Stephen Graham sucks

Terrible actor. He plays that same stupid angry midget in every movie. He was terrible as Al Capone and barely tolerable in The Irishman. He’s a major overactor.


Catch him when he is in one of the seasons of the British show Line of Duty. His role runs the entire spectrum of human behavior and it might change your opinion of his skills. Too often these actors get typecast to their disadvantage.



Disagree totally with you, Graham is one of the best character actors around today.


Clearly a troll post, this is why IMDB shut down the boards


You’re an idiot, do you even know the definition of a troll? It’s not someone who has a different opinion than you. I genuinely think he sucks.


Sir, the message boards was shut down because of people like you.

People who use the word troll for anyone that has a different opinion from him.


LOL Is midget on the banned word for the crazy left yet?


Is "midget" on what banned word?
How can a word be on another word?

I assume by "crazy left" you meant to try to get a little politic dig on a wholly unrelated topic. Both extremes of of the political spectrum are kind of crazy, your point is kind of moot.

Some kids just can't make viable arguments or form grown-up opinions. Therefore they resort to insults and go out of thier way to add nothing of substance to the subject at hand in order to attempt to get a rise out of people.


Would we all agree only one side of the spectrum is a into banning words and phrases though?


It depends on where and when, as well. It's hard to categorize millions of people under one blanket.

Historically (for arguments sake), the communists/socialists were/are far left, while the conservatives and fascism were/are on the far right.

That's not to say every "left-leaner" is a commie or socialist, same as every "right-leaner" isn't fascist.

Both sides have had thier share of censorship, book banning/burnings and "fear-mongering" throughout their histories though.

Now, I'm no political science expert or anything but it seems that both extremes on the spectrum are kind of crazy in their own ways. IMO, anyway.


That’s a great example and I do agree with you on that point but Tim seems to be speaking on current trends.


His scenes with Pacino were the best of this film.


Agreed. He didn't have a ton of screen time, but he definitely held his own and did a great job.

I haven't seen much of him tbh. The stuff I have seen him in I enjoyed though.
"Snatch", "Gangs of New York", "Man with the Iron Heart", "Public Enemies", "Boardwalk Empire" and of course, "the Irishman" are the only things I think I've seen him in. Off the top of my head, anyway.

I love GoNY, but he really stood out in Boardwalk Empire to me.
