Woke garbage

Evil White men ...check
Glorious non Whites...check
Unrealistic girl power....check


Someone who has nothing better to do than complain about the above points… check


Complaining about demonization of a group is "having nothing better to do".


It's a movie. You need to relax. Its not real. Also there are movies out there with every race being demonized or glorified. Goes both ways. If this upsets you as it clearly does, i think you need to get outside for a bit. Touch some grass


It's not just one movie, Now it's almost all movies. And if most movies have propaganda it does have an effect on how society views things. That's why Black activists campaigned for how Black people are portrayed in movies. The same with gays. Nobody dismissed them "oh it's just a movie".

Name me where other races are demonized. Name one modern movie.


Oh boo hoo, for 100 years it was the other way around. I understand that you feel whites are superior. "That's why Black activists campaigned for how Black people are portrayed in movies". If you cant see why you are either a racist or have your head in the sand. You have the internet look it up yourself.


Oh there you go. "Blacks weren't portrayed positively in the past therefor it's OK to portray Whites as negatively today". I asked you to name one modern movie which demonizes anyone else besides Whites. The only one having your head in the sand is you.


Nope thats not what i said , stupid. Learn some reading comprehension. Never said anything about portraying whites negatively at all. The two arent mutally exclusive.


You attempted to justify portraying Whites negatively with an argument "Blacks were portrayed that way in the past". I summarized your position correctly.


Again, stupid, I said nothing about portraying whites negatively. Learn to read and stop putting words in my mouth, you incel racist


Originally posted by chriscon1981:

Oh boo hoo, for 100 years it was the other way around.

You're actually so stupid that by saying it was the other way around you admitted Whites are portrayed negatively.

I rest my case.



If only they thought their opinions through before typing 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm sure you will have a reason to say I'm wrong.

Here are a few films that portray non-whites in a degrading manner. How is it you're not aware of these? Perhaps you can "wake up" and learn a bit about cinema?

You Don't Mess With The Zohan
Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Soul Man
The Love Guru
Song Of The South
Peter Pan - 1953
Lady and the Tramp


Listing movies from 1953. Are you serious?


Yes, I consider anything produced after WWII to be modern era in cinema. What is modern then? I figured you would make a big deal about what is considered modern.

What about the other films? I only listed one film from 1953.


Modern is Woke - meaning post 2015 genius.


Why do you draw the line at 2015? You're the only person I've seen that does this. You're just using your own definition in a feeble and fruitless attempt at winning an argument.


Nope, that's when modern wokeness started. What planet are you living on? I never complained about casting in movies before that.


So you've gone from "modern movie" to "modern wokeness". Changing your argument is not how you argue fairly. But it works really well if you want to be a joke.


It's not changing. When I said modern movie I meant woke movie? Too difficult to understand for your peanut brain?


Why do you insult people just for not agreeing with you? You say one thing then claim you meant something else after you get an answer.

Having a polite debate with you is impossible.


Name me a definition of "modern film" that cannot mean movies post an arbitrary age?


Wokist tries and fails to shut down OP for noticing woke propaganda… check


I’m not a wokist. I don’t even like Chinese food that much.


I’m not a wokist.



Yes, laughing emoji tilted to one side to indicate extreme hilarity, indeed. Excellent point.



[–] ThetaSigma (4831) 3 hours ago
I’m not a wokist. I don’t even like Chinese food that much.



You seem pretty woke.


And you seem pretty buff. You been working out? Keep it up, tiger 👌


Thanks chief 👌


Its a movie dummy, they have them of all different genres, different races of heroes and vilains. Just cause this movie doesnt fit your white power mindset doesnt mean its woke.


Idiot. The problem, as you know full well and are badly pretending not to, is that Prey portrays all white characters as evil/incompetent, and portrays the female lead as far more capable than the males in her tribe, who are portrayed as ignorant patriarchs. All of this during a time when Hollywood is spewing out relentless woke propaganda.

Now before you start formulating strawmen and other rhetorical tricks to try and gaslight readers into thinking ‘there’s really nothing to see here’ I’m going to do you the favour of letting you know I’m familiar with all such tricks, I’ve been exposing and humiliating wokists for years now. This exchange won’t go well for you if you employ any kind of deceit.

I suggest you humbly back away to save yourself any further embarrassment.


The historical context makes sense for how it portrays the white/non-white characters and Naru picks up on details about the Predator through the movie that allows her to device a strategy to beat it. It wasn't contrived.


Whites weren't all evil. Plenty of evil done by Native Americans like scalping, tribal war, treating women like shit, exterminating the buffalo, deforestation...etc. None of it is portrayed.


That is not what the story is about, it is about this girl that wants to be a hunter and then faces off with the ultimate hunter in the Predator.


Wrong, they could have easily portrayed the sexism, tribal war, scalping and torture as well as hunting the bufallo. It just wasn't in their woke agenda. Only Whites can be portrayed as evil, anyone else and it's "racist". But it's never racist against Whites. Double standards.


The sexism was portrayed with how they dismissed her aspirations to be hunter.


LOL modern day "sexism". Women Native Americans were known as "skwo" and had about the same rights as furniture. But a modern movie will never show this because it goes against the agenda of anti racism. Non Whites can never be portrayed in a negative light, no matter how historically accurate it was. My point stands.


Imaging asking for full blown historical accuracy in movie about an alien that hunts down humans.


Why not? It portrays Native American and Whites. That part could have easily been historically accurate. No reason not to unless you want to engage in propaganda.


No it is not a movie based on reality. Therefore it is not required to show these things.


The only part not based on reality is the Predator alien. Native Americans and Whites in the movie are supposed to be based on reality. If the shoe was on other foot and someone made a movie about slavery which had one alien, but then portrayed slavery in a way that demonizes Blacks everyone would complain and nobody would be satisfied with an excuse that "it's not based on reality since it has one alien in it".


Your generalization is noted and dismissed. If a movie is not based in reality it's free to do what it wants. I personally do not care when the film itself is a fantasy. Having real people in the film doesn't mean you are basing things on reality. It simply is portraying characters that happen to be a certain race. Therefore you incorporate lots of things about their culture. If a villain just so happens to be white it doesn't means it's demonizing whites. Stop with the paranoia.


You have not addressed my argument. What if the races were reversed and a fake history movie was made that made Native Americans look bad? Would you be satisfied with the argument "It features an alien therefore, the movie can be historically revisionist".

If it was just one movie that portrays Whites as bad I wouldn't mind. It's now in almost every movie. Whites are the new Arabs in movies. Always the bad guys and it all happened over the last few years.


I did. What did I say if the movie isn't based in reality I don't care what it does. So no I wouldn't care. You deliberately glossed over that didn't you? Comprehend what you read please.

Yet whites still also have most of the big roles in Hollywood. Most heroes are white. Also not ever movie does that nowadays. Black panther had a black villain, captain Phillips has black villains, Skyfall has a Spanish villain, I could go on and on.


BS. You would care. If a movie about Whites and Native Americans portrayed NAs in a negative light especially if that part was historically inaccurate it would be a HUGE controversy and in fact that kind of movie would never be made. But it's OK to make a historically revisionist movie portraying Whites as bad. Double standards against White people.

Almost all hero franchises were invented by Whites. Whites are under no obligation to have minorities in their films no more than Chinese are under obligation to have Whites in their films. If minorities want to be represented, they should make their own movies which in fact they are. Jordan Peele's movies feature mostly Black casts and Whites aren't stopping him from doing that. But nobody complains about Jordan Peele because all Black casts are OK, but all White casts aren't. More double standards against White people.


Nope as I said your generalization is dismissed. You are projecting your insecurities onto me. Since you constantly complain about race you think others do the same. I myself do not care if the movie is not based in reality. I also do not care if a character is portrayed differently than what they normally are so long as race is not essential to the character.

Hmmm, an all white cast films made today. Lets see the Northman, Birdman, Whiplash, The Town, Leave No Trace and many more. No one accuses those films of racism. Your other generalization is noted, dismissed and debunked.


Weather you care is irrelevant. The point is if the show was on the other foot, most audience would care. The movie would have been blasted by everyone for false history and demonizing Black people. In fact that kind of movie could have never been made. But if it does that to Whites according to mainstream media it's OK. Double standards.

Wow you mentioned three movies in a list od hundreds if not thousands made in the last few years. Besides, the point isn't that no movies with all White cast are made, the point is that they're criticised for it by the mainstream media, but not when it's other way around. Everyone is allowed to exclude and have identity besides White people. Double standards.


Your concession is noted. You realize you made a baseless assumption about me and then pivoted back to your generalization about people. Your generalization is again dismissed.

I could list several more films that was just off the top of my head. Also I mentioned 5 apparently you are not too good at math either huh? Lets go over my list again, the Northman, Birdman, Whiplash, The Town and Leave No Trace. That is 5. Also are those movies criticized? If so by who? Find me all this info on people complaining about those films. I will wait. Oh and lets add some more, the witch, The babadook, the lighthouse, Brooklyn, Ford v Ferrari, Gravity, Her, I Tonya, Marriage Story, Old Henry. I could keep going but I think I rest my case here.


No retort? I thought not. Scoreboard me 36 you 0.


I'm still waiting for your counter argument about what if the shoe was on the other foot and someone made a big budget revisionist history movie that portrayed Black people in negative light and whitewashed White people. That movie could have never been even made. Well this is happening in real life with Woman King, except the bias is against White people. A false history movie that whitewashes Black people (doesn't mention Dahome enslaving children, committing genocides against other tribes, mass executing prisoners, conducting mass human sacrifice....all of which are undisputed historical facts) and portrays Whites colonizers (who wanted to end slavery in reality) as one dimensional villains. The movie is pure anti White propaganda. You can't deny it.

If the movie has all White cast, there's a good practical reason for it and has nothing to do with ideology. The Northman is set in middle ages Northern Europe for example. Complaining about this movie being all White which you did is beyond ridiculous. Nobody complains about movies such as Hero being all Chinese.


I never complained about the Northman being all white. I was showcasing that your point about an all white cast movie being made today still occurs. No criticism was lobbied at the Northman or any of the films I listed. Which contradicts your point about films like that not existing today. You also lied and said I only listed 3 movies when I clearly listed 5. I then went on to list 10 more after the 5 I listed. You had no retort because it undercut your narrative. Also plenty of films have done an alternate take on history. The white savior trope is common in films. Yet you are okay with this. Also it depends on where it is filmed. If it is filmed in Africa it would be more practical to cast African folks as opposed to white. Your claim is dismissed.


There is no point behind you listing all White films. Those are all done for practical reasons and not ideological. On the other hand movies where White characters are being replaced with Blacks is ideological ("diversity", "inclusion", "equity"). Also the country is still about 70% White if you count adult population so an all White cast is statistical more likely than a diverse film. I'm still waiting for you to address this point.

If your excuse is that Woman King is alternate history, why does the trailer feature deceptive captions "based on true events"? It's done deliberately for propaganda purposes. You still haven't addressed my main point of what if the shoe was on the other foot. Yes there have been other films with alternate takes on history, but the false part of history didn't have a function of demonizing one ethnic group. In this movie, Whites are clearly portrayed as one dimensional villains. In reality, White colonialists were trying to end slavery and Black locals were strongly resisting it. Blacks didn't have the concept of Africa in those times. They were more primitive and evil than portrayed and this is all done deliberately. This movie is equivalent of someone making a movie set in 1800 South where Blacks own White slaves.

White saviour, eh? The evil of Whites trying to help non Whites. How dare they. What racism. Not to mention the fact that in reality Whites really were saviours in many cases. But Whites can't even be portrayed as good guys, right?


Nope. Remember you denied there being a list of all white cast films lately. Once I listed those you got tried to deflect to another point. Notice you attempted to downplay it by saying I only listed three when I clearly listed 5. I then listed ten more. None of those films are criticized for having an all white cast. You attempted to lie and be deceitful. Your concession is noted. Also no just because the country is 70% white does it mean a race swap can not be ideological. This lie from you is noted and dismissed.

You mean like how Fargo gets labeled as a true story? Oh and look at that season 1 is an all white cast. No outrage is made. Also in season 2 one of the villains which is Hanzee Dent is a Native American the other is a black guy Mike Milligan . Both of them are villains among a mainly white cast. You do not hear anyone outraged about a native American and a black guy being portrayed as villains in an alternate take on history. Seriously this is getting too easy. When you find yourself in a hole quit digging yourself deeper. The shoe is on the other foot and no one is outraged here.

In Fargo whites were portrayed as good guys. Step up your game you are getting absolutely destroyed here. You are talking to someone who knows cinema far better than you do.


I never said there are no all White films. I said White characters are getting replaced by non Whites lately. I never said that because a country is 70% White race swap cannot be ideological, I said that because the country is 70% White it's more realistic to have an all White cast than the other way around and all White casts are realistic. Name me one movie where race swap from Black to White was ideological.

Fargo's false story didn't have a function of demonizing any ethnic group. Fargo's non White villains are an exception and this is why the movies is famous for among other things. The same with Training day. One rapper even made a song complaining about how Denzel's character was a bad guy, that's how much of controversy an evil Black guy in movies generates today. Meanwhile White men are almost always bad guys in recent years and Black guys are good guys and it's perfectly Ok and only people on forums complain, no mainstream media controversy..

Main bad guy in Fargo is a White male, no Whites weren't portrayed as good guys.

I'm still waiting for you to address the point about show on the other side of the foot with Woman King. You just keep ignoring my arguments and telling yourself how you are destroying me, when in reality I'm destroying you.


