MovieChat Forums > 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar (2022) Discussion > "American Football Has Too Many Stops"

"American Football Has Too Many Stops"

For people who say this, and cite things like there's only 9 minutes of "action" in 3 hours of watching... can't the same be said of Men's Professional Tennis, just a fer-instance? But everyone likes tennis, right?


I think it's because you can compare it to rugby which doesn't have the stop and start play style like American football does.


I don't think that's a very reasonable comparison. Also, I wouldn't say "everyone likes tennis" by any stretch. If anything, I'd so most people have no interest in watching tennis; it's something of a niche sport. But beyond that, tennis is a series of intense, and often lengthy, back and forth attacks between two players. There are pauses after points, but it isn't like football, where the vast majority of the game is simply people standing around. I believe the actual stat is 95% of a football game is people standing around, and 5% is players playing football.


"often lengthy, back and forth attacks"

maybe in the womens' game, but the mens' is very fast. I like tennis and American Football, but the percentage of those games where there is "action" is probably similar, if someone crunched the numbers.


well baseball is the most boring sport as opposed to American Football,Ice Hockey and Basketball all are relativity fast paced and when scoring happens why there top 3 favorite sports Futbol/Soccer is getting up there at the number 4 spot


No, if only because tennis is a direct battle between two (ok, sometimes 4) individual players. It's a totally different game

Tennis these days has other problems.


Rugby League is probably the most exciting of the rugby "family" of sports, i.e. Union, League & American football to watch.

What would be interesting to see would be a bastardisation of League to encompass forward passes. Then you'd get the positive of America football but without the constant stopping for 10 minutes and resetting.


And why do Yanks hilariously call every fuckin sport THEY play as ''World'' series?
