MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Star Wars needs to focus on the future

Star Wars needs to focus on the future

The creators should start a series or movie 100 years after the Rise of Skywalker.

There they can start with brand new characters (with the exception, maybe, of Grogu or Chewbacca) and have new adventures that doesn’t hurt the established canon.

This latest fiasco with Kid Adi Mundi just sealed it for me.

It’s just impossible to make a product about the past timelines that will not contradict some canon. Clearly, the creators are not cautious enough to handle these stories with enough care.

At least by going 100 years after the Rise of Skywalker they have more creative freedom and don’t have to be thinking too much about canon.


That or just come up with a new idea and make something original.


That would be ideal. But we need to be realistic. The Star Wars brand is popular and money talks.

If they fast forward 100 years they can keep using the brand name, have more creative freedom and minimize damaging the canon and pissing off fans.


Maybe instead of (as we are now finding out) openly discriminating against white males and hiring from demographics that massively over represent minorities they could hire people based on whether they actually give a shit about Star Wars.


That would still be set in the past.


Lol, I see what you did there.


Star Wars shouldn't have expanded beyond the original trilogy.


There's still so much of Legends can that be adapted.


That’s true. However, the problem is the current creative team. They are reckless enough to find someway to actually contradict canon, even going 5,000 years to the past.

That is why going to the future might be the best option.


No, because Luke Skywalker IS Star Wars, the pretend fans need to learn this. The only thing real fans want to see is Luke as a young Jedi having adventures, training Han and Leia's children and turning a non race swapped Mara Jade from a Sith to a Jedi.


Theres no saving this brand now. Its been so heavily tainted any true fans of Star Wars basically refuse to watch anything new in an attempt to preserve whatever there is left of the originals to enjoy. I would equate the "modern" brand of Star Wars to silly fan fiction written and developed by activists. There love is to that of political and social agendas rather than anything "Star Wars" was based on in terms of the public fandom.

However... even most of the traditional Star Wars fans have still never came to the realization that Star Wars is basically based around Wicca and the Occult in a way to steer the public in that direction through "Hollywood". Of course Kathleen Kennedy does because she is part of the Occult herself in a major way.

Lucas was never really honest about how he developed this "Universe" either but whatever. From the outside watch the "Star Wars" brand was at least entertaining for the average person that was unaware of its origins. Now its not even that .... which is BY DESIGN. Its meant to be CRUSHED now and Kennedy is doing her part. Outside of Occult researchers nobody will speak about this. We are in 2025 territory now which is a whole new ballgame in terms of finalizing a worldwide Agenda.

Why Kennedy? For that you will have to go back to 2008/2009 timeframe and a critical restructuring in the power structure that took place FAR ABOVE just the entertainment industry. Star Wars just a tiny part of all this. Its really about dismantling and sacrificing Disney as well as most of Hollywood major "Brands". Kennedy is basically playing a figurehead role in "repentance".

So Buckle up people have not seen ANYTHING yet. 2025 marks the beginning of "Externalization" of your new deities and people like Kennedy are just setting the stage for the forerunner/forerunners.

Of course this is an "entertainment" site with Adult fans who collect toys and play with fake light sabers so most wont understand. Oh well.


Whoa, dude.


LOL.. Yes it gets pretty out there if people dont understand the Occult. Its not theory though. All this has been written about for ages. Star Wars was outed by the highest level defector of the Occult back in the 70s. "The Force" is the obvious tip off to it but most people dont understand what that means outside of "Star Wars" either. The 2025 stuff was written about back in 2019. Then you can get into the Kennedy bloodline itself which are a very ancient Satanic line within the occult. Kathleens bloodline was stripped of a lot of power back in 2009 uring the restructuring along with 6 other Satanic lines. To understand that you have to know who William Cornelius Van Duyn is and what he managed to do in 2009.

This stuff is fairly common knowledge among researchers of the Occult ... our "puppetmasters" but the average person wont know anything about it. Even the "evilness" of Disney is not fully understood. Walt was basically a "porn king" early on. Another extremely satanic line which is why so much is hidden in plain site throughout Disney's history.