Then why did you say I only listed 3 films when I clearly listed 5? Or is it you are too ignorant to count? Also you never addressed my point about all those films I listed either. Why are none of them criticized for having an all white cast? You said if there was an all white cast people would criticize the film and yet none of the films I listed are criticized for that. Also characters you are claiming are white you just are used to seeing portrayed that way it does not mean they are specifically and can only be seen as white. Nothing about Selina Kyle's/catwoman's race states she can only ever be portrayed as white. Eartha Kitt and the Year One comic books says hi. Argo is based on a true story. Tony Mendez is Hispanic not white, yet Ben Affleck portrays him. This character is Hispanic since it is based on a true story. Catwoman is a fictional character who can be portrayed any way a film maker wants. Her race is not essential to her character. You going to ignore the Argo whitewash?

Oh really? Remember how you criticized Woman King for claiming it was based on a true story? Why no flak for Fargo claiming it is based on a true story? Why are they an exception to the rule? Elaborate. You do not get say that and have it pass simply because you see it that way. I am not talking about the film I am talking about the tv show currently being produced. No controversy was made about a native American being portrayed as evil in the Fargo tv show. Had that been a white guy you guys would flip your lid.

False Ohanzee "Hanzee" Dent, later known as Moses Tripoli is the overarching villain in season 1 and the main antagonist of season 2. He is native American. Another lie I caught you in and consider it dismissed. Also wrong the main good guys in season 1 and 2 are white. Two lies in one paragraph wow.

I did address the point. Fargo claims to be based on a true story and Hanzee who is native American is the main villain while whites are the good guys. No one cared.


They are criticised. Just go to their forums and you'll see. Every movie that has a all or even mostly White casts has a thread of people complaining about it. Even movies like The Northman where including non Whites would be ridiculous. Meanwhile nobody I mean nobody criticizes all Black or all Chinese films. Just like in politics. Only Whites are supposed to be inclusive nobody else. Everyone else is allowed to have an identity except White people.

Again you are complaining for Whites being cast for practical reasons. If a Hispanic is portrayed by a White guy it's because a White actor like Ben Affleck is more bankable than a Hispanic one. How many Hispanic top tier actors can you name in Hollywood? The race swap has nothing to do with ideology. Hispanics are overall under represented in movies and Blacks are overrepresented by left wing wokeists. That is because Blacks are the most intersectiona supposedly "oppressed" group, while Hispanics are not. If the main guy in Argo true story was Black, he would have not been replaced. It's OK to replace Hispanics, but not Blacks. More double standards from woke Hollywood. You have your woke leftists to complain to about Argo, not me.

Little Mermaid was originally portrayed as White but then got swapped for a Black woman for political reasons. If the reverse as done there would be hell to pay. But swapping White for Black is in line with woke anti White ideology, yet we're not even allowed to complain about it according to you.

Oh please, Fargo is not political propaganda movie. It wasn't made by ideologues like Woman King who was made by two White intersectional feminists. If Fargo was a false history movie that reversed the truth like Native Americans stealing White people's land, you would have a point. And just one character being portrayed as evil does not demonize an entire ethnic group like Woman king where all Whites are one dimensional evil doers.

I am talking about Fargo the movie, I never saw TV show.


No one criticizes diverse films? Comical irony alert! How many pages are there about how woke a film is when it is a diverse film? Compare that to the people complaining about an all white cast and you got them outnumbered 100 to 1. Go ahead and link me to all the complaints about the lack of diversity in the Northman. How about you link me to that and I will link you to all the complaints about Prey being woke and we will see who ends up with more threads?

Mena Suvari as Brandi Boski in Stuck disproves this notion. That was another true story and the main lady in real life is actually black yet in the film she is portrayed by a white woman. That is not all I got though. In the film Wanted the character Angelina Jolie is portraying was inspired by Halle Barry. In the comic she is black yet she is portrayed by Angelina Jolie yet not a word is said. Hold on though I am not done. If things are about bankability like you say then that means Zoe Saldana needs to be cast in many more things. She is one of the highest grossing actresses of all time. The only actress who grosses more than her is Scarjo. So she should have been chosen for the role of Tigerlily over Rooney Mara since she is the more bankable star. Another whitewashed role by the way which no one mentions. Also if it is about bankable stars Samuel L Jackson would be in a lot more roles as well since he is the 3rd highest grossing actor of all time only behind rdj and scarjo.

Arial's race was never essential to her character like Selina Kyle. If the race is essential you have a legit gripe but when it comes to her and Selina Kyle you do not have a legit beef. Just because they first appear as white does not mean that is the only way they can be portrayed.

No remember it is falsifying history because it claims to be true. You do not get to have it both ways. You do not get to let Fargo slide on claiming it is true but then ignore Woman King for that same reason. I know far more about cinema than you do.


I said nobody in the mainstream criticizes movies where White roles are being replaced for ideological reasons. Mainstream media is left wing and woke, people online are a bit more conservative. But MSM is more important because it has more outreach than online forums.

If it's not bankability then why do YOUT think Argo main character was played by Affleck? Is it a right wing ideology slowly taking over Hollywood? No? Then I rest my case. It's a practical, not ideological reason.

All those bankable POCs get plenty of roles. And if they should get more, it's because the market (which in the West is mostly White) won't allow them. If 80% of market was Black, Blacks would get more roles. It's natural. Nothing to do with ideology.

There you go again with the catch 22. EVERY MINORITY ROLE RACE IS ESSENTIAL TO THE CHARACTER. Because it's a POC role. No White character race is ever essential. That's because POCs get to have an identity, but White people don't. Just ask any university professor. Blacks are a people, Native Americans are a people, Whites aren't. Name me one POC character (which you say race isn't essential) that could realistically get replaced with White. It would NEVER happen. Yet White characters are getting replaced for woke (read anti White) reasons all the time. Little Mermaid is just the latest example.

Of course it doesn't mean they can only be portrayed as White. They can be portrayed as any race, and they just have. But that doesn't mean that their replacement wasn't part of an anti White ideology (code words like "diversity" and "inclusion"). If the race swap is done for practical reasons such as box office, there is no legit beef. If the race swap is done for ideological reasons, there is a beef.


No you are now shifting your claim. Okay though so lets take your word and pretend you originally said that. The media obviously does not matter since you claimed most people are conservative which I do not believe but okay then the media's message should not matter. You still have foxnews which is mainly right wing and they do plenty of covering up for conservatives.

If it was truly about bankability then why not cast an actor of color that is more bankable than Affleck? Will Smith, and Vin Diesel are more marketable than Ben Affleck is. If they had casted RDJ as Tony Mendez your point would hold merit since he is the most marketable actor right now aside from scarjo. Affleck is not as marketable as Vin Diesel, Will Smith or even the rock. So um come again?

So do the bankable white actors and white actors in general. If it is about bankability though Will Smith should be cast in a role before Affleck.

Nope I claimed that fictional character such as Selina Kyle's race is not essential. Tony Mendez is a real life person. We know exactly what ethnicity he is and what he looks like. If you got Denzel Washington to play Lincoln I would go yeah no that is not right. Because obviously Lincoln was not black. I find it funny a real life figure's race is fine to race swap but a fictional character where the race is not essential nope can't do that! Oh I will name one easily Nick Fury. He has has been portrayed as white before in the comics therefore if someone wants to do that they are free to do so. It has happened and still happens that is a bold face lie from you.

See I do not buy your reasoning here. No matter what a movie does you are going to assume if the portrayal is not the one you typically see that they are race swapping and your woke alarm gets triggered easily. Prove that Zoe Kravitz was casted for an ideological reason. I will wait. Generalizations and assumptions do not count.


I didn't' say most people are conservative, I said people on forums are bit more conservative than MSM. Fox News are cuckservatives. They go after socialism, but don't have the guts to stand for White people. They are too afraid of being called names.

Again ignoring my points. I can't verify who is most marketable, but it doesn't matter. Ideology isn't stopping Black people from getting roles. If it's a practical reason such as the market then they aren't victims and don't have legit grievances.

You haven't answered my question, If it's not bankability, what do YOUT think main guy in Argo was played by Affleck. Explain to me how are POC's victims. I'm waiting.

You don't get it. It doesn't matter if a character gets race swapped. THE REASONS behind it matter. If they are practical, then it should be understandable and folk shouldn't complain. If they are ideological, then it's a problem.
Just because we are dealing with fictional characters doesn't mean White people can't be victims of anti White ideology that leads to their characters being race swapped by Blacks. And it isn't just one movie. If it was only one movie I wouldn't mind. IT's a PATTERN. Name me a Black fictional character and imagine him being replaced by a White actor and the kind of backlash that would ensue. It could never happen in this universe. Also real life White characters ARE being replaced by Blacks. A Black guy was cast to play Julius Cesar and Blacks are being cast as historical kings and queens of England. European history is being rewritten for ideological reasons.

What is a bold face lie from me?

Hollywood admittedly believes in leftist notions of "diversity" and "inclusion". They are openly woke. This should be enough for anyone.


Again it is irrelevant. It does not matter what the MSM is or says. Also no bullcrap! Foxnews looks out for conservatives on many things not just socialism. By the way how about everyone's golden boy Brett Favre? The guy who criticized Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem said that was not patriotic. He has been busted for stealing welfare money, I do not think that is patriotic. I wonder if you guys will say anything about this? Had Kaepernick done this you guys would nail him to the wall.

Yes you can verify who is marketable that is a lie. Lookup which actor makes the most money in a leading role. Sure it is ideology can play a factor against blacks as well not just whites. This is like claiming that only white people can be racist. Notice I would never say that. That is basically what you are claiming. Only whites are a victim of roles being swapped for ideology is a lie and you know it.

I already answered this question. Affleck is not as bankable as rdj, will smith, Vin Diesel, or the Rock. Look at his gross as a leading man in his leading roles. If it was about bankability all of them would have been cast in the role before him.

And a white character can be swapped for practical reasons. I can play the same game you do. If you are filming in Africa then the majority of people are not white therefore you can cast someone who is black over someone who is white. I already told you Nick Fury. You could portray him as white and it would not be a problem. Whistler from Blade is based off Jamal Afari. In the comics that is Blade's mentor. Whistler was white in the movie. No one complained.

It is a lie that only whites are replaced for ideological reasons.

Nope generalizations and assumptions do not count. I want proof. I am waiting.


If Black actors are making the most money, how are they victims? Looks to me you are disproving yourself.

Sure it is ideology can play a factor against blacks as well not just whites.

What ideology is working against Blacks and who is teaching it? Is Hollywood right wing? I can name an ideology working against Whites (wokeness, diversity, inclusion..), but you can't name an ideology working against Blacks.

Affleck is not as bankable as rdj, will smith, Vin Diesel, or the Rock. If it was about bankability all of them would have been cast in the role before him.

Rdj is white, the Rock, Diesel and Smith don't look anything like Tony Mendez. I looked him up and he doesn't look radically different than Affleck. Affleck with his brown hair and brown eyes doesn't look radically different from a Hispanic. None of those you listed are Hispanic. I already asked you how many A list Hispanic actors do you know that could have played Tony Mendez?

Of course a White character CAN be swapped for practical reasons, but today in practice race swapping is done for ideological ones (code words like "diversity", "inclusion" which in practices just mean less White people).

The Blade was made long time ago before the modern woke trend became a thing. I'm only complaining against this modern trend. Today this kind of race swap could have never happened.

It's not a lie. Name me a prevalent ideology that is replacing Blacks with Whites and where is evidence that people who make decisions of casting prescribe to this ideology?

So if Hollywood became openly alt Right and soon after you saw a PATTERN of Black roles being replaced with Whites (such as The Shaft for example) would you still need proof that race swapping is done for ideological reasons?


Two of my questions you never answered:

Name me a Black fictional character and imagine him being replaced by a White actor and the kind of backlash that would ensue. Could this realistically happen?

If it's not bankability then why do YOU think Argo main character was played by Affleck?


WC warrior...check

WC = White Culture


You put your pants on!


Strong independent wamen makes short work of the Predator with next to no struggle. So strong and brave!


Replying up here since the thread is getting too long. I did not say black actors made the most money. I said there are actors who are black that are more bankable than Ben Affleck. White actors on average make more money, which is why RDJ is higher on any list of marketability than any black actor. Your attempt to twist my words is dismissed.

You do not just get to assume that because Hollywood is left wing that there is no ideology against blacks. Racism occurs, people of color have been denied roles based solely on their race in the past.

A list Hispanic actor. Easy Antonio Banderas.

You just throw out an assumption and assume that in today's age they are always swapped for ideology. I asked you to prove it and all you gave was a generalization and an assumption. No what has happened is more races are being included and it upsets you. There are still more white heroes than any other race. They are still the majority.

Oh bs as I pointed out there has been whitewashing happening within the last few years.

There is Nazi ideology which you yourself adhere to. That is a big ideology that lots of people like yourself subscribe to.

I am playing the game you guys always play. Anytime a black person says there is racism you tell them to prove it. I want you to prove to me Zoe Kravitz was casted for a political reason. No assumptions or generalizations I want proof. I will wait. Notice I did not even care about the race swap of Whistler. That personally does not bother me. Is the movie good? Yep it was fun the end. You are the one who is high alert. There is an old saying. To a hammer everything looks like a nail.


You did not answer my question. How are Black people victims? If they are name me an ideology that is holding them back. Also how is a Black actor going to play a role of Tony Mendez? Hispanics look much closer to Whites than to Blacks.

