MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > even dumber than I remember it

even dumber than I remember it

I usually don't start threads to say what many other already said, but this one deserves it. Offensive level of stupidity right from the start. Why would Wayland hide? What it means that they found "a galaxy system"? It is called "a star system", ffs. Why they changed the original retro futuristic techno gothic style to Star Trek style? Just remember the attention to detail in the first movie and you will see how lazy and bland this one is. What piece of crap from the start to the lame ass alien at the end. Full of boring and annoying characters, some of them even played by annoying actors. Blatant ripoff of Lovecraft's mythology. They even ripped off The Thing with the Fifield zombie - just one of the many things that don't make sense in this movie. They inserted this scene simply for additional action and the deaths of some anonymous characters, because, you know, more than two characters surviving at the end is against the rules .

I wish this movie had not existed in my timeline.


I agree. The story is unimaginative and the characters are ridiculous.


The story is unimaginative?
As far as narratives go, Prometheus stands out as having a wholly original story without any agenda focused socio-political nonsense. I feel it excelled in the imaginative process although some of the characters were ridiculous to an absurd level at times.
As far as Hollywood films go I rate Prometheus as one of the better ones, but I completely agree that some of the characters, the geologist and his scientist compadre especially, did in fact go full retard.


Well, the whole Erich von Däniken Chariots of the gods thing has been around a long time. I find it silly. It was even kinda used in 2001 ASO (one of my favorite movies). That and the whole religious aspect of the movie just seemed cliche to me. The movie looks really good though and I do still watch it when I go back to the franchise (I watch them all). I'm not one of these viewers that thinks it ruined anything. I watch each movie as a standalone so I always enjoy them to varying degrees.


The story is not original at all. Read "At The Mountains of Madness" by Lovecraft and see for yourself, but be prepared for some (intentionally) antiquated and overwrought prose.

Of course, I would have loved a well made Lovecraftian story, but this is not one.


It's totally an irrational.
It's like the tried to get everything wrong.
It's like Ridley saying - you stupid suckers will not
only pay for this kind of garbage, but you will find
meaning that is not there and defend it online for
years, all for my Swiss Bank Account.


/ oops, this was meant for another board /


I don't think there is going to be another season, but it would be nice. I'd watch it.


SickSpazmoid (619) 6 minutes ago
It is not the final, but they haven't announced a fifth season yet. It ended with a scene 10 years after the events, like in the previous seasons, which is suggestive of another season.

What seasons?
That's a movie, part of a franchise, yes.
But not a show.

Seems you confused the boards, S. 😎​

Edited to add quote after OP changed his post. ☻


Bad film, the original space jockey was a giant so it sucked they made the engineers just tall humans. The whole point around the original creature was to make it something truly alien from humans. Now it turns out everything revolves around humans after all, and Ridley needs to give up on the fucking android obsession. They aren't as interesting as he thinks and the ideas he explores with them are done to death.


"and Ridley needs to give up on the fucking android obsession. They aren't as interesting as he thinks and the ideas he explores with them are done to death. "

It's ironic as the android idea in the original Alien movie was the studios idea.


True, but he's using them as if they haven't been done a million times since.


Really, this should've been a standalone movie and not linked to ALIEN with that shoehorned ending.. Visually?? This movie was awesome, but the logic in this was non-existent and if you're a scientist a 1/2 a Billion miles away from home on a desolate potentially hostile planet, the one thing you don't do is try and play with snakes like that one guy did


Period! 🐭​
