MovieChat Forums > Dredd (2012) Discussion > nothing memorable about this film

nothing memorable about this film

the matrix 1 has the initial opening with trinity, the "show me" morpheus vs Neo fight scene, the escape in the building in the wall etc etc. I could go on, every scene is memorable

nothing stood out in this. ive seen it 3 times. all I remember is concrete massive building, scarred bad lady, some weird slow mo drug. there's no "damnnnnn im going to remember that epic scene forever"


Watch the 1995 version, might be more your liking?


nope sucks too. you could have proven me wrong by mentioning even one memorable amazing scene. but you didn't.


Leftists are always miserable and hate everything.


hahaha just when I thought your response couldn't get worse. you somehow get even more stupid.


No man im a leftist and love this movie. Saw it in theaters in 3d no less. I don't have any hope for a sequel unfortunately. If it was going to happen it would have by now.


SPOILERS BELOW (for anybody who stumbles upon this)

I recollect several memorable scenes from Dredd, and while they may not hit the same memorability (is that a word?) as the scenes you mentioned from The Matrix, I'd also posit that The Matrix is a terribly high bar to hit.

There's a scene near the end where a character is given the slo-mo and then pitched over the tower. It's visually interesting and a dark, if arguably just, end of an evil character.

The scene where Dredd actually goes against his very strict code on behalf of the rookie. This is a great character moment, and creates a neat interaction between the two leads.

At one point, a lot of firepower is employed against Dredd that chews up a lot of the architecture around him - I found that memorable.

There's the moment when we learn that the backup isn't really backup.


Anderson's psychic interrogation of one of the bad guy mooks is scary and sci-fi awesome.

But, honestly, the first thing that I think of when I think of this movie are the two lead characters. There's a great contrast between new judge Anderson and the formidable Dredd. They interact well together, with good strain and conflict for drama - nothing feels manufactured. Their character arcs and how they think of one another throughout the film changes, shifts, and grows, and makes the story more interesting than just a shoot-'em-up.

While I'd never argue Dredd was the equal of The Matrix, I do think it's a fine film with a lot to love; beyond a bunch of moments, it gives us well-crafted characters, a great atmosphere, and cool entertainment.


ya none of this things you mentioned were that good..

a villian falling to their death? ive never seen that before!

a character going against their code. ive never seen that before!

a good guy getting shot at against overwhelming odds. ive never seen that before!

now the fact its been done before isn't a problem in itself. its "what did you add that made your version of it unique, visually stunning, particularly impactful etc"

and I would argue nothing.. nothing at all.


Those are very reductive ways of looking at those scenes. You cited Morpheus vs. Neo in The Matrix, and while I agree that that's an exciting moment in that film, I could just apply your mode and easily say, "Oh, a mentor sparring a student to show him new powers? I've never seen that before!"

Now, I agree that the execution makes the movie, and old tropes, archetypes, or cliches can seem fresh given great dialogue, performances, or aesthetics.

My disagreement with you on Dredd will come from the latter two; while I don't think the dialogue was bad in Dredd, it wasn't like it was coming from the Coen Brothers, either.

In my description of the death-by-falling, I cited the slo-mo and the visuals that did make it more memorable. The fact that the slo-mo was used to give her a long time to stew in her punishment before hitting pavement - that's more unique. I disagree that this isn't a bit of a twist.

Dredd fleeing heavy gunfire had the building coming down around him and I can picture that distinctly.

And, as I said at the end of my post, the movie has a great atmosphere. In other words, I agree with your statement that done before isn't the problem and the way the old stories are delivered is more valuable. But one of Dredd's best traits is its atmosphere and the world lifted from the 2000 A.D. comics.

Again, I know this isn't as iconic, memorable, or great as The Matrix, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good movie and has nothing memorable about it. It wasn't memorable *to you*, and that's fine, but don't tell me that I don't think back on this movie and recall scenes that were cool or memorable, because I do.


Those are very reductive ways of looking at those scenes. You cited Morpheus vs. Neo in The Matrix, and while I agree that that's an exciting moment in that film, I could just apply your mode and easily say, "Oh, a mentor sparring a student to show him new powers? I've never seen that before!"

I literally said "now the fact its been done before isn't a problem in itself. its "what did you add that made your version of it unique, visually stunning, particularly impactful etc""

I know you read it because you addressed this comment after so why strawman me?

I could further elaborate and argue its an excellently choreographed scene, beautifully shot, the mise en scene was also stunning and they did things we never saw before. it was extremely important for both characters development. I don't argue "it had da biggest explosions and punches its da best". I actually have a decent filmic understanding.