Show me evidence for this supposed racism against Blacks in Hollywood today. And no, not enough Black Oscars doesn't count. I can show you the ideology that is working against Whites (code words like "diversity", "inclusion" masqueradin behind anti White woke ideology), but you can't show me any anti Black ideology. And we are talking about today, the past doesn't count. Even in the past, anti Black sentiments weren't being taught by anyone, but were a result of Black behaviou just like the are now.

Wow you can name only one Hispanic A list actor. Maybe Antonio was busy making other films. The pool of White actors is incomparably larger compared to Hispanic ones. That can explain easily why they cast a White actor to play Mendez. Not enough Hispanic actors to choose from. Also Banderas is Spaniard therefor White. If he was cast, the left would still complain because he isn't POC.

I gave a very good argument why race swapping against Whites is done for ideological reasons, you simply ignored the arguments and labelled them "assumptions". You still demand "proof" knowing it's impossible for me to provide. I would have to do an interview with Hollywood executives and still then they could not be honest about their casting choices. The proof you demand is impossible. I gave more than good enough arguments why it's most probably ideology. Either adress my argument or admit, it's ideology.

Inclusion = exclusion. The more of some people you "include", the more of others you will have to exclude. Inclusio is a net zero game. There is nothing wrong with opposing artificial ideological exclusion of your ethnic group.


I did not claim that black people were victims. You twisted my words and are saying I said that when I never did. I thought you said casting Affleck was about bankability? Is it bankability or is it looks? Can't have it both ways.

I do not believe inclusion is against white people. I think that you are used to having dominion therefore any hint of equality would feel like oppression to you. Nope you do not get erase history the past counts as well. Also you lost credibility by claiming that anti-black sentiments were not being taught by anyone. Yes they were and it was not always due to black behavior, that is a bigoted claim by you. Emit Till got murdered and the reason the civil rights movement happened was his mother put his body on display to show the world what they did to her son. Those guys walked away Scott free. It was an all white jury that voted. Even afterwards the criminals admitted they killed that boy. So no you are not not omitting the past not on my watch buddy. Even depictions of blacks in Hollywood in the past was usually negative. If this was done to whites you would have a heart attack.

I can name others as well. Is it because the pool is bigger or is it about bankability? You keep moving the goal post.

No you did not make a good argument. Your argument hinges on well there is more so it is okay. I already dismantled this. It depends on where you are filming. If you are filming in Africa then there are more black people than whites. You made the claim. You do not get claim something without proof and expect me to take your word for it. Michael Jordan has 6 championship rings. I can provide proof by showing you the stats of his NBA career. There is no debating that. See how that works? Until you can prove it all you have is assumptions and generalizations. That does not work on me sorry.

Nope not when the majority of heroes are still white. Whites still are the majority. Your way of thinking is going to the way side. Leave the country.


I said casting Affleck was about practical reasons, not ideological ones. It could be bankability or it could be unavailability of other Hispanic actors. You still haven't listed a big enough list of major Hispanic actors in Hollywood which means the latter is most probably true.

Plenty of immoral oppression deeds were done in the name of "equality". Just look at Communism. If Blacks want representation, they should make their own films and invent their own franchises, not replace characters of other ethnic groups.

I am not erasing the past, I'm just saying past injustices don't justify present injustices. (and that's assuming they were actual injustices which we wont' go into now). We are discussing weather modern casting policies are unjust to White people, not the past.

Who taught anti Black sentiments? Nobody. Contras that with Nazi Germany were anti Jewish sentiments were taught by every institution.

I never said no injustices were ever done against any Blacks in American history, but what I will say is that injustices against Blacks get a shit ton of publicity, the cases become world famous, whereas injustices against Whites (such as racially motivated anti White crime) don't and the media covers them up.

Historical depiction of Blacks in movies reflected perceptions about them in real world which were mostly a result of their behaviour, you can't deny that. Anti Black sentiment was never taught by the government not the churches.


No stick to one. Is it bankability or lack of availability of Hispanic actors? There are Hispanic actors that you and I do not know about. There exist actors who are up and coming and are not big names. I do not need to provide a list. You know there exist plenty of them to choose from.

We are making our own films. Jordan Peele is a very successful film maker. We also can take part in other works as well. You can portray Catwoman differently without it being ideological. Her race yet again is not essential to her character. The Batman was a success and there is nothing you can do about that. Choke on it.

Lol go ahead and dispute the past injustices I dare you. This is coming from a guy who called Martin Luther King jr a scumbag. Come on man come out and say it you dislike black people. Be man enough to admit you are a racist. I would honestly respect you more. Do not do veiled racism it is cowardly.

The KKK. Boom point debunked.

Nope I do not believe you on this either. Blacks were oppressed in the past. Whites had the right to vote before blacks did.

Nope because not all black people were uneducated thugs and that is how they typically got portrayed in the past.


I have no way of knowing which one is it and it doesn't matter since all I claimed was there was a practical reasons. Both of these are practical reasons. So now that you can't come up with a list of A list Hispanic actors you say "maybe there are ones that we don't know about". If we don't know about them, they're not A list actors. You're the one who raised the issue of Tony Mendez being portrayed as White, but you can't even defend your own complaint.

More power to him, I was about to mention him before you did. I think not only should Blacks be making their own movies, but also have their own country. Now that Catwoman is Black, race has suddenly become essential to her character. Batman was successful despite Black Catwoman, not because of it. People are generally sick of wokeness, but Hollywood would rather lose money than abandon their ideology.

It's an undisputed fact that MLK plagiarized his doctoral thesis, he had sex orgies and was a Communist. I have no shame in calling him out for it. I teat people by the content of their character. If some ethnic groups have a shitty content of character, that is their problem, not mine. I just love the meme of MLK and his I have a dream speech followed by a group of Black thugs with money in their mouth holding a pistol. He is rolling in his grave. His dream was achieved, but now that Blacks are treated by the content of their character, but they happen to have a problematic content of character.

And how much institutional power did the KKK have? Very little. They never ran schools, media or churches.

Blacks were excluded. Exclusion is not oppression. Plenty of ethnic groups segregate themselves. Blacks were oppressed only to the extent they were denied self determination. No ethnic groups owes "inclusion" to any other ethnic group, especially if that group is problematic. Demanding "inclusion" from an ethnic groups is a violation of that ethnic group's sovereignty.

Not all, but always disproportionate.


Good it is good to know you admit to not knowing. This counts as a concession from you. Nope since not every role needs to be portrayed by an A list actor. They easily could have casted an unknown in the role.

Once blacks do have their own country get back to me. Until then you are going to have to learn to get along with them. If you can't then leave the country. Nope no one said Catwoman's race was essential now that she is black. Catwoman got played by Eartha Kitt way back, no one complained when she got swapped back to being white. The sequel to the Batman is happening nothing you can do about it, choke on it.

I do not believe you since you attempted to cite white supremacist websites as proof of IQ. Funny thing is even when Jordan Peele makes films on his own you still complain about them. This shows you just dislike black people period. Since you dislike MLK's skin color you will call out a flaw if you see it. Even ones that are not there, you will make up lies if you have to. If a white person did anything wrong you would cover for them.

Does not matter they are an institution. Oh they did run churches, that is a lie from you. Crack open a history book.

Nope the dictionary definition of oppression is prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. Your attempt to downplay that is disgusting and therefore it is dismissed. That adds another point to me. Scoreboard me 38 you 0. You need to leave the country.

Nope wrong again. Your generalization is noted and dismissed. Therefore Hollywood's portrayal in the past was not accurate now was it?


No it's not a concession because all I sad was it's a practical reason. You haven't given any counter arguments why it is. Ben Affleck is an A list actor. They probably wanted an A list lead role for the movie, but there weren't any Hispanic ones.

Blacks claim to be oppressed, but don't want their own country. Every people that has been historically oppressed wanted SEPARATION. Blacks (those that whine, but don't want independence which are the majority) behave like hypocrites. I live in Slovenia, so thankfully I don't have to deal with racial problems at least for now.

You still haven't given me any Black fictional character that could realistically get replaced for White. It's OK to swap White with Black, but not the other way around. That Catwoman swap happened a long time ago, we are talking about the Overton window today, not 30 years ago.

I never posted any White supremacist site. That was a mainstream IQ site. You're just using this as an excuse to dismiss anything you don't like. Of course I will oppose anti White movies like Get Out, but that doesn't mean I can't support Black filmmakers doing their own thing.

I never mentioned MLK skin color, idiot. I was talking about his DEEDS. Wrong, I will call out Kennedy's bad deeds for example. He is considered a saint today like MLK and people hesitate to criticize him.

How is exclusion form White spaces unjust treatment? Every ethnic group has a right to exclude anyone they with not to mention problematic groups. The only thing unjust about it was denial of sovereignty. There is nothing oppressive about separation. Black separatists want to separate themselves. Are they oppressive to Blacks?

Wrong, Blacks always caused disproportionate crime in America. Look it up.


Nope that counts as a concession from you. There are plenty of Hispanic actors to choose from. They do not need to be A list to portray that role.

America will never be a one race country, get that out of your white supremacist head. So since that will not happen it is not unreasonable for minorities to want equal treatment and to not be oppressed.

I gave you plenty. Nick Fury. Also keep in mind this is not quite the same level playing field. Whites are not the minority where as blacks are. You outnumber us 100 to 1. It is like stealing money from the poor when you are rich. Anyway you could swap Jamal Amari lol. They already did and no one said a word. No that was a white supremacist website which holds no merit at all. Get Out was not an anti white film. Your paranoia is showing. Anytime whites are the villains in a black film you think whites are targeted. You will say nothing if black people are presented as the villains in a white film. Your hypocrisy is dismissed.

No you make up lies about black historical figures. No person is a saint welcome to reality.

We can flip that back around. In that case Hollywood has the right to exclude any race they choose including whites if they desire.

Nope I looked it up and it has proven to be false. I do not use white supremacist websites like you do.


You still haven't answered my question. Why do YOU think Tony Mendez was cast by Affleck and where is your proof it was ideology?

Things change pretty quickly. They said Trump would never become president. If White advocacy wasn't so artificially suppressed (both online and in society) it would become a major political force. The current left wing paradigm can only be sustained with massive suppression and censorship otherwise it would collapse under the weight of White identity politics which is truly justified unlike BS Black and Hispanic identity politics.

Minorities have had more than equal treatment for more than 60 years. How long and Affirmative action been in effect? If minorities were truly oppressed they would want to escape White people instead of migrating to America

Nick Fury was originally White so perhaps the outrage would me slightly smaller if he got race swapped. But it sill wouldn't happen. Name me an originally Black character (like The Falcon or Shaft) that could realistically get replaced by a White and where there wouldn't be a MASSIVE backlash. Plenty of originally White characters got race swapped (Annie, Spiderman, John Connor, James Gordon, Little Mermaid...). I'm waiting.

A poor person staling form a rich person is still a crime. The Blade was made 20 years ago, I want an example that was made recently in the woke era.

How was Get out not a an anti White film? Just reverse the races and it becomes apparent. Every White character was evil and every Black character was good. No no any time. There are plenty of times I see Whites as villains and it doesn't bother me. I only oppose the PATTERN. It's everywhere now. Blacks are rarely presented as villains in a fictional movie.


I already answered this. I will one last time. Affleck casted himself and it could have been an ego trip or an ideological swap.

Once America becomes one race get back to me. I will not hold my breath.

Name me the year equal treatment started. Tell the date and the year I will wait.

Oh it very well could happen. There already is massive backlash about Catwoman being differently portrayed so how is it any different? Are those character's races essential to their character answer that if no they can be portrayed whichever way the artist wants. If someone wants to swap Falcon fine by me I do not care.

No crime is being committed here. Tell me the law where it is illegal to swap a fictional character. I will wait.

Blacks have been represented as villains in fictional movies constantly. Training Day, Widows, Fargo tv show, Breaking bad, better call saul etc. Another lie from you. Ok I am honestly getting bored now. I think I might be placing you on ignore. Scoreboard me 46 you 0.


How could have it been ideological if there is no ideology in Hollywood that says Whites should be replacing non Whites?

Race separatism is already slowly happening. There is a Texas independence movement. There is California independence movement. There is greater Idaho movement. The more brown America becomes, the more divided it will become and greater the separatist tension will be. It's inevitable. Just look at the political tensions today. This is all because of race.

1964 with civil rights act. In fact this is when privileged treatment also started with affirmative action and so on.

Name me a White fictional character where race is essential. I'm waiting. Falcon could never have been race swapped because of the backlash.

Didn't you just say that just because there is no law, it's still unethical when we were talking about Native Americans? Right back at ya.

Blacks are rarely portrayed negatively on big screen in general because it's politically incorrect. Just because you can name five movies with some negative Black guys don't disprove this trend.


There is ideology like that in Hollywood you just choose to ignore it.

Nope that is only in your racist head. Once the separation happens get back to me. I will wait.

Lol no since blacks did not get the right to vote well after that. So um fail again.

Nope I do not have to. Tony Mendez is a real life person and got whitewashed that is worse than a fictional character portrayed differently.

Lets see changing the portrayal of a fictional character or conquering land and killing people in the process? Which is worse? Yeah your attempt to deflect is dismissed. The only thing hurt is your feelings. No law was broken nor was anyone hurt in this process. Your feelings were hurt nothing more. In conquering land, people get killed and hurt. So no you failed miserably here. In fact 5 points goes to me for this foolishness from you.

