MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > the low ratings is due to homophobia

the low ratings is due to homophobia

who agrees ?


In essence, but that's also a byproduct of the larger: to the highly insecure people in any culture, any non normative behavior or representation is not to be tolerated at a social position equal to or above the norm. If all the whiny baby whites had red noses and a blue nose is put in charge of their favorite show putting blue noses in high positions or in a normative aspect, the same resentment would happen.

But sure it does so happen that religion and inherent bigotry toward homosexuality itself does play its part here... just not the whole story.


...representation is not to be tolerated at a social position equal to or above the norm.

This is the really interesting thing for me. I genuinely find it fascinating how this has been whipped up into a frenzy through social media.

I mean, I've watched the show and it isn't great. But it isn't that terrible either. And none of the complaints re the ACTUAL show have any more or any less validity than those which were levelled against any of the other Star Wars TV shows.

But the homophobic hysteria has been built up on absolutely nothing other than that representation you mentioned. And it isn't even representation in the actual show. I was absolutely certain, given what was being said, that I was going to see lesbians as good as banging on-screen. And yet in reality there was absolutely nothing. Nothing at all!

And then, there's been people - on here as well - claiming that the show runner had been going on about how it was the "gayest Star Wars ever". Again, absolutely garbage. Not true at all. Some interviewer (who was camp as Christmas) exclaimed it and they basically laughed along with the guy. And that was it...

So, what's really going on - Is It really as simple as the fact that the show runner herself being gay cannot be tolerated? Society just cannot accept an LGBTQ+ figure running a mainstream show? Because that's what it seems like...

Now sure maybe it changes (we've only had three episodes after all) and all of a sudden the show goes full Doctor Who. Can't really see it but maybe... However that doesn't change the fact that, given what we have seen to date, the rampant hatred / intolerance is not fueled by anything tangible in the actual show.


Not just herself, but the fear she's putting 'LGBTQ agenda' in the writing as far as actual show goes. Also 'not tolerated' can be a loaded phrase here. It can mean either out of genuine hatred or simply as a means to maintain established order and control. It depends who is enacting it, and probably for lot of people, a malleable mixture of both. If you follow some of the popular sociopolitical commentary about cultural stuff, the 'not tolerating' side here in the US, you see one pattern is that they want these things kept out of public eye - not normalized as much as possible. Homosexuality is one those things. They rant about everything they consider degenerate: homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, gender nonconformity, atheism, even furries. I mean the common denominator here is aversion based on religion, but I don't think you have to be religious to have the social insecurity. Nothing is more fearful to them generally than having a norm overturned and being on the opposite side, in the minority.

Anyway keep in mind all the whining comes from a place of not just weakness but impotence. They can't make these illegal as of now and so work with what they've got; however, as of now, nothing they will ever do will affect large parts of the country (simplistically: blue states). The only thing they can do is whine and stamp feet on social media. So they use it to full effect. Mostly, I believe, consider criticism on those grounds as disingenuous; their real criticism is the attack on current social norms. Thus in essence: "culture war", defined.

I don't even like Acolyte or Star Wars that much really and I was ready to stop watching at episode 2 and the only reason I watched 3 was all the talk about Lesbian Witches 🤣. Now 4 is promising pronouns so of course I have to turn into that. Meanwhile the show is becoming slightly more watchable. Streisand Effect in action 😁.

In all fairness though I wouldn't be surprised if it does go full Doctor Who by final episode.. the other side does have their motives too!🍿


I doubt it will but I guess we'll see.

The first season of Russian Doll (which incidentally was way better than the second) actually did have gay character representation but even that - when it could easily have done so - didn't really go full Doctor Who, so I can't really see it happening in a Star Wars show she's subsequently running.


It's like two AIs talking to each other.


Interesting psychologically.

I cannot comprehend that a viewpoint I do not adhere to could actually be real. Therefore I will conceptualise it as literally being artificial...

Do you struggle at family gatherings?


Actual AI.


You reckon?

I thought he was just one of those lost souls. Probably American, struggling to come to terms with country he's "losing" and turning to confirmatory videos in order to feel he's in a "community". I don't think he's actually an AI script...


Not American, not right wing, and also you are right about Russian Doll.


Interesting you recognise that re Russian Doll given that she was the show runner in season 1 but not season 2...


I know the woke love to play victim and find oppression wherever they can but it's not that complicated, it's just a bad show.


Yeah, it's just fundamentally lame.


If that's true, maybe they should stop making shows for homos.


i don't think so.

i think you can make a pretty clear distinction between hating lesbians and hating the way identity politics has skewed culture to the point where you can no longer have white male heroes, but instead have to have stories about queer bipocs taking down the jedi heteronormative patriarchy.


Well, I would agree with you in principle here but unfortunately you have shown the conflation that is definitely showing in this case.

There is absolutely NO queer storyline in this show whatsoever. No mention of the Jedi patriarchy! 🙄

Yet because we have a gay show runner there seems to be this intrinsic belief that the show is pushing identity politics. Which it isn't.


fair point.

i still have real hatred & disgust for the way this particular franchise has gone all in on identity, particularly in this case.

it was the biggest cultural product for boys of my era.

han solo was the guy we all wanted to be. unless we wanted to be indiana jones.

now in the sw universe, the white guy is the character who is shamed by purple haired lesbian coded laura dern for his stupidity.

this is the message that is in our face at all times - sometimes screamed softly, sometimes loudly. if you're a pale male, you're no good. bow to your female bipoc betters. that they're lesbians in this case just makes it doubly satisfying for them, no doubt.


now in the sw universe, the white guy is the character who is shamed by purple haired lesbian coded laura dern for his stupidity.

Now you are talking... That's a great example - something I didn't like either (amongst practically every single thing in that abomination of a film!).

But that's exactly the sort of thing that I'm saying isn't in this show at all. Thus far anyway. And so I think it's all just projected conflation due to the lesbian show runner.


full disclosure: i haven't actually watched the acolyte.

i am one of those embittered internet trolls that bad mouths shows i haven't watched. shame on me, haha.




wookiephobia wookie rights matter


It's not that people are afraid of homosexuals, it's that people are angry about what the broader media is trying to say about homosexuality. Attempting to paint it as a net-positive to society and the sustainability of a civilisation, when in reality the opposite is true.

Homosexuals cannot procreate, only indoctrinate. Yet the show depicts that homosexuals can procreate.

Homosexuals (specifically lesbians) have the highest domestic and physical abuse rates and divorces out of any pairing:

Homosexuals have the highest rates of depression, suicide, obesity, and health issues due to STDs/STIs: (data from CDC report that the CDC removed for obvious reasons)

Basically, there is no upside to promoting homosexuality among the populace in the media. It has no benefits. Yet the Acolyte is treating it like a positive net to society, among every other show that contains homosexual content. Could you imagine if every show promoted heroin as a positive thing? Never showed the downsides to heroin addiction? Never showed the damage and problems it caused? But always promoted it as a net-positive to society? We've seen how that has worked out in places that decriminalised heroin, and surprise-surprise, it wasn't good:


Our show doesn't suck! It's YOUR fault it's a failure, you racist/sexist/homophobe...

Epic save!