I don't think dredd was bad, I don't think the acting was bad, I don't think the sets were bad, or cinematography. it's just as the kids say "mid". its meh, its "cream of wheat". its not bad, but its not particularly good either.

The feeling of "damn I just witnessed that happen?" that I constantly get from the Matrix isn't in Dredd (for me). why? because of what I said above, they didn't do anything new, and they didn't do anything old particularly outstanding either.

this scene???this isn't good...........unique doesn't mean good. the Room is unique... Howard the duck is unique..

but don't tell me that I don't think back on this movie and recall scenes that were cool or memorable, because I do.

I mean i asked you and I got "the atmosphere was good and her falling was cool and him escaping was cool".

im glad the film stuck with you but it wasn't that good and everything I saw is true. its why nobody cares about this film. it didn't stick with 99% of people except a small cabal who are trying to convince everyone its actually a really good film.


I addressed your first statements because you brought them up. You used that as part of your rhetoric, so I don't think it's a strawman to respond to your statements, even I did find them contradictory with the later statements. Perhaps I don't understand what you were getting at with those first reductions? Could you give me a better idea of why you made those statements?

I agree with you that unique does not necessarily equal good. My point was that the scene was memorable, which was responding to your assertion that nothing about the film was memorable. On that point, I initially gave you six scenes I found memorable, not "the atmosphere was good and her falling was cool and him escaping was cool". In addition to the six scenes, I commented more generally on what I appreciated about the character arcs and the dynamic between the two leads, in addition to the feel of the film which provides us with a sci-fi dystopia that felt lived in and interesting; I think they got a lot of good worldbuilding done in not a lot of runtime. Yes, they're taking it from the source material, but that doesn't mean the film didn't do a good job of it - in my opinion, anyway.

And I'll say this again: I agree that The Matrix is far more memorable. We can absolutely talk about how much better the chroeography, composition, pacing, and character development is in Morpheus vs. Neo as opposed to the stuff in Dredd - if you want to - but the original contention, that this was a film with nothing memorable in it, is what I was originally responding to. The overall quality of Dredd, or its relative quality to other films like The Matrix is another topic. We can get into that if you like.

I think Dredd is a good-to-great sci-fi/action film. I think it's a cult hit, and I don't disagree that it's not widely popular and loved by a small group who think it's really great; that sounds about right to me. I happen to really enjoy it.


well maybe "one memorable amazing scene" isnt the be all and end all of a good movie
..its about the journey and the immersion , for me anyway

so whilst you might be correct that theres nothing memorable , that doesent autimatically imply bad


I asked for one as an example to at least attain one I may have missed. not that a film needs a single huge set piece.

the journey and immersion wasn't that good.... generic concrete building. generic protagonist arc, generic bad guy falls to death (lady)

I didn't say the film is bad. it isn't. I just see a lot of high praise for it.


Great film, lots of memorable scence, the gattling gun, dredds vs dredds fight, ma mas not the law scence, car chase at the beginning,solid 8 out of 10


you are welcome to your low standards.


It has favourable reviewed mostly positive, perhaps its you with the low standards, enjoy.


the film is irrelevant. nobody cares about it. its had no influence on film. no, you have low standards and it shows. I can think of hundreds of films id rather watch. I wouldn't even throw it on in the background


thank you,
this movie gets a bunch of hype but it's just a CGI snoozefest with annoying characters


exactly. who is particularly likeable or interesting? Dredd by his nature is fairly 2d but his sidekick is just as uninsteresting.

they just use terms like "interesting" to describe the setting. which is bland and boring.

if one of the coolest things they can point to is a slow motion fall with a tik Tok filter. this film is mid.

I just wish more people would stop confusing "I like it" with "its a good movie".


Stallone Judge Dredd is good sci-fi film while carl urban dredd is shit sci-fi film.

carl urban bash stallone dredd while he promote this shit film when it release. what nerve. stallone dredd actually have fun and exite action scene and great score. this film is boring! pile of shits.


Disagree. It's a masterpiece.

Saw it in 3D and still remember some of the effects.


Agree completely. Two quick bits before work.

1. Kudos to the star for keeping his FUCKING HELMET ON THE ENTIRE TIME. You have a character who for whatever reason never takes his helmet off, then DON'T FUCKING TAKE THE HELMET OFF. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT?

2. Fantastic world building. Very dark but very consistent. Little bits like the charge, prosecution and judgement on the homeless guy. Hilarious. Very true to the tone of the comic.


I like the film but it is a pretty by-the-numbers contained action film.

I like the visual flair and the action is well done but I guess I would agree it's a bit one note and can be forgettable. Still a good fun watch though.