Nope I already disproved this point. Me 55 you 0. .


LOL but you can't name it.

I listed real movements. Just because you are so ignorant and you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they don't' exist. Look at the culture/political divisions in America. They are mainly because of race. They said Trump would never become president. And even if racial separation never happens doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do.

Blacks go the right to vote after the civil war. Civil rights act was about prohibiting private business owners from keeping Blacks from their property. It's telling if a Slovenian knows more of American history than an American.

Yes you do have to. That's why I asked you. If you can't come up with an example of a Black fictional character that could be replaced by a White, that means there is a double standard since White characters get replaced by POC all the time (Annie, Spiderman, John Connor, James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid....)

You mean conquering the land the kind of Black West Africans engaged in when they genocided and took the land form the Pygmies and Bushmen. Or when Indians massacred and took land from each others? Oh, but it's a problem only when White people do it (never mind it was not a genocide and Indians died form diseases). Feelings are also hurt when Black characters get replaced by Whites so that means this shouldn't be a problem either.


I have heard of all those movements and simply because they exist does not mean that an anti-black ideology does not exist. It is called racism.

I never said what the civil rights movement was about. I said the right to vote came after the civil war not because of it. Your assumption is dismissed.

Nope I do not. I already did even though I do not have to. I do not care was played by a white guy. You do not hear me complaining about race swaps of fictional characters where the race is not essential. I said nothing about Scarjo playing in Ghost in the shell. I only bring it up to show how it is hypocritical. It is fine to whitewash but if it is the other way suddenly it becomes a problem for you.

Nope just because of other wrongdoings does it excuse white people's actions. That tactic of yours is dismissed. I do not care about feelings I care about legality. It is not illegal to change these characters. Nothing is wrong with replacing a fictional character just because it hurts your feelings. This goes both ways. Choke on it.


Anti Black sentiments aren't ideological. They are practical and a result of Black behaviour (crime, welfare use, illegitimacy, public behaviour..)and Black privilege (affirmative action, diversity quotas, racism card ie. fear of being called racist....etc)

You asked when did equal treatment start. I answered in 1964 with civil rights act (actually that's approx. when privileged treatment started with affirmative action). Then you replied "no because Blacks got the right to vote after than" implying that Blacks got the right to vote after the 1964 civil rights act.

No you never game an example. Falcon or Nick Fury could never get race swapped because they are Black and you can't never replace Black with White these days. But you can race swap the other way around. This what is happening (Annie, Spiderman, James Gordon, John Connor, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...). Ideology is replacing Whites with Blacks and it's OK, but it's a huge problem when they cast a White actor for practical reason to make the movie make more money. Total hypocrisy.

You are avoiding the point. Nobody says White people behaved perfectly. (name a group that has). The point is that none of these other peoples are having guilt hung around their necks despite the fact they have done even worse things than Whites. But only White people are excepted to have guilt. That is because they are the only ones self critical and brown people have learned they get goodies from Whites by playing the victim. It's not just fictional characters. Historical White kings and Queens are being played by Blacks in modern films in England. A Black guy played Julius Caesar. An all Black cast played the founding fathers in Hamilton. If this happened to any other race it would be an outrage, but it's OK when it's done to Whites.


Nice excuse for racism. So a generalization about a person of a race can never be wrong? Yeah nope nice try that is not going to fly with me.

Not every single black person had the right to vote right after the civil rights act.

Already answered this. You can swap them if the race is not essential. You swap the falcon, Blade and others and I do not care.

All not true. Your attempt to play the victim is noted and dismissed.


I never said blaming an individual for a collective behaviour of his ethnicity is right. I just said the negative attitudes towards Blacks have a cause and aren't ideological since they're not being taught. Ask yourself why there anti Asian sentiment isn't as strong as anti Black sentiment. If it was just "racism" (hating people for their race) anti Asian sentiments would be just as high, but they aren't since Asians behave differently than Blacks.

First time I've heard about it. They got the right to vote after the civil war. I answered your question about when did equal treatment start. Point for me.

That is just you. If someone swapped Falcon or Blade, there would be an outrage. It could never be done. Maybe 20 years ago, but not today. My point stands.

What is not true? That only Whites are self critical? Name me any other race that is self critical. Name me any other race that is being burdened with as much guilt and indoctrination as Whites. Japanese enslaved and brutalized other Asians, yet today they have virtually no guilt whatsoever. The same with Turks. That's because they aren't self critical. If you're the only one self critical in a world where everyone is for themselves you get the short end of the stick. That's why Whites are being blamed for everything. Being the only ones self critical should be a credit to Whites, but in practice it leads them to just being hated.


Like I said your veiled racism is noted and is not going to get by me. Nice try though.

Lol and it exists. So no they were still not treated equally after that. Point goes to me actually.

No more than you guys getting outraged about a change from your characters. Turn about is fair play.

Also a lie. Your deflection is noted and dismissed. No one is denying other races have also done bad things. It does not excuse what the white race has done just because of that simple fact.


Calling someone racist is not an argument.

They got everything they deserve with the civil rights act and more. They got affirmative action etc.

But the Black on White swap DOESN'T happen, but White on Black DOES.

No one can deny it, but they don't get blamed for it like Whites. All I want is equal treatment.


Saying your not racist does not mean you are not.

And there were still things which they were not equal.

Also wrong. As I pointed out there is whitewashing.

You get better than equal treatment. You are not a victim.


That's not what I was saying. I said calling thins racist is not an argument.

Show me how Blacks are not equal. Name me one unfairness to Blacks.

Nope Black to White swap doesn't happen. It could never happen today. All you could come up with is a case of 20 years ago with The Blade and a Hispanic swap with Affleck.

Whites are the only ones blamed for their historic behaviour and nobody else is, Whites are losing their countries, yet they're not victims??


Yep and you claiming to not be racist does not man you are not.

I said were. Comprehension is not your thing huh?

Nope I have another unfortunately for you. In the film the beguiled released in 2017 the film was based on the 1966 novel where Edwina was a mixed race teenager. Edwina was recast as a white actress being played by Kirsten Dunst. Check mate!

Lies coming from you. I see corruption called out all the time done by other races.


My views on race are not immoral. I grant Blacks everything I demand for my people.

So you admit there is no unfairness to Blacks today?

LOL a minor character nobody noticed. Give me a major character.

I don't see you blaming Arabs for their slavery. You only complain about White sins. You're a hypocrite.


Nope. You want to only whites for positive things and credit blacks only the negative things.

First you need to concede you were wrong about trying to twist what I said.

Nope I just proved you wrong. You said it would never happen. You did not say minor. Concession noted.

Just because you do not see it does not mean I do not criticize it.


Not true, I want races to be judged by the content of their character, which is what woke left doesn't want.

Show me unfairness to Blacks after the 1964 act. OK so you admit there is no unfairness to Blacks today.

Major character is logically implied. Show me major character that got race swapped from Black to White. I can show you many (Spiderman, Annie, James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...)

LOL you never criticised Arabs. Be honest. Nor anybody lese beside Whites.


Nope, if that were true you would not be citing stats as a means of judgement of people.

Nope. I already did this.

No you asked me for a character I provided one. You lost this point.

Wrong your assumption is noted and dismissed.


Stats are a best way of judging ethnic groups. Their average IQ, their crime rates, etc.

No you haven't. Show me evidence of post 1964 unfairness to Blacks or show me where you have shown it.

So you admit this is the best you can come up with? A minor character in a lame remake of a less known movie? That compared to Spiderman, Annie, James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...etc.

Then show me evidence you ever in the past criticized other groups for their historic behaviour.


Nope because stats do not tell the entire story. You can't analyze a basketball game by looking at stats alone.

Yep I did. It is not my fault you want to ignore it.

I can come up with more but I owned you on this point, no need to go any further. This point goes to me.

Do not need to. I can play the same game you do. I want evidence you treat black people equally to whites.


No you never gave me an example . I went and checked it again.

Then why don't you list them? Also B on W swap is practical not ideological.

Yes you do need to if you want to claim that you blame everyone equally. I do not blame an individual for the crimes others of his race commit and you have no evidence I do. I grant Black people everything I demand for my people (the right to a country, the right to an identity....etc)


I did by proving you can't analyze a basketball game by only looking at stats.

Because you dismiss lists that do not fit your narrative. Why waste the time? I already cited things blacks invented and you dismissed it because it did not fit your narrative. So no it would be a waste of my time.

Nope the rule applies to you as well. So no you are not owed proof of my actions. I do not believe you either I know you treat your own race better than others.


I was talking about modern unfairness to Blacks.

I gave good arguments why these lists are questionable and why they mean nothing without controlling for population size. You haven't even addressed
these two arguments.

I am not different than the average Black is when it comes to inner group preference. Except Blacks are allowed inter group preference, but Whites are called racist for doing the same thing


But you also claimed whites were treated unfairly. How so when they hold the power and the majority in America?

No you did not. You did not like them therefore you dismissed them. Because of that you lost the right to cite information or demand links from me.

Nope the difference is we do not freak out about fictional characters being swapped. Whistler from Blade was a swap yet nobody complained. I personally do not care.


I've explained in another tread. White liberals have an anti White bias. That's because they feel sorry for Blacks for being so pathetic and problematic.

I have given arguments they are decontextualized and uncontrolled for population. I have also explained why it's logical to question them since woke liberals lied about Black contribution and I've explained why.

The Blade was made 24 years ago. Give me a modern example.


Yeah I am not buying that when most actors in Hollywood are white.

No you just think blacks have not contributed anything which is sad.

Nope we going to that one. Did you hear a big outrage like you guys do about any diverse film? Show me a gigantic list of incel trolls complaining about that swap like every modern film at the rate of which you guys complain.


That's not an augment. Most of the country is White.

I never said anything. I've just disputed your implication they contributed a lot compared to others.

We are being replaced for ideological reasons. If this was happening to any other race there would be much more outrage. Whites have less inner group preference than all other races.

White liberals are the only group who on net prefer other racial groups to their own.


Sure it is especially when they also hold the power.

By dismissing objective lists. So no fail try again.

Does not matter you are not getting your way. Deal with it.

Link dismissed.


Whites who hate Whites hold the power. Whites who don't hate Whites aren't allowed to advocate for White people. That is not real power.

It's not objective and I've explained why.

So it doesn't matter if Whites are replaced for ideological reasons. You're just conceded there is anti White bias.

The viewers will decide if the link is valid or not.


Also not true. Just a lie from you.

Nope it was objective. I explained why.

Nope I just do not care to keep arguing in circles with you. In my book it is not ideological unless the race is essential. In the cases you are arguing race is not essential.

Your link is again dismissed, you lost that right on here.


No you haven't explained how it is objective.

Just because the race isn't essential doesn't mean the swap wasn't ideological.


Yep I did.

Nope not true. If race is not essential they are free to portray them however they please. Prove Zoe Kravitz was ideological. I want proof. I will wait.


No you didn't.

N ope, wrong again.

They admit it.


What lies did I say about MLK? The fact that he had sex orgies? No. The fact he socialized with Communists? No. The fact he plagiarized his doctorate? No. Name me a lies or apologize. Nobody is a saint but national heroes like MLK should be held to higher standards. If it was discovered that a White national hero plagiarized his doctorate, he would be removed and erased, but a Black is not. More Black privilege.

No, not characters that were invented by White people and were initially White. I would never go to China and change their movie heroes to another race.

If you looked it up, then post a link. Black crime was always higher than White crime so was Mexican crime.


It is not just about MLK. You lied about racism done to blacks in the past which is disgusting. You said the civil rights were granted by whites. No it was Emmit Till's mom who started that movement.

Too bad deal with it. No once cares what you would and would not do. You are some random reject 4chan user that needs to go on there. You would be right at home. America is becoming more diverse and I am loving every minute of it.

Nope bullcrap. Poverty drives up crime also and it just so happens whites have more money than most. When you have more money it is easier to obey and break the law. You break the law and have cash you can sweep it under the rug. Not all crime gets reported the same therefore another lie from you.


I never lied about racism. I tell the politically incorrect truth. Civil rights were granted to Blacks by Whites. This is undeniable. Had Whites not wanted them, there is nothing Blacks could have done. MLK was a figure head. He didn't even write his own speeches those were written by Whites.

As America becomes more "diverse" so will political tensions rise as they are fundamentally driven by race. I will enjoy watching America slowly collapse because it will be a warning sign to my country that it should never become multiracial.

Blacks commit much more crime even if you control for poverty:




Also Black poverty is mostly caused by IQ.


Nope it was because blacks took a stand and fought for those rights. Nope your links will be ignored. You lost the rights to cite links after ignoring facts and citing white supremacist propaganda. I am revoking your rights to cite links. No link from you will be clicked by me. Plenty of white people did not want slavery to end. This is an undeniable fact. MLK marched and fought for equality. Had he not done this it never would have happened.


Some Blacks fought, but their efforts would have been fruitless had powerful Whites in the media and academia not wanted change. This is what I mean when I say rights were given to Blacks by Whites. It is Whites who changed society in the 1960s, not Blacks.

I never posted any White supremacists sites. I posted a totally apolitical IQ site (which is the first result if you Google "Baltimore IQ). You just label it White supremacist because you don't like what IQ tests show.

No people besides Whites in the 19th century ever thought slavery was bad and made any efforts to end it. Whites were the first to end slavery than any other race. Arab countries ended slavery in the 1960s and Mauritania in the 1970s. When Whites were singing to the Beatles with flowers in their hair and talking about free love, Arabs and Africans were debating weather or not they should end slavery. But today only Whites get blamed for it.

