Better than Marvel

I am only 2 episodes in and it is already 10 times better than the Marvel/Disney crap shows.


*laughs in WandaVision and Moon Knight*

Unkewl I know, but it’s like that. Goddamn right, kewl broken record.

Oh, what I meant to say is… FINALLY someone said it! For, like the ten thousandth or so time. It’s new, though! So new. I mean, no one saw this coming from day 1, right? Of course, you’ve only seen it every time another kewl non-Marvel comic joint comes out (especially when it comes from the incredibly hit and miss DCEU obvs) and it actually manages to impress many. Hating on the big kid on the block (which is still ruling despite its kewl detractors always trying to convince anyone who isn’t them that every new project from them is going to kill the franchise once and for all) is of course the kewl bro way. Betta? More consistent and amusingly colorful and than two of them so far, sure. ;)

But lol, hilarious to think that many of the kewl DC-sters who were trashing everything about the notable Marvel director behind this latest DC show years ago are now eating up a project by him. Predictable AF. It’s different cuz this be the “real” Gunn? That’s kewl, kewl one. Well even when he departs the kewl-to-hate-franchise y’all’s too good for, pretty damn sure Marvel will be doing just fine without him and the support of its tired detractors.

Yeah, but yer kewl, bro. Totally. Yer with the kewl crowd, and that be edgy. Well ok kewl bro with the “bold” takes, you keep telling this to yourself and yer kewl crowd. Ya definitely in agreement with each other. Anyway, so I started blasting...


That was a great Anti drug PSA!


Better than Hawkeye and Falcon/Winter Soldier. But I have it tied with WandaVision, with Loki still at the top.

Definitely better than Boba Fett though and that's been its main competition.


I like the irreverent tone and more raunchy approach. Some asshats are whining about Wokeness because it portrays a fat black girl as a lesbian with a quasi-butch girlfriend, but this show actually allows POC actors to showcase their acting rather than playing idealized POCs that White Liberals can pat on the back with approval. I credit James Gunn with his writing style and direction for this one and while I wouldn't throw it as an ultimate comparison to all of the Marvel projects it does surpass their latest deluge of sequels that imho are pretty underwhelming. Also, Disney's financial fingerprints are leaving a bad taste in my mouth with what they continue to do with the Star Wars universe and I think it will be even more apparent with upcoming Marvel projects.


Good post. I did not consider this show to be woke. Its approach to diversity was uncommonly organic and well done.

I still think about 1/3 of the new Marvel shows are better though. Great to see DC finally putting out some quality stuff.

My faith in Disney's handling of Star Wars had been at 0% up until Mandolorian. It and BoBF have managed to get me paying attention again at least. Don't like the other SW stuff they are cranking out though.


The biggest problem i have with the MCU shows is the pacing. It takes FOREVER before anything actually happens and it takes itself too seriously, So there no fun in it at all. For the most part anyways.


Agreed, I can't get into the Marvel shows at all. This is also better than any Marvel movie even though I do enjoy some of them. For me this and The Boys are easily the best comic book stuff out there.
