MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > the low ratings is due to homophobia

the low ratings is due to homophobia

who agrees ?


Just you and your boyfriend


Why would just me and my boyfriend think this?

Or do you actually just think this is a hilarious slur since you're in a homophobic safe space?


You are attacking fans and call them homophobic (simply cause you are a hatefilled moron) and start to whine when you are attacked? You are such a loser! Get a life.


Eh, where exactly did I do this "attacking fans and call them homophobic"?

And why did you think "You and your boyfriend" is such a right on comment you had to defend it? 😳

You are such a loser! Get a life.


Well put


The low ratings are due to The Message. Disney's DEI requirements.


Not that just but the skidmark of crappy Disney Star Wars shows and movies that have led up to this steaming pile of dogshit. The only people genuinely interested are the woke flies buzzing around it.


Take it from a guy that has successfully fought off rightwingers in other Star Wars media, The Acolyte is pretty bad.

The writing is bad, the acting is bad and the characters are less than compelling.

It is getting bad reviews because it is a mediocre show.


The low ratings are cause this series is the worst trash ever released with the Star Wars label printed on it! If you think otherwise you are simply a intolerant fascist!