MLK was a figure head. If truth about his Communism, sex orgies and plagiarism broke out when he was alive, he would have been done for. It was White elite institutions who changed society, not Blacks and MLK.


Nope in the end what happened was blacks started to become more educated and therefore more powerful. They started realizing the power they had and certain whites actually did stand by them. The ones who were not corrupt that is. The reason why MLK was killed was because white people feared the power he had. They saw the change that was about to occur and it made them terrified.

Yes you did. I am not commenting on this any further. You did cite white supremacist website.

Wrong again. Slaves wanted slavery to end long before whites even thought about it.

Nope wrong again. The truth is out there. No one is a saint. It is okay his message has carried on and we have made progress. I love that i upsets you.


The "power" MLK had was given to him by Whites in the establishment media. Had the media ignored him, he would have gotten anywhere. There was no alternative media or the internet back then. The few educated Blacks wouldn't have made a difference. Powerful White interests wanted change that's why the change happened. MLK was a communist, sex addict plagiarist. His speeches weren't even written by him, but by liberal Whites.

Show me evidence the site I linked is even political, much less White supremacists. You can't. It's a simple site about sociology that has IQ study on it that you don't like.

ROTFLOL of course slaves wanted slavery to end. No other ETHNIC GROUP or country besides Whites ever thought slavery was bad much less attempted to end it. Whites were the first to end slavery worldwide. For Black and brown people it took being ruled by Whites to end slavery.

Society was way more conservative in the 60s than it was today. Being a sex addict and a communist were things that could ruin you. MLK was all that and a plagiarist on top. The ideology attributed to MLK (content of character) doesn't upset me. I believe in it. What upsets me is the modern woke anti White ideology and immigration policies that are making Whites the minority.


It is why his impact is still felt to this day. If he had no power why was he assassinated? He was killed because of the change he inspired.

I already did. I am not doing it again.

Nope again false. Slaves wanted it to end. Blacks thought slavery was bad before whites even thought about it being bad.

No one cares what upsets you. I am loving every minute of it. The more it upsets you the better in my book.


I think he was assasinated becaue people behind him feared that his shortcomings would come out (Communism, plagarism, sex orgies...) so they figured that it's better to have him as a martyr. Had his scandals came out, he would have been destroyed and fallen to obscurity and never would have become this legend he is now.

No you didn't. Just because a site shows low IQ scores for some ethincity doesn't mean it's Whtie supremacist. Wikipedia also says Blacks socre lower on IQ test than Whites. Is Wikipedia also White supremacist??

"Blacks thought slavery was bad before whites even thought about it being bad."

That is absolutely untrue. No Black African kindom ever thought slavery was bad. There is absolutely no documented historical abolisionist movements anywhere in Africa before European colonialists ended slavery there.

That's not an argument that what is happening is moral. That just shows you you are bigot.


Your conspiracy theory is dismissed. My points stands. So the guy who killed him just so happened to be a white guy? James Earl Ray was as white as they come.

Yep I did. Happy hunting through my posts. I am not citing them again.

Nope it is true. We are talking about America not Africa. Do not deflect.

Oh yes it is. Your tears are my joy. Choke on it.


You asked me why I think he was assassinated and I answered you. The fact some guy killed him doesn't mean he alone made the changes that happened. He was figurehead.

Then show me evidence that the website I linked is White supremacist.

LOL American free Blacks were slave owners. 28% of American free Blacks owned slaves, compared to just 1.5% of Whites.

How is you celebrating something an argument that it is moral?


And you came up with an easily debunkable conspiracy theory.

I do not need to. I already showcased how you can't measure things that way.

Deflection dismissed.

I love that you are not getting your way. Keep on getting upset. It only entertains me.


It has never been debunked. Even if was really killed by an angry White guy doesn't prove he himself brought changes and that he wasn't a figurehead. Whites changed society in the 60s not Blacks. Only Whites could have since they had power.

So you can claim I linked a White supremacist site but you don't need to show evidence? LOL

You brought up America and slavery. I just responded with facts.

Your concession to my argument accepted.


It does debunk your theory. Why would a white guy kill him at that time? Making him a martyr by your own admission made him more powerful right? Why kill him then? Why not let him lose his power and not be a martyr?

I already explained how it was. Last time I am addressing this point. From this point on it will be ignored. You lost the right to cite links.

By deflecting to other countries. Not going to fly with me.

Scoreboard me 72 you 0.


It's possible he was killed by people behind him that wanted him to become more powerful. In any case even if it's not true, doesn't prove he changed society. Whites changed society.

You're just running away from having to show evidence. If you really had evidence I sourced White supremacist site, you would be waving it around.

No, I returned back to America by pointing out slave owning facts which you simply ignored.


Not a likely possibility. Also nope he helped changed society. Whites are not responsible for the only positive things in America.

Nope I just do not humor racist rhetoric of that caliber.

Nope you deflected back to other countries since you could not defend the wrongdoings of whites in America.


He was a figure head. If he didn't exist they would have found another Black preacher. They needed a figure head.

Again avoiding to show evidence I linked a White supremacist site. Your concession is noted.

What wrongdoing? Freeing Blacks from slavery? Giving Blacks civil rights act? Giving Blacks affirmative action? Not Blaming Blacks for all the Black on White crime?


Wrong he was also a wise motivational speaker.

Nope your concession is noted. Last time I am addressing this. You talk about it again I will ignore it.

Your attempt to avoid their wrongdoings is noted and dismissed.


No he wasn't. His speeches were written by Whites. (Including I have a dream speech)

What concession. You still haven't shown evidence I ever listed a White supremacist site. Either provide evidence or admit you lied.

Whites in America behaved better than it is realistically expected of them to behave.


Another lie from you. Dismissed.

Nope not when they stole their land.


Whites conquered land, not steal. You should learn the difference. Land cannot be stolen, only won or lost.


Stolen in my book.


Then your book is wrong. There was no international law back then. The conquest ethic was present throughout the world. Whites did not invent the conquest ethic, they were just better at it because of technological superiority.


Last time I checked killing is wrong no matter what time period you are in. Doesn't the bible stat though shall not kill? You go by this right? Or does that law suddenly change depending on the time period you are in?


Not if there is war. Indians died mostly due to diseases. Before Europeans came, they killed and took land from eachother.


So war makes that okay then? Good to know laws apply when you want them to.


Yes in war morality is totally different.


Good so then when war happens here do not get mad when killings occur.


People like you are the ones who are sparking civil war.


Nope. Anyway I think you will get banned on here eventually. Get back to 4chan buddy. That is where you belong.


Civil war in the 1950s America was unthinkable, but now everyone is worrying about it. The more liberal society becomes, the bigger the danger of civil war.


Spare me your boot licking sentiments.


You would have to list MANY A list Hispanic non White actors. As long as the pool of them is a lot smaller than the pool of Whites, it's very possible Whites will get cast instead of them. It's probably both, but it doesn't matter. All I said it's not an ideological reason, and you haven't even argued that it is.

You do not get to dismiss a perfectly valid argument without even addressing it. When someone does that, it's usually an excuse because he doesn't have a counter argument. Once again. If there was a popular new right wing ideology that swept Hollywood and after that you saw a PATTERN (Annie, Lt James Gordon, Catwoman, Spiderman, Little Mermaid...) of Black roles being replaced with White, would you need further evidence that it's done mainly for ideological reasons?

But where is it going? Every year, there's a major White character being replaced with Blacks. For how long will there be any White characters? People are bothered by directions and patterns. If they said, 30% of White characters will get replaced and then it will stop, I wouldn't of had a problem. But nobody promised that. I'm bothered by the direction. Also just because the majority are still White doesn't mean an injustice isn't being done against Whites. If I steal 20 billion of Bill Gate's money, does that mean there was no injustice because "He still has most of the money"?


You do not know who the casting pool of people was for Argo. There could have been more selection of Hispanic people and they went for white instead. You have no way or proving this.

Yep I would need further evidence. I do not take assumptions and generalizations as proof. That is unfortunate for you.

I laugh at you shaking in your boots. I am loving every minute of it! The fact the Batman was a success and is getting a sequel is music to my ears. You guys are not getting your way and I sleep very comfortably knowing that fact. Once whites are not the majority in Hollywood get back to me. Until then cry your tears while I enjoy every minute of them.


Since there is a general lack of Hispanic A list actors it is likely played a role. And you're the one who has to prove malevolence was a factor since you're the one who brought this up initially.

Again dismissing an argument without addressing it. And what I said (that Hollywood is woke) is not an assumption and a generalization, but a well observable fact. Even you acknowledged Hollywood is left wing and almost all left wing are woke these days.

You said my concerns were not legitimate since Whites are still majority, but now that I've presented an argument why my concerns are legitimate, you respond "Maybe they are, but I'm loving it". You loving the replacement of Whites is not a counter argument that their concerns aren't legitimate. Actually it's the opposite. The fact that you love replacement of Whites is proof White people's concerns ARE legitimate and they are being replaced. You're just an anti White bigot.


No no. We are not talking about a lack of A list Hispanic actors. We are talking about a lack of Hispanic actors period. There are plenty of Hispanic actors that could have been cast as Tony Mendez.

Nope I need absolute proof that Catwoman was cast due to ideological reasons. Prove it or else this is an empty claim. Hollywood is left but that does not mean they are racist against whites. You made a claim now prove it about Catwoman. I will wait.

Oh I am loving every minute of it. Like I said once whites get outnumbered then your concerns will be legitimate until then it is merely you wanting to play the victim.


Nope, you need MAJOR ones to be comparable to a star like Ben Affleck.

We aren't talking about just Catwoman. We're talking about a TREND of replacing White characters with Blacks and Hispanics. (Annie, Spiderman, John Connor, Lt James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid....). And individual race swap can be explained by a particular practical reason, but not the trend. Unless you can give good practical explanation for this trend, it's ideology.

Hollywood has always been left wing, but it hasn't been always woke. That is only since about 2015 or so. Wokness openly talks about replacing Whites (code words like diversity, inclusion, equity..). In woke ideology Whites are evil and they don't even pretend to deny that.

Imagine if Black roles were getting replaced, but many of them still existed and someone replied "until all Black roles are replaced your concerns aren't legitimate". If I steal 20 billion from Bill Gates, it's still a crime despite him still having most of the money.


Nope you do not need an A list actor to sell a film. Lies from you. I gave you one already Antonio Banderas.

Nah I think it is inclusion. The world is becoming more diverse and so is America. It is a wonderful thing to see bigots like you get upset. Good choke on it.

Woke by definition means alert to injustice in society especially racism. Therefore Schindler's List is woke.

No crime is being committed here. Only your feelings are being hurt. Once whites get all replaced get back to me I will wait.


Having an A list actor helps the film tremendously. Take a look at all major blockbusters. They all have famous actors (the only exception are low budget surprises like Blair Which project. Besides if I have to prove Catwoman was race swapped for ideological reasons, then you also have to prove Tony Mendez was race swapped for ideological reasons. Catwoman can be swapped for practical reasons, but Mendez can't. And you can't name more than one A list Hispanic actor and he isn't even non White.

No the world isn't becoming more diverse. ONLY WHITE COUNTRIES ARE. So much for diverstiy, eh? Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians and White countries for everyone. And that is what the left calls ethnic justices. And that's not even going into the problems Black and brown people bring with them such as crime, rape, welfare dependency, identity politics, terrorism...etc.

The real injustice in America is done against White people. They are the ones getting screwed by immigration, affirmative action, diversity quotas, the racism card and get all the blame from media and academia. If Blacks and brown were truly oppressed, they wouldn't be migrating in America, but would want separation.

You saying there isn't any injustice doesn't make it so. Notice you don't' even attempt to argue against my points. What if the situation was reversed. What if some popular new right wing ideology swapped Hollywood and you saw a pattern of Black roles getting replaced by Whites. People like you would cry injustice. Total hypocrisy.


Lol and I am going to play your game. Since you can't prove Catwoman was race swapped for ideological reasons I do not have to prove Tony Mendez was swapped for ideological reasons. You made the claim first therefore the burden of proof was on you first. I personally do not even care that Mendez was swapped you are the one who gets upset Catwoman was changed. Also no Blair Witch's profit margin is higher than any high blockbuster. So again false.

Oh yes and it is wonderful. White countries should become more diverse it makes things better. America is much better today than it was 80 years ago. I own a house work a good job and do not get beat up by the police. You can choke on it. I am loving it.

Nope since most of you hold the majority, and make the most money. You do not get to play the victim card. It is going to fall on deaf ears. If you do not like it go ahead and leave the country.

Yep it does. You have lost the right to claim there is injustices when you ignored racism done throughout history. Nope I do not race bait. I did not complain about the race swaps in Blade or in other films. I am fine with it. So long as the character's race is not essential to their character I do not care which race portrays them. Race swap Blade and I will not care. It is all good with me. Your assumption is noted and dismissed. Leave the country bud.


I can name an ideology that caused Catwoman swap ("diversity", "interesectionality", "inclusion"), but you can't name an ideology that caused the Tony Mendez swap.

You don't care about Mendez because it's not replacement of YOUR ethnicity and also because there is no ideological trend for Black to White replacement. If White to Black race swap was done for practical reasons, I wouldn't care either.

Not every movie can be a box office surprise as BWP so that's not an argument that famous actors in a movie don't help.