Star Wars has always been loaded with Wicca content though although it was bettr disguised because back then it basically had to be. Now society has become much different so it is being more externalized. Same goes for Lord of the Rings. Tolkien was also extremely high level within the Occult.


I am glad Michael Jackson clarified that he does not believe in the occult.


Michael Jackson? Jackson was certainly in the Occult. Basically all the child celebrities are. They are programmed. Use to be called Multiple Personality Disorder but that was changed to Disassociate Identity Disorder MANY years ago. It doesnt really matter what they "Say". Its more about what Alter they are in when they say it. Theres footage out there of some of these celebrities and politicians being triggered into switching to a different alter. Sometimes its a phrase or even a number, color, jewel etc. Pretty wild stuff once you learn about how its done to them. Jackson was obviously converted at a very early age along with the rest of the Jacksons. I would have to dig through a few of my books on the programming to cite specific examples. Usually I dont care about celebrities because its kind of foolish to believe any of them are NOT in the occult. Sinatra was a huge Satanist. John Wayne was Luciferian. Elvis was also a major occultist. This stuff goes back a LOOONG ways. "Holly" wood was basically founded on it.

Crazy thing is this info was all exposed over 50 years ago but people still cant understand it. Easiest present example is Taylor Swift who is a Mother of Darkness witch. M.O.D. is a very nasty sect of the occult.

These people use our language but it has different meaning. If you can understand the principles of Luciferianism or Satanism you can spot it right in their lyrics. Jackson was a mess though. All his bizarre behavior has programming written all over it. Like Elvis his "doctor" was also one of his handlers. Its not unusual for programming to break down. Sometimes they are fixed.. Britany spears, Kanye West, Andrew Tate etc. all easy examples of that happening. These people dont have a "Self" its just programming. Same goes for Politicians.


How do the Lizard People fit in with all of this?


easiest way to understand the Reptilian or "Lizard People" stuff is probably through Mothers of Darkness. Most of what is pushed about "Lizard People" is just bait nonsense to make people look like fools. However if you go deep into Occult research it all makes sense. Heres a section from an article where a whistleblower that kind of explains it.

"The rituals for this purpose creates an intense energy field, a vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to the lower fourth dimensional reptilians and other consciousness of the lower fourth dimension. This dimensional field is also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on. When a ritual focuses these emotions, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension and its parasitic reptilian gods. This is when possession takes place and the reptilian entities take over the initiate’s physical body. The leading Satanists are in fact full blood reptilians cloaked in human form."

Theres a lot more to this of course but basically the higher level members of the Occult worship these "Parasitic Reptilian Gods" and partake in rituals where they communicate with them for "guidance". Now... I dont believe witchcraft is because if it was they would just put spells on people instead of all the work they do with programming which is a whole nother area of research. These "People" believe in the dark arts though and base their rituals around it. Mothers of Darkness is a pretty hard core sect of the occult though. It gets very dark and people tend to get freaked out when they start learning about what these "Enlightened Ones" get up to when they have their meetings. People also go into denial when they find out some celebrity or politician they "like" is heavily involved.

Theres no evidence Reptilian Humanoids living among us though. Thats always been ridiculous. People are gullible.


Yeah, Lizard People, what was I thinking?


Lizard People stuff has been programmed into the populace along with a WHOLE lot of this other nonsense people fall for. "Demonic Portals", "Alternative Timelines" etc. I lot of the right fall for it from the Influencer crowds. These same "Influencers" are largely in part just disinfo agents. Theres a whole list of classifications for those in intelligence circles. "Spoonfeeders" and "Agents of influence" being some of the most common you will run into with online content these days are a dangerous one. Here...

AGENT OF INFLUENCE--These agents can be unwitting, under mind-control, or ideologically motivated to use their positions of influence to sway the minds of others. Examples of Agents of Influence are anchor men on T.V., journalists, labor leaders, TV commentators, academics quoted by the media, & some politicians.

