The moronic complaint

That people in Italy would have recognized Bruce. To that I say:

Giovanni Ferrero is an Italian worth 25 Billion Dollars. If he showed up in the United States would you recognize him?


Sure I would, I've bought enough of his chocolate.


I think you’re lying but OK. Only you know the truth


I can recognize every billionaire in the world


Yes I would recognize him


Is this loser still posting about this movie? Get a goddamn life you cunt.


It's gotta be tough being married to this movie.


I’m not, just calling it like it is. I have even addressed a minor flaw I have with it (the scene where Daggett and Selina break the 4th wall about the Clean Slate). I think you need to chill out and quit obsessing over a movie you clearly don’t like.


Your approach is the most civil I have seen yet. Very well. I will chill. However, "obsessing" is not the exclusive right of affection. I am obsessed with my disappointment with this movie ... BUT ... you are being cool now so I will too.


I’m glad you took my advice. It’s just that obsessing so much over someone else’s opinion of a movie isn’t healthy.


Don't spoil it.


Most criticisms of TDKR are lazy as hell.


They are, it was just the cool thing back on 2012 to make up things to bitch about and most of these losers just don’t want to admit they were wrong. This level of scrutiny has never been applied to any other film ever.


I'm pretty sure more people have scrutinized The Shining (just to name one). They made a documentary about the fan theories.


TDKR has been more heavily scrutinized . Also analyzing and inventing things to complain about are two separate things.


Scrutiny as in "closely examining"? I can't agree that TDKR has been more scrutinized than The Shining.

If not The Shining, what about Star Wars? You think people haven't analyzed that to death every year since it came out in 1977? The Matrix? The Godfather? Citizen Kane?

Heck, I think more people pour over The Dark Knight than its sequel.


No TDKR has been more nitpicked than any other film, there is a cult out there looking for things to complain about.


Nitpicked is not the same thing as scrutinized, that's a different statement.


Fine, I’ll amend my statement: No other film has been unfairly NITPICKED as TDKR. Happy?


I don't think I'd have said anything had that been the statement.

I personally disagree, but that's because "unfair" is almost entirely subjective. What you think are unfair nitpicks a lot of other people consider reasonable criticisms. Vice versa on other films. I'm sure I could name some movies that I think are unfairly nitpicked which you might say were just being brought to task for flaws in their narratives.


It’s not subjective at all, no one would ever apply that level of scrutiny to any other film. They did it to TDKR because they were sad and bitter that the movie was great despite not needing the Joker.


It is subjective. Others view it as legitimate complaint, you don't.


It’s not subjective, it’s an objective fact. You would never complain this much about any other movie and I have proven that movies like Last Crusade and Lord of the Rings have the EXACT same problems that these losers claim TDKR has.


You would not accept any critique of this film. Only scores allowed are 10/10. Why do you dismiss every flaw addressed in this film? You realize you can like something without being blind to it's faults correct? What is a nitpick then? It seems anytime someone says anything to the contrary about this film you deflect to saying well other films have flaws as well, or that is a nitpick.


I’ll accept criticisms when a legitimate criticism is presented to me. So far all I have seen are either made up complaints (complaints that wouldn’t be made if the person complaining actually understood the movie) or bitchy nitpicks.


See this is a silly game as well. No matter what is said you will say it is a nit pick or deflect to other films. How do you win? Sounds like a damned if you do damned if you don't type scenario.


I have listened to every single “criticism” of TDKR and none of them stand up to scrutiny. And what’s pathetic is that these same haters make idiotic excuses for the same issues being in other films. All you’re demonstrating is your own bias.


And my point exactly. So no one on this planet has made a legitimate complaint about the film?


Not that I’ve heard and I’ve heard a bunch of bullshit.


Why should I believe you?


I couldn’t care less if you believe me.


How 'bout this for a subjective opinion: I think you're wrong.


How’s this for an objective fact: You are wrong.


wow that's a horrible analogy - bruce wayne was shown to be a popular target of the paparazzi - he would be easily would be recognized world wide


There is zero evidence he was well known outside of Gotham, we only see the Paparazzi take pictures of him IN GOTHAM. And he was photographed once in 4 years (at the party he deactivated the cameras with the EMP device). Bruce travelled the world in Batman Begins and no one recognized him except Ra’s al Ghul, Bruce went to Hong Kong in The Dark Knight and no one recognized him. You would never recognize an Italian billionaire in the United States, its perfectly logical no one would recognize Bruce. Just one of the many made up complaints about TDKR.

It’s a very legitimate analogy, the problem is with you.