How is more crime, welfare use, terrorism, grooming gangs, identity politics and political division good? Name me a single tangible practical benefit of diversity. There isn't any. And if diversity is so good, then also every other country in the world should become diverse including Africa and Latin America, not just White countries.

Nope, America today has much more crime, depression, drug use, divorce, STDs, political division and mass shootings than it did 80 years ago.

Whites don't make the most money. Asians and Indians make more money than Whites.



This includes Indian and Pakistani Americans who are people of colour. They make more money than Whites, yet they still complain about being oppressed. So much for racist White supremacist America where brown people such as Indians and Pakistanis make most money. You haven't even addressed my list of White racial grievances, but simply ignore them like you do to most of my arguments.

Again ignoring my argument. I asked you what if there was some new right wing ideology that became dominant in Hollywood and then you saw a trend of Black to White replacement, would you have a problem with it?

I already don't live in there bud.


Nope there is no way you can change Catwoman from white to black in your eyes without it being political. List me how you would do it. Today without your camp pitching a fit. You have the floor go ahead.

I am fine with every country becoming diverse. That is your problem not mine. I am fine with diversity.

Lots of that has to do with the war on drugs which was an objective failure. Introduced by a brilliant white guy named Richard Nixon. This was done to target minorities.

I said whites make more money than blacks, I did not mention other races. Therefore this is dismissed.

I answered this already. Last time nope I do not care. So long as the race is not essential to the character I do not care! Blade could be white and I would not care. I am more mature than you this way.

I doubt it. Even so get back to 4chan. That is where you belong.


IT's not about Catowman. I'm talking about a PATTERN (Annie, Spiderman, John Connor, James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...). An individual swap can also be for practical reasons, but the PATTERN is only explain by ideology since Hollywood is admittedly woke and believes in such things as "diversity", inersectionality and "inclusion". How I would do it? I would keep historical White characters White and Black characters Black.

LOL tell that to Israelis (who have a pro Jewish immigration policy), Japanese (who have the same), Liberians (you can't become citizen unless you're Black), Mexicans (have a law aimed at preserving it's ethnic composition). You never hear your liberals complaining about those. It's OK for all these countries to have a racial immigration policy, but not for a White country. Chinese would never allow immigration that could threaten them ever becoming a minority. So wouldn't the Indians. In White Western countries Whites are becoming a minority, Whites allow it and they are called racist. But never those non White countries who have basically no immigration whatsoever. A total double standard.

War on drugs was a consequence of elevated drug use in the 60s and 70s and the negative consequences to society they bring. Elevated drug use was a result of liberal social changes of that era. Had America stayed it was in the 1950s this would never become such a big problem. It was never proven drug war was designed to be aimed at Blacks, it's just that Blacks were more likely to use and deal drugs.

Nope you said "MOST MONEY", not "MORE MONEY". Your lying is noted. Also you never answered me how can America be White supremacist if POCs (Indians) make most money.

You never answered it. You might not care, but others do. It would be an outrage.


So you just proved my point. There is no way to portray Catwoman as other than white in your eyes. Thing isa in the Year One comic she was not portrayed as white neither was Eartha Kitt. Luckily you are not in charge of anything. The Batman was a success critically and financially. The only thing you have ever produced has been crap in a toilet. The sequel is happening nothing you can do about it.

We are not talking about other countries we are talking about America.

Nope Nixon was the one who started the war on drugs. He was republican. When drugs are illegal it only makes things worse. The prohibition of alcohol proved this. If you end the drug war you take the cartels power away. By doing the war on drugs you are giving power to drug lords since it creates a black market therefore hiking up the price for drugs even more. No you flat out lied about this.

Nope I was talking about between blacks and whites. They make the most money when factoring in those two. Your attempt to play dumb is noted and dismissed. You never answered mine how are whites not allowed an identity when they hold the majority of roles in films? If they were not allowed an identity there would be no whites at all.

I did answer it. I do not care and I do not care that you care about a fictional character being swapped.


Nope that's not true, If only Catwoman was race swapped and it wasn't part of a pattern, I would not have minded. You haven't addressed my argument at all.

Nope that's not just about America. It's about the entire West. What is happening in America is happening in Western Europe and increasing in Eastern Europe as well. People like you don't allow White people to remain a majority in any country. But you have no problem Black and brown people restricting immigration to only their group (Liberia, Mexico, Israel...). A total double standard.

Not all problem we were disusing were a result of drug war. Divorce isnt' a result of drug war, depression isn't a result of drug war, STDs aren't a result of drug war. American (and all Western) society went downhill when liberal hippies took over in the 1960s. America of the 50s was a golden era.

You said Whites make most money. Originally posed by moviefanatic505:

Nope since most of you hold the majority, and make the most money

Whites make more money than Blacks due to higher IQs. The same reason Asians make more money than Whites. But no one complains about Asians making more than Whites, yet everyone complains when Whites make more than Blacks. A total double standard.

Whites are majority of the population (around 70% of adults still). Of course they will be majority of the roles in films. This has nothing to do with identity.

So you wouldn't mind a pattern of Blacks that get replaced with Whites as a result of a popular new right wing ideology sweeping Hollywood? I doubt that. Every leftie and Black person would freak out.


Nope it is true and you know it. Since after 2015 you claim the movement took place. Therefore you are ultra sensitive and on high alert. I did address it you don't like my answer.

Nope we are talking about America. Therefore point dismissed.

Depression did not go up as a result of the drug war? Wrong. People loves get ruined because of the drug war which leads to depression. Divorces have occurred because of drug use which the drug war made worse. Your lies are noted and dismissed.

When referring to blacks. Your attempt to twist it is noted and again dismissed.

Nope it's because they are the majority and had a head start here in America. Another lie dismissed.

Not for long this will change soon. Deal with it. By this logic the majority of nba players would be white since they are the majority in the country. Fail again.

Nope I don't care. Blade csn be white and it wouldn't bother me.


I have no problem to talk about America. American society and immigration policy is unfair to White people. Whites are discriminated by affirmative action and diversity quotas. They are the only ones who aren't allowed ethnic advocacy organizations and they are demonized by the media and academia.

Nope, depression is a result of atheism and lack of identity/community and is a result of globalisation and increasing diversity in society. Whites are talking drugs like opioids because they have been demoralized by being blamed for all the problems in the world by media and academia. If you are thought to hate your ethnicity that demoralizes and depresses you.

LOL who's attempting to twist? You're denying what you yourself said. You clearly said "You make most money", which isn't true.

What head start? Show me how did Whites as a whole benefit from the presence of Blacks. Whites themselves built America and deserve every fruit of it. Had Blacks never been brought in, Whites would have just as high of a living standard if not higher.

False analogy. Blacks are in the NBA because they are better. You have no evidence Blacks are better at acting than Whites.

If Black on White race swapping was a ideological it would bother every leftie and every Black. Another lie from you.


Nope not when they have dominion over the majority of things in America. You are not victims spare me the bullcrap.

No there are many other things at play when it comes to depression not just those things.

I was referencing in regards to black vs whites.

They benefited off of things blacks created also. There were plenty of things blacks invented that whites took credit for.

No remember by your logic it must ideological. I mean there are more whites than blacks in this country. So it must ideological as to why there are more black players than whites. You also have no evidence whites are better at acting than blacks. That swings both ways.

Nope you just want to pass your insecurity onto me. It is noted and dismissed.


They are majority of the population and have higher IQs than most other peoples. OF course they will have power. That doesn't change the fact they aren't allowed to openly advocate their interests while other races can. If minorities were truly oppressed instead of privileged they would want independence, not be following Whites

But they play a role. Whites are demoralized and this causes depression and drug use.

Which is a function of IQ

That is not true. The opposite is true today when woke news outlets give White people's inventions credit to Black people.

I never said Whites are better at acting than Blacks. You have to prove Blacks are better for your NBA analogy to work.

If Black on White race swapping was a ideological it would bother every leftie and every Black. You know it.


Holding the majority and power just invalidated your point completely. They hold the power which means you are not victims.

Other aspects play a huge role as well. The drug war is a big one.

Nope it is not.

It is true. Wrong.

You claimed blacks were better at basketball than whites not me. The burden of proof is on you.

Not any worse than what bothers you right wingers. So looks like we are even.


No I have not invalidated my point. What use is holding power if you can't use it for your own people. It's useless.

No attempt to contest my point about White guilt causing White depression and opioids use.

Yes it is. IQ is mainstream science.

Of course they're better at basketball. What planet are you living on?

Our concerns are legitimate because it's White to Black race swap is happening. Meanwhile even you can't come up with a good example of the reverse.


Yes you did invalidate your point. They hold the power and therefore they use it. You lost another point.

That is not the only thing at play here. I can use that to prove any group has depression. Black people are often mistreated and it causes them depression when you consider how much poverty they often get born into. This causes depression also which you conveniently left out.

Nope wrong again.

Prove they are better at basketball. I want proof.

And we have a right to be upset then if you want to play that game. You guys hold the majority therefore if what little roles we get become swapped it becomes even more swayed in your favor.


How are Black people mistreated?

NBA demographic statistics is the proof. Evolutionary theories explain why Blacks evolved to be better at sports.

White people built America, built Hollywood and invented virtually all of the characters. We deserve to be the majority. In fact we don't owe any other race representation. We aren't stopping them from making their own movies.


I have already pointed this out. Anyway do not deflect. If whites hold the power how are they mistreated?

So then why is it you state there are more white actors because they are more white people in the world but this does not apply to the NBA? Logically shouldn't there be more whites than blacks in the NBA since whites are the majority?

All a bunch of crap. We will be getting representation and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep crying it will do no good.


No you haven't. Give me an example of modern unfairness to Blacks. They are mistreated because the liberal White elites have anti White (ethno masochistic biases). They hate the working class conservative Whites and have a pro Black bias.

There are not more White people in the world, only in the USA. How stupid are you? Do you even know the difference between the USA and the world. Because Blacks are better at basketball, but not necessarily better at acting.

You are only getting representation because you are such a pathetic race that liberal Whites feel sorry for you. You haven't created next to nothing of your own.


Nope explain to me how whites are mistreated when they hold the power and the majority.

In America smart one.

Nope we are getting it because it is the right thing to do. Make all the excuses you want your complaining will not change anything. Pathetic race you say? Good I am glad I got that in writing. You are being reported to the administrators for that comment.


I've explained it. Anti White bias of White liberals:

Liberals are more willing to murder someone for the greater good if that person has a white sounding name rather than a black sounding one.

Liberals think black people being genetically superior to white people with respect to intelligence is more plausible than the reverse.

Hearing about white privilege caused liberals to feel less sympathy for poor white people.

Liberals feel non-whites should not pay more for home insurance due to living in a high-risk area but as neutral about whether white people should.

Liberals would support censoring research showing white genetic superiority with respect to intelligence more than they would support censoring evidence of black superiority.

White liberals are the only group who on net prefer other racial groups to their own.

You said world. Are you too stupid you don't even know what you said?

No giving someone something without him deserving it is not the right ting to do. You are the only group rewarded for your bad behaviour (crime, welfare, illegitimacy, gangsta culture...etc)


Like I said you lost the right to cite links. Therefore all of them are dismissed. I revoked your right to do that.

I was referring to America smart guy.

I am black, never committed a crime in my life. Your generalization is dismissed. We are getting representation and nothing you can do about it. Fyi I am reporting any racist remark you make to the administrators.


I've never lost any rights. You are not the administrator here.

You were maybe thinking of America but you wrote the world. Now you can't even own up to the fact you made a mistake.

n=1 is not science. On average you people commit much more crime even if you control for SES. Your representation is ill deserved. You haven't earned it.


Yep when it comes to our conversation I am. No more links from you. You lost that right.

Okay I will give you this tiny little point. I meant America. Happy?

No plenty of black people have earned it by being good citizens.


LOL no you are not the administrator regardless of how much you tell yourself that, loser.

Yes, I am thank you. But I still can't think of how anyone can confuse America and the world. Unless he is seven years old.

No you as a whole.


When it comes to our conversation yes I am.

The point stands. In America the majority is white.

Nope as a whole we have. Do not worry Wakanda Forever will gross a ton of money I am sure.


You can ignore it, but the viewers will see it. Nothing you can do about that.

What point?

Yes, you need liberal Whites to invent a fictional rich Black country so you can feel better about yourselves, because there isn't such a country in the entire world.


I will not that which is who you are talking to. I could not care less about viewers.

In America the majority is white. So in the NBA shouldn't that mean there should be more white players than black? Or is there being more blacks ideological also?

And Batman does not exist either, neither does Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman etc. The term go woke go broke apparently does not apply to black Panther films lol. Look at the box office and weep.


Ok if you don't care I do care.

Blacks are better players than Whites.

Box office doesn't change the fact there isn't a single rich Black country in the world and that Black Panther was invented by a liberal White who feels sorry for Blacks.


Good we agree.

Based on what?

It was a hit critically and box office wise. Choke on it. So go woke go broke did not apply to that one huh?


It wasn't a hit critically. Critics don't dare give a movie like Black Panther a negative review because they will perceived as being racist.


Lol so all woke movies get critically well received then? Care to double down on this?


Those that suck too much don't. Those that are average get more positive reviews because the critic fear being called racist.


Or it could be they just enjoy movies you do not like. Critics have more credibility than you do.


No they don't because they fear of being called racist.


There is Nazi ideology which you yourself adhere to. That is a big ideology that lots of people like yourself subscribe to.

