MovieChat Forums > Monster (2022) Discussion > I think he didn't come off as creepy and...

I think he didn't come off as creepy and weird irl

I think the look of the actor and his acting is greatly exaggerating how a serial killer has to be socially creepy and akward. In picutes and videos of the real dahmer he looks much more masculine and socially competent.


You cannot be serious..

The dude was definitely creepy and weird in real life. In his interviews, his face doesn't even show any type of human emotion when he talks about killing, dismembering, cooking, and eating humans.

A LOT of people got seriously bad vibes from the dude. He was reported to the cops numerous times for a reason. Not to mention, he was kicked out of the military, had zero friends, and could only make connections with socially unacceptable people(at the time).

You're just wrong on this one.

I mean..where do you think they get the serial killer stereotypes from?


And then we have the word of the court-appointed psychologist, George Palermo: "He spoke kindly of Dahmer, describing him as, "Amiable, pleasant to be with, courteous, with a sense of humor, conventionally handsome, and charming in manner. He was, and still is, a bright young man."


Oh well then I guess that settles it. Some guy that said "he seemed pretty cool to me."


Dahmer seemed pretty cool but that Albert Fish guy was a real jerk!


Ah yes the court appointed psychologist reduced to "some guy" by "some annoying twat on the internet". See i can be a reductive faggot too.


Interesting choice of words there.


I call a spade a spade.


Do you think Ralph Maccio is a good actor?


No but he sure can paint a fence.
I think he's serviceable, his best role is probably My Cousin Vinny.


Do you think Zoltan accurately predicts the future?


What does Macchio have to do with Dahmer?


What I read about him sounds more like he could be charming or at least acting like a normal dude if he wanted to. How would he lured all these guys in his appartments if he was coming off as a creepy weirdo all the time?

Its also about his real life looks and how he moved seemed more attractive/masculine in the movie. So I can see why many people went along with him.


A lot of his victims were people that he simply offered money or sex to. I don't think he was ever all that charming, and definitely not like a Ted Bundy.


You mean most of his victims were prostitutes?


You might start to notice odd behavior if you spent enough time with him, but if you just met him pre-arrest and had a conversation, he would seem like a normal, mild-mannered, articulate guy, going by his interviews. He had his friend group in high school that he would hang out with in and outside of school.

I can’t fathom why so many people think Ted Bundy is charming and attractive. He definitely gives off smarmy vibes. Ed Kemper is the most charming serial killer IMO.


He didn't seem creepy in real life to be honest. I lived in a small Canadian town in Ontario and plenty of men had a similar accent and demeanor. Now I know Jeffrey is from the midwest USA but he sound extremely similar to the men around Ontario and as far as the personality it's pretty common. Not the ''killing people'' thing but the blank stare and blandness. Most of these guys are working class and don't really have any sort of big ambition or animated personalty.

It's actually creepier how common and ''everyday small town'' Jeffery seemed. It's how he passed unnoticed.


Yes, I come from Ottawa and in college, I knew many rural guys from the Ottawa Valley. Dahmer as played in this series would have fit right in there, accent, word choice, demeanor and all.


The poor people of Milwaukee never saw it coming. He seemed like an unremarkable character. A wolf in sheeps clothing.


You are definitely right. The reason Dahmer was able to do what he did for so long was because he was likeable and convincing. But hey, creepy cannibal guy must be stereotypically portrayed like a creepy cannibal guy in a Netflix horror show - which kind of defeats the whole point and reality of how serial killers can behave just like normal people.


I was going to post the same thing. In the Stone Phillips interview, he's extremely articulate and speaks without a stammer. It's one of the reasons why that interview stayed with me for so many years. In this series, he comes across as borderline autistic like a Napolean Dynamite.

I think Peters almost nailed the accent (somewhat exaggerated) but the awkwardness was way overplayed. I don't know whether to fault the acting or the characterization but it's probably a mix of both. People already have their preconceived notions. If you don't watch any of the documentaries or interviews, Peters portrayal is still believable, but the real life Dahmer was much more chilling.


No I have to disagree. Even if I didn't know anything about the real Jeffrey Dahmer - I'd be able to tell within 5 minutes something was seriously wrong with him. He's almost too placid. Placid to the point you can tell something is lurking behind the mask. Now, to be fair, I certainly wouldn't peg the real Dahmer as a serial killer (assuming I just met him and didn't know a thing about him). But I would know something isn't right with him. I'd end up quickly discarding him.


He definitely comes across as awkward, kind of like Napoleon Dynamite!