SPOON-FEEDER AGENT--Someone who dribbles out legitimate information, this is often done to build up a person's credentials (bona fides). Lots of the people who are pretending to expose the NWO are spoon-feeder agents who provide a little new information, tons of already known secrets, and sprinkle in a measure of disinformation for added fun. Generally spoon-feeders increase their percentage of disinformation once they gain respectability.

"Lizard People" of course goes back to ancient times but in its more modern form I would say the biggest influence/manipulation comes from things like V (TV series). The reboot of that series in 2009 contained a LOT of occult leaks people still cant grasp. "Bliss" being a major one.

The Actual Reality of it though comes more from these Reptilian Demons they worship. New Agers (which is 100% occult) sometimes call the Archons. John Carpenters "They Live" is also founded in this but Carpenter wont admit it. Piper did once. The "They" is the Illuminati. That entire film basically spells it all out but Carpenter is fairly subtle with it so unless people REALLY know the Occult well they cant spot it.


Ah yes, the highly known and highly regarded V-remake that was cancelled.

>Lizard People stuff has been programmed into the populace along with a WHOLE lot of this other nonsense people fall for. "Demonic Portals", "Alternative Timelines" etc.

You know no-one actually thinks alternative timelines and demonic portals exist, right?


Someone on here certainly has multiple personality order, to be sure.


Sadly many people Do believe it. You have top tier scientists (At least the frontmen) online that push these fantasies as fact and people fall for it. The massive increase of the populace self medicating through things like Drugs dont help either. People lose touch with reality and chose fantasy for escape.

Skavau I can tell just from your last couple replies to me that you have no idea what Im talking about in terms of things like programming and the occult so this is all going to be over your head. Your ego and arrogance about your own level of knowledge on the subject does not help either. These little passive attempts at insulting me is also childish and juivinile as well. You may not be mature enough to handle this type of info or posts. I dont have a lot of patience for ego driven ignorance and self denial/deception these days so I probably wont waste time replying to you anymore. Im not interested in fighting with people online who dont have a clue what I am talking about and then just resort to short statements cussing me out and insulting. Its boring.

And its Multiple Personality DISorder. Actually nobody really calls it that anymore at the clinical level. Its refered to as Disassosiative Identity Disorder (D.I.D. for short) these days.

Have a nice day and enjoy the rest of your time on your video game while cruising the net trying to get attention by attempting to gaslight people. You are not adding anything I have not seen before MANY TIMES with your behavior.


"Many times" from an account with 32 posts. So another alternative account from a user now banned, I suspect.

Your posts are just baseless unsubstantiated conspiracy prattle over and over.

>Sadly many people Do believe it. You have top tier scientists (At least the frontmen) online that push these fantasies as fact and people fall for it. The massive increase of the populace self medicating through things like Drugs dont help either. People lose touch with reality and chose fantasy for escape.

Not sure what this has to do with The Acolyte, or tv/film, or Disney in general. Use of drugs for various reasons has all kinds of factors behind it.

The "occult" has been scaremongered for many decades. Nothing has happened. I am left with the absurd conclusion that you think all fantasy and sci-fi is evil, or "occult". It's comical.


It doesn't need to move to the future or the past. It needs to get the hell away from this handful of same planets, races and organizations. It's an entire freaking galaxy we're dealing with here. Plenty of room for whole entire other factions of Force users and whatever else. The scope of the saga was always hilariously tiny.


They did do that with the planets in the ST.

Whoever, we need to remember that there was Galactic Republic and a Galactic Empire that pretty much covered most of the galaxy. That would snuff out a lot of what you said.

Maybe going to a different galaxy? Ashoka seems to be building on that.


One of the problems is them trying to flesh out the Star Wars universe too much. Most people don't care about the Star Wars universe. They didn't care where Chewbacca came from, they didn't care about the history of the Jedis, they didn't care about the Mandalorians, they just cared about the simple story in the original trilogy. If they want people to care again then they have to get simple again. Explaining everything takes the fun out of it.


They certainly didn't care how the Kessel run was done in less than 12 parsecs.