You can't compare these two things. There is no dominant anti Black ideology today that runs institutions. Meanwhile anti White ideology has completely taken over major institutions like the media, schools and entertainment industry. Any existing "racism" against Blacks is a result of their behaviour, not ideology. They are judged by the content of their character, they are not victims.

White advocacy has noting to with Nazism. Why aren't people like Al Sharpton labelled Nazis? They're ethnic advocates for their own people such as myself. And that's not even going into the fact that Black advocacy is based on a bunch of lies, unlike White advocacy.


As far as you know. You have no way of proving that claim either lol. Any existing racism against blacks is because of behavior and not ideology? Wow you are a special kind of ignorant person aren't you? Payton Gendron killed blacks because he was afraid of them replacing white people. The warning signs were there they were simply ignored. This was not because of black people's actions it was because he was a racist. Your lie is dismissed. I will go on any further. Racism still exists and to claim than any existing racism against blacks is based on their behavior just got dismantled completely. Run along now.


Any existing racism against blacks is because of behavior and not ideology?

Yes, because no major institution today teaches anti Black sentiment. In fact, it's the opposite. Every major institution tells us not to be racist. And yet, anti Black sentiment persists. But it can't be due to their behaviour, right?

This was not because of black people's actions it was because he was a racist.

And why are people "racist"?


Wrong. There are plenty of anti black institutions that exist today which teach anti black sentiment. The kkk still exists currently. In smaller capacity but it still does in fact exist. You can't make a blanket statement and say all major institutions do not teach this while that group still exists.

Did you read his manifesto? I am not holding your hand you are a big boy. He specifically killed and targeted black people. He even wrote how he hated blacks. Do not play dumb now.


I said major institutions, buddy. The KKK does not have any power today.

I wasn't talking about no mentally ill mass shooter (these exist both Black and White). I asked you a question. Why are people racist? Besides, if White nationalists were listened to, this would have never happened since Whites and Blacks would lived separately. All mass racially motivated shootings are a fault of the multiracialists who insist we live together.

I never complained about Black people in movies. Terminator 2 had a Black scientist. It is one of my favourite movies of all time. I only complain about this modern woke anti White trend that is in effect in the last 5-6 years.

So Blacks stealing White characters to you is OK. They shouldn't make their own characters. OK, at least you admit it. Every Black character race is essential, every White character race is not essential. Blacks are allowed an identity, Whites aren't.

You raised the issue of Affleck and Argo. Now own up to it. Tell me why was he cast.


Wrong, just because they do not have as much power today as before does it mean they have no power. Your lie is again dismissed.

I never denied blacks can be racists but so can whites. I answered this already. Certain ideologies get taught to them. Racism is not genetic it is taught. Like I said that is never going to happen. America is for everyone not just white people. Oh yeah I forgot technically whites do not belong here if you want to play that game. I mean whites stole the land from Native Americans so technically you should not be here correct?

Nope I already showcased how Catwoman's race is not essential. She can be portrayed anyway the artist wants her to be. They can make their own characters and portray characters which race is not essential. It goes the same way for whites or any race. Whites are still the majority, they are clearly allowed an identity.

Nope I am playing your game. I will offer up my own generalizations and assumptions as truth like you do.


Nope, the KKK literally has not power today. They have to speak in codes with to recognize each other.

You still haven't given me an answer on why are people "racist". You said they are being taught. Who teaches them since there are no major institutions that advocate racism? Why is it so hard to defeat racial problems despite 60 year of conditioning (read lies and propaganda). Could it have anything to do with Black behaviour or common sense and observable facts?

America isn't rich and affluent because of the land. It's rich and affluent because the people make so. Blacks, Muslims and Hispanics aren't able to create affluent societies by themselves because they don't have the IQs, so they flock into White countries stealing them in the process (and turning them into shitholes on top). It goes against the golden rule notion of each ethnicity having it's own country. It's against basic notion of ethnic justice.

Whites didn't steal anything. There was worldwide conquest ethic and Whites didn't invent it. There was no international law. Everyone was conquering everyone (and ironically enough, Europeans put an end to conquest ethic and established international law). Interesting nobody ever says The Arabs "stole" North Africa from the Berbers or that Bantu's "stole" Central African from the pygmies or that Indo Aryans "stole" India from the Dravidians. It's only theft if White people do it. Indians were continually stealing land from each other and massacring each other. Today they enjoy and immeasurably higher living standard thanks to being conquered by Whites not to mention they lavish casino money.

You haven't addressed my point about creating new characters. Why steal existing ones? It's replacement, that's why. They're trying to condition White people into being replaced just like it's happening in the country.

No, Whites aren't allowed an identity. Just ask anyone in the media or a university professor. Everyone else but Whites is.


Nope they still have power. Another lie from you. It is noted and dismissed.

People like yourself teach people that. People are impressionable. Parents have influence on their kids. People like you or parents with your mentality teach people that certain races are better than others. This then bleeds into society and creates division. If you had a white and black kid raised on island since birth together they would not think about race.

No it is because white people had a head start and access to more cash and land earlier on. Nice try but fail.

Yes they did steal the land! It does not matter if there was a law. The point is whites conquered people to take this land. All that other stuff is irrelevant to the fact that whites stole this land. Nope other people can steal also but that does not change the fact that whites stole this land.

I do not have to. Catwoman dismantles your point beautifully. Jordan Peele does create new ones. I love seeing you get upset it makes me happy.

Yes they are which is why they hold the majority of heroes portrayed on screen. Most heroes in cinema are white.


Name me the power KKK today has in shaping social opinions. Do they run the media, education or the entertainment industry? All those institutions are run by the woke far left. All the KKK has a few pathetic websites (the tech giants bury in search results) that get only a few views.

No what creates division are lies about equality of races since that only leaves injustices to explain for inequality. If the truth about race and IQ was being taught, there would be much less resentment in our society not just Blacks against Whites who feel they are oppressed but also less anti-Semitism since Jewish representation is to a large extent also a result of IQ. Two people on an isolate island is not society. People live in a society and if the latter is racially diverse, differences between races inevitably become apparent and there is natural friction. Name me a multi ethic society that didn't have ethnic problems.

Stealing is different from conquering. IF there are no laws it's not theft, but conquest. They brought civilization to America which was inhabited by primitive stone age tribes that constantly fought with each other and treated women like property. Besides what do you think would happen if Whites "returned" America and went back to Europe. Non Whites would be following them.

How does Catwoman prove your point? She was race swapped almost certainly for ideological reasons and you haven't even attempted to argue otherwise. If new ones are created why the need to replace old White ones (unless you have an anti White ideology of "diversity" and "inclusion"?)

LOL because some superheroes are still White and haven't been race swapped (yet) that proves Whites are allowed an identity? Do you even know what you are talking about? Take a look at what media and academia say about White identity. Everyone is allowed an identity except Whites. A total double standard.


I do not have to, the mere fact that they still exist is proof they still have influence of some kind. Just because it less than before does not mean they do not still have influence.

Nope it is people like you that create division. All races should be treated equally. What creates oppression is certain races thinking they are better than others. In society it is impossible to make everyone the same race, especially in America. There are mixed races many cultures etc. No you name me a society that is one race that does not have issues? Issues are a part of human nature. Murders, stealing raping still happens even if there is only one race. You have been brainwashed bud.

Just because there is no law does not mean it is ethical. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. Rich people often times can get away with crimes, it does not mean they should. Just because there was no law against conquering does not mean it was correct.

Nope her race was not essential therefore no race swap occurred. There is only a race swap when the race is essential to the character. Explain how Catwoman's race is essential to her character I will wait. Just because she is typically portrayed as white does it mean the race is essential. Eartha Kitt and the Year One comic show you can portray this character differently.

Yep it does. If whites were not allowed an identity like you say they would not be the majority. Concession is noted. You are not a victim, do not try and play it. It is not becoming.


A minimal influence is technically still influence but in practice not enough to change social views. Left wing media, academia and ent. industry is what shapes social views today.

Of course all races should be treated equally. That is what White advocates want. This means no affirmative action, no diversity quotas, not double standards for what is considered racist and each race should have the right to their own countries including White people, but non of this is the case today. IQ racial differences is an undeniable fact and only thing which is disputed is the cause. Even if the cause is cultural as opposed to genetic it's still true some races are better than others in intelligence at least for now. No, but it's possible to racially split America. That is what also Black separatists want and nobody accused them for being anti Black. Nope, multiracial White countries such as USA, France or Sweden have more crime than monoracial ones like Iceland or Slovenia.

Ironically you mention ethics. This ethic opposed to conquest was invented by White people. Before that everybody took land from everybody and nobody though taking land was immoral. But today only White people are blamed for conquest despite they're not the only ones engaged in it and despite the fact they alone put an end to it. A double standard against Whites. And if Whites today are going to blamed for historic conquest, so should also everyone else that engaged in it which almost everybody.

Nope, Race swap accrues regardless if you label it essential. Race is essential to every Black character, but never to any White character because Whites aren't allowed an identity, but Blacks are encouraged to have it. I'll explain it. Catwoman is a love interest of Batman and since Batman is White and White men are much more likely to be interested in White women, it's more practical to portray her as White.

Whites can still appear on screen without them being allowed an identity.


Your concession is noted. Influence is still influence.

In the meantime black people are in America. Therefore they need to be treated equally. Get back to me once there is only one race in America. Do not hold your breath.

Also another lie. You do not get to excuse white people's actions simply because other people did it. Wrong is wrong period.

Nope it has to be essential. Nope race is not essential even if it is a black character. The race has to be essential in order for a swap to take place. It does not matter which is most likely. Mixed race couples do exist. Just because they are not the majority does not mean they can not be portrayed on film. The Batman was a success critically and financially choke on it.

Nope wrong. Since they are the majority they can have an identity.


They already are treated equally and eve more so. They're privilege as I have explained. If America was only White there would have been much less crime, welfare use, poor school performance, single motherhood and toxic identity politics. You can't name a single tangible plus of having Blacks and Hispanics in the country. Yes, ending immigration and splitting up America is a difficult thing to do, but it doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do.

I never said Whites never made any mistakes, I said if you compare them to others they didn't behave worse and arguably they behaved even better. In Hong Kong protesters are waving British flags. Name me one none White colonial flag being waved in any former non White colony. But today only Whites get criticized for their historic behaviour, never the Arabs, Bantus or Turks. Double standard.

I never said mixed race couples can't ever be portrayed on film, I said it's more likely for White Batman to be interested in a White woman than a Black one. (this is statistically very much the case, you rarely see a White man, Black woman couples) You asked me for a practical reason why Catwoman should be White. I gave you one. Also the audience perceives White women to be more attractive than Black and Batman's love interest should be most attractive.

Batman was a good film that's why it was successful. The only woke part was Catwoman being Black which isn't that much woke.

You don't know what an identity is. Physical existence is not the same as identity.


Nope also not true. America will never be a country that is a single race. You might as well give up that notion it will never happen. That is a fantasy in your head. It will never happen I promise you that.

Nope again deflecting to other races is not going to work. Whites like any race have committed bad crimes and made bad mistakes the end.

Doers not matter what is most likely when adapting a film. You as an artist are free to portray whatever you want on film. I do not care what your practical reason is. We do not base films on what is most likely. If that were the case half the stuff we see action heroes do would not be done. Half the stuff action heroes survive in films would not be possible to survive in real life. Nope beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Subjective opinions are not facts. Beauty is opinion nothing more. I find Zoe to be quite beautiful.

Does not matter the point is the film was successful and she was a part of it.

Nope wrong I know about identity far more than you. How does it feel knowing you won't get your way?


LOL you repeating a claim without substantiating doesn't constitute an argument nor a counter argument. America is already splitting up. Even Bill Gates is warning of a civil war.

Name me an ethnic groups that hasn't done bad things. Name me a race that hasn't. Whites were first to end slavery and were the first to come up with human rights. They are only demonized because they are self critical. Nobody else besides Whites is self critical.

Black women are less attractive than White women. That is down to evolution and sexual selection in warm climates. In cold climates sexual selection favours men because women need men for hunting, but in warm climates women can gather enough food to feed the children so the selection favours women. Beauty is not only in the eyes of the beholder, it is about symmetry and evolutionary propensities.

Not an argument. The media and education system don't allow Whites to have an identity, but at the same time blaming Whites and encouraging all other groups to have an identity. Then when White identity arises, they try to suppress it.


Nope it is not. It will never be a country where only one race exists. Diversity is only going up and it will continue to do so.

None of that excuses what bad things white people have done. Other wrongdoings do not excuse this behavior.

Nope beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is subjective. I find Zoe Kravitz to be a beautiful woman and so do many others.

Nope not when they hold the majority of roles. I am not addressing this point anymore. You failed to counter this so this is also a concession.


I don't know what will happen, but diversity is objectively bad for society. Sociological studies prove it. It destroys social trust. People volunteer less, engage in less in local communities, talk less with strangers and watch more TV. America is becoming more diverse because rich people import cheap labour (and democrats import voters), not because it's better for society.

It puts historical White behaviour in proper context. History of humanity is one of constant confect and competition for resources like land, food, water and women. Before Europeans came up with industrial revolution people lived in scarcity and the only way of living a comfortable life was to exploit someone else. Europeans didn't invent the conquest ethic nor were they they only ones who engaged in it, they were just better at it than others. But today they are only one blamed for it. If you want to blame Europeans, blame also everyone else. Focusing only on Europeans is a hypocritical double standard and I will not tolerate it.

