Suicide Squad was unintentionally hilarious.


Shhh you will upset the DCEU stans , Suicide Squad is a masterpiece in there eyes, and Zack Snyder is God of movie making.


See...I kept getting upset with it.

Unlike the "true" DC fans that post on here, I guess me with my 40 plus years of reading the books just expected them to treat their properties better. When I saw the Suicide Squad (this villains being forced to do good version) apear in the Legends miniseries, I never expected we'd end up with that as a movie.


That's why I don't really care for Nolans Batman films. They're good and all but we're still talking about a man dressed as a bat who fights crime. Putting him, or almost any comic book character, in a "real" world close to our own becomes a bit jarring.


I like dark and gritty, but somehow comic book fans don't and that surprises me. I have no interest in this whatsoever and that's a shame.


Dark and gritty can be done well.

Without Nolan, DC seems incapable of this.


Plenty of dark and gritty comics available. Have you tried hellblazer?


I haven't, but I was speaking more in terms of movies. DC doesn't need gags to be good, they gave up on the brand too easily and went the Marvel route. Nothing wrong with what Marvel does, but the two aren't interchangeable.


Nothing wrong with testing the waters. If all movies end up looking alike I'll stop watching.


"DC doesn't need gags to be good, they gave up on the brand too easily and went the Marvel route. Nothing wrong with what Marvel does, but the two aren't interchangeable."
"Dark and gritty can be done well.

Without Nolan, DC seems incapable of this."

Amen, so sick of the mentality a superhero movie has to be light to be good.


Nonsense. The Hellboy movies were pretty dark but didn't shy away from outright fantasy elements. You can do it but like everything else, it has to be done *well*.
