MovieChat Forums > Cocaine Bear (2023) Discussion > What makes Elizabeth Banks qualified to ...

What makes Elizabeth Banks qualified to make this movie?

I was excited to see this movie until I found out Elizabeth Banks was the director. What's going to be "the message" she going for in trying to lecture the audience. When it fails is she going to blame Toxic Masculinity again? It's even more sad to me knowing this is Ray Liotta's last movie.


She was raised in the wild by bears and working in the movie business has given her a lot of experience with cocaine.




What makes *any* filmmaker qualified to make a particular movie? Would you be complaining if she was a man?

I don't like everything Banks has said, or all the films she's made, but I'm willing to give her a chance. Maybe she's keen on expanding her range as a filmmaker. Good for her. If she was making another Pitch Perfect film, or another all-female action franchise film, like Charlie's Angels, you'd be complaining, so why not give her a chance with this one?


>What makes *any* filmmaker qualified to make a particular movie?



She did fine.


The message I got was how bad the drug war is. All it leads is to destruction and death.


I feel like there's no right answer to this because it's a loop. If Banks was simply complaining about toxic masculinity, she would be told to make her own movies. Now she's started doing that, she's not qualified enough - but she can't become qualified if she doesn't make movies. Also, how many other directors have you posed this question about?


I have no problem with a director like Elizabeth Banks making here shitty feminist films which are easy to ignore. The problem is that you give them an inch and they want to take a mile. In her delusional opinion it's now a feminist issue she was turned down to direct a Marvel movie and has also complained she would never be able to direct a Mission Impossible movie. Tom Cruise is smart enough he won't let her crazy ass anywhere near a Mission Impossible movie. The idea of her making a movie like Cocaine Bear would be a stepping stone to invade further masculine spaces when it comes to making movies. Imagine someone like her thinking she could direct a movie like John Wick. It's enough to make you want to puke.


I don't know what you mean by "you give them an inch and they want to take a mile". Who are the "them" you're referring to and what could she possibly take, other than more directing jobs? Loads of shit directors get chance after chance to make movies, after failing miserably, it's not a big deal. I don't personally think she's suited to make a Mission Impossible movie, but I don't think Charlie's Angels was badly directed, she just should've brought in another writer imo - so I'm not against her doing a movie of this nature. Also, what is this supposed invasion of masculine spaces? Do you also gag whenever men direct women-led or feminine films? I doubt that you do.


Because it's about a female bear?


I expressed my doubts, but it seems to be popular with the public and critics.


She's a woman. She checks a box.