No it's not only in the eyes of the beholder. Studies disprove this. Ever heard of evolutionary psychology?

You're like a broken record. Of course majority of roles are White if Whites are majority of the population. Identity is not the same as physical existence. Black identity is encouraged while White identity is demonized. Double standard.


Like I said it will never happen. Only in your dreams will it not be diverse.

I have not commented on everyone else, therefore your assumption is noted and dismissed.

Nope beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Nope not when the majority of heroes are white. You do not get to dismiss this. No matter how hard you try this is a fact.


I live in Slovenia. Slovenia is 99.3% White. It has a long way to go before it become diverse. I'm laughing at you.

Doesn't dispute the point that the current guilt dogma is unfair to Whites.

Repeating something like a parrot is not an argument.


We are talking about America not Slovenia. Your deflection is dismissed.

Again deflection dismissed. Anytime you deflect this is the response you will get.

Concession noted. Anything else? Scoreboard me 70 you 0.


It's not deflection, you were bragging about diversity and how I am bothered by this. I responded I live in Slovenia which is a valid argument.

You ignoring an argument and calling it deflection is not an argument.

I literally won every debate we've had, but you proclaim yourself the winner LOL.


You said America should be a one race country. This will never happen.

It is a deflection.

Nope I have actually won every debate. Check out the scoreboard. Me 73 you 0.


Problems that racial diversity brings tells anyone with a functioning brain races should live separately. Just look at the racial problems.


It will never happen. So in the mean time we better learn to all play nice with each other.


Tell that to 20.000 White women Blacks rape and sexually assault every year.



Tell that to the mass shooters as well which most happen to be white lol.


Counting Hispanics with White (and even then they're only just above 50% which is LESS than they're share of the population. Total fail from you.


Lol nope you just can't stand the stats when they go against you now can you?


Those stats don't go against me. They are IN FAVOUR of me. They show Whites under proportionate relative to their share of the population.


Nope wrong actually. Whites have more mass shooters in the end. Your attempt to lie is sad and laughed at by me.


No because they count Hispanics with Whites. They are under their share of the population. You totally shot yourself in the foot with this stat :D


Wrong actually. A lie created from you. Anyways anything else or should I place you on ignore? Btw I have reported you to the administrators on here. We will see how much longer you will be on here.


What is wrong? That they count Hispanics with Whites? Show me a Hispanic category then.

I have never broken any rules in debating with you. You just want to cheat by censoring views you don't like because you can't argue against my ideas.


Not true. You made that up to try and sway the point your way.

Actually in the guidelines racism is one of the rules. Tread carefully.


If it's not true show me the evidence they don't count Hispanics with Whites. FBI counts Hispanics with Whites and this is based off FBI.


No according to the source my friend. Read the stats and weep. Concession noted.


I have looked for Hispanic on the site and there is no result. It includes Hispanic just like the FBI table. You lose.


Nope just because you want that to be true does it make it so. I win.


It includes Hispanics and even then they're LESS than their share of the population. No info on how many of them are Black. That's because Blacks are way ABOVE their share of the population.


Wrong read the data and weep like a child. Let me ask you one of those idiots who believes in voter fraud? You think Trump is the true president right now?


I read the data and it doesn't say "non Hispanic White" . In the census Hispanics are countd under Whites. You lose.


Nope I win. You lost.


I have already answered this twice. This is going to be my final time answering this. You ignore it this time I will not address it any further. NICK FURY!!! I do not think there would be an issue. No bigger than the ones you guys make.

I already proved there were more bankable actors than Affleck for that role. I can speculate like you and assume it was racism. However I will take the higher path.


Nick Fury was originally White. Now that he's played by a Black guy, if he got replaced for White (even tough he was White originally) there would be massive outrage. It would never happen. You need to come up with a better example. Name me a Black fictional character that could realistically be swapped for White in these modern woke times. It would never happen.

You never gave an example of which actor would be better than Affleck. Non of the actors you listed look like Mendez. You still haven't answered my question of how many A list Hispanic actors you can name in Hollywood. The pool isn't very big compared to White actors, that's why it's realistic to expect for roles to get swapped with White from time to time.

Racism is a very general blanket term. Tell me more specifically what do you mean by that? Is it that people who run Hollywood hate Hispanics? Is it that audiences would prefer seeing White actors? If so, then there is nothing wrong with that since it's the market speaking. There is no ideology that prevented a Hispanic from getting that role.


You know there is no room for that on the internet.


Get back to 4chan you guys are poisoning this site.


People are allergic to reality. It's so dumb.


I know like saying racism against blacks of any kind doesn't exist.


Most comic book characters were originally white. No there would not be. You are making an assumption and I am dismissing it. Also keep in mind did you ever consider the reason there might be an outrage is because whites outnumber blacks by a massive margin? How many superheroes are white? Even with a change whites still have dominion. Also nobody cared about the Whistler being based off Jamal Amari.

I do not need to provide you a full list. Is it about bankability or because they are the majority? You are pushing two narratives here.

Then there is nothing wrong with people wanting blacks represented. It is your opinion that no ideology that prevented him from getting that role.


Yes there were White and they are being replaced by Blacks for ideological reasons (wokeness, diversity, inclusion...). I can name the ideology and it's undeniable this ideology now dominates Hollywood.

This isn't communism. Who invented these superheroes? Whites aren't stopping Blacks from creating their own franchises and making their own films.

You argued that Affleck wasn't cast for practical reasons. Unavailability of Hispanic actors is a practical reason. You need to provide a long list of top tier Hispanic actors.

If they want Blacks represented create new roles for them, not steal existing one from Whites.


You still hold the majority in Hollywood. I am not feeling sorry for you at all. I do not believe it is for ideological reasons. I just think you are threatened by the fact that whites do not outnumber blacks 100 to 1 anymore.

Nope and they will not be stopping us from starring as characters where the race is not essential. Do not like it? Too bad either choke on it or leave the country. Your choice.

Nope you made a claim without evidence therefore I am free to do the same.

We are doing that and getting roles where the race is not essential. I am loving it.


I do not believe it is for ideological reasons

Then why is it happening then? Annie, Spiderman, Lt Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...etc) Do you deny Hollywood is woke? Woke people believe in what they call diversity and inclusion. These are just code words for less Whites and more Blacks. I remember a picture of 10 Black women posing in their underware and lefitsts unironically labelled this image "diverse". Talk about doublethink.

You aren't creating anything of your own. You haven't achieved anything of your own. Everything Black people achieved in American history has been given to them by Whites who feel sorry for them. Race swapping in movies is only a continuation of this trend.


I think the country is becoming more open minded and realizing that other people should be represented other than just whites. You are simply stuck in the past. If it ain't white it ain't right.

Lol wrong again. As a matter of fact many things blacks invented whites got credit for. Everything blacks have achieved was given to them by whites? Lol you just contradicted yourself. Jordan Peele created his own characters. Also I can prove you wrong by two sources. Okay first is wikipedia which you will omit but that is why I will list another. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African-American_inventors_and_scientists


Scoreboard me 39 you 0.


Bollocks. Blacks and other races have been represented and portrayed positively in Hollywood for about 65 years. 31 years ago you had Terminator movies with Black scientists. What is happening today with this wokeness is overdrive. There is a popular trend of replacing existing White characters (if they just want representation they could create new Black characters) and Whites being portrayed as bad guys. This isn't just Black representation.

Blacks invented relatively little given their share of the population. This isn't surprising since they have an average IQ of 85. Especially if you compare that list to the list of what Whites created. Freedom from slavery was given to Blacks by Whites, civil rights act was given to Blacks by Whites, Black organizations were given to Blacks by Whites, Affirmative action was given to Blacks by Whites, diversity quotas were given to Blacks by Whites, Hollywood representation was given to Blacks by Whites. You'll need to do better than a biased Wikipedia article.


Also not true. Plenty of movies made within recent memory have portrayed black villains. Captain Phillips being a prime example.

Nope I also cited another link besides wikipedia. You do not get to side step that and pretend it does not exist. This is another concession from you. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/african-american-inventors-19th-century

Scoreboard me 41 you 0.


Captain Phillips is based on true story. They had to have a Black villain. If more movies were a reflection of reality, much more Blacks would be the bad guys because they are bad guys in real life. The fact they aren't portrayed that way is an example of Black privilege.

That Wikipedia article is totally de-contextualized. It just list a bunch of inventions designed to portray Blacks are contributing without the context of how many Blacks there are in the country and how much of inventions that is compared to other groups. I would also bet my life that plenty of those listed are only partial inventions and I wouldn't be surprised plenty are outright false. We know that liberals lie about Black contributions because they know that is a tool to fight racism. Here is video debunking many of the supposed Black contributions circulating online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqPyQuIMlt8&t=3s

What made America great? Democracy = roots in Europe, Protestant work ethic = roots in Europe. The free market = roots in Europe, high IQ = roots in Europe, rule of law = roots in Europe, separation of church and state = roots in Europe. Scientific revolution = roots in Europe, enlightenment = roots in Europe, women's rights = roots in Europe, Freedom of speech = roots in Europe. I rest my case.


And plenty of whites are bad guys in real life as well. Lol you just dismantled your own argument. Most mass shooters are white. So since we are basing things in reality most killers being white would be accurate lol thanks for that.

Nope you do not get to dismiss something because you disagree with it. You said you would not be surprised which means you are guessing and assuming. Your assumptions and generalizations are noted and dismissed. I can post a video of my own to combat that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-SmBEL2f4Y

Lol democracy? Yet you oppose the democrats? Your hypocrisy is again noted and dismissed. IQ is not limited to race. I even have a friend who is an Asian nurse who disputes your bullshit. I will be talking to the administrators about you and seeing if we can get you removed from this site. Careful what you say from here on out. Any racist thing you post will be reported since that is a violation of the rules. Tread carefully from now on. With any luck we can get you back on 4chan where you belong.


Whites are much less than Black people to be bad guys in real life. Look at the FBI crime stats. No, most mass shooters are Black. A mass shooter is anyone that kills 4 or more people. Blacks commit gun violence at MUCH higher rate than Whites.

I am not dismissing it, I am presenting arguments why this list isn't proof that Blacks are contributing people relative to their share of the population. You haven't even addressed my argument. Name me statistical data that show Blacks contributed to America in a proportional way other than sports, stand up comedy or music. I'm waiting.

Opposing democratic party is not the same as opposing Democracy, dumbass. You don't know what you're talking about. Again crying to administrators and threatening my ban because you can't argue with my facts. If you were confident you are right, you wouldn't be afraid of data. More example of the left wing cheating with censorship because they don't have the counter arguments.


Nope I have looked up the stats. That is a flat out lie from you. Numbers need to also have context. We already went this route. You can't analyze an NBA game only by looking at a state sheet. You need to actually watch the game in order to give a full analysis.

I already presented stats about black people's inventions. You dismissed them so I am not citing more data for you. It will not do any good.

Like I said you keep up the racist rhetoric you will get banned.


If you looked them up, then post them here. Show me stats where Black crime was equal to lower than White crime. Oh, that's right you can't.

There are 40 million Black people. Of course they invented some things. We are comparing Black contribution to others you need to put those inventions in context and you haven't done so.


Nope I do not need to. I am done doing that. I listed two stat based websites and you dismissed them. So I will save myself the time. Stats without context mean nothing.

Then your concession is noted. Blacks accomplished things without white people. You originally claimed they accomplished nothing without whites. So scoreboard me 57 you 0.


Exactly stats without context mean nothing. That's why your stats about Black achievement tell us nothing until they're contextualized to Black population and compared to other groups.

Name me one thing Blacks accomplished without White people. Africa didn't have a written language or the wheel before Europeans arrived. They never built a two story building or a mechanical device not a ship that was sea worthy.


"Name me one thing Blacks accomplished without White people."



Wow, what would humanity do without it. And even Jazz was invented in America meaning it was done together with Whites. Blacks in Africa couldn't come up with jazz.




An Afrocentric website? Please stop embarrassing yourself.


So you can list websites that are propaganda but anytime someone lists a site which showed blacks in a positive light you dismiss it. Get back on 4chan you are not welcome here. I'm reporting you to the administrator.


I listed an objective IQ site (which is the first result if you Google "Baltimore IQ") He listed an Afrocentric website. Afrocentrist are the epitome of pseudo history. They claim ancient Chinese and Scandinavians were Black.


lol you sources objective lol. Thanks for the laugh.


Name me one thing on that site that implies bias of any kind other than the IQ results themselves. The site isn't even political much less White supremacist.


Dismissed you lost the right to talk about those sites you listed. I am not addressing this anymore. You bring it up again and I will not respond to it.


I did not lose any rights. You are not he moderator of this forum. You accused me of linking White supremacist site and never given ANY proof.


Which renders your stats worthless as well. I already gave you a list and you ignored it. I'm revoking your right to talk about this point any further. Your concession is noted.


There is no missing context behind IQ stats. We know how much of the disparity is due to genes and how much environment. There are various ways to test that.


Nope you can not take stats out of context or measure them without context. This is dismissed.


I have addressed your "context" about crime stats. Poverty doesn't explain it, oppression doesn't explain it. There is racial difference is crime even at the same socio economic status. Plenty of other groups like Asians and Jews have also been oppressed yet they never committed a lot of crime.


Oppression and poverty do explain it. Man how often do you lie? I am honestly getting bored with this.


No they don't and I've explained why.


Nope you have not. My point stands.
