Outstanding film!

The acting and story are great. Amber Midthunder is a great lead and her character development is well executed. Conceptually setting a Predator film in this time period and location was a fantastic idea.

The location is gorgeous with some stellar camera work. I love the cinematography style.

A very thrilling film, short and sweet with the credits running at 90minutes with plenty of well done action sequences.

I've seen some people say the CGI was bad? I thought it was fantastic. The animals were really well done. I did watch this in 4K High Dynamic Range, perhaps without the HDR altered lighting the CGI looks worse? To my eyes it was superb. I was very impressed with it and I don't understand how good people need the CGI to be to not complain about it. Just seems like nitpicking by CG haters and practical purists (this film wouldn't have worked with practical effects).

For me the best film in the Predator franchise and also the best film of 2022 thus far (I haven't seen Top Gun: Maverick, Everything Everywhere All At Once or Nope).

Dan Trachtenberg is now 2 for 2 with this and 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016). Definitely a director I'll be keeping an eye on. Hopefully he's more active going forward.


Only thing that makes sense from what you said is "location is gorgeous" . Rest is crap.
Camera work - extremely bad.
Direction - extremely bad. Maybe this Trachnberg guy had someone help him with 10 Cloverfield lane, that one was ok.
CGI - not bad, pure cheap garbage.
Attention to details - so bad its vomit inducing.
" Definitely a director I'll be keeping an eye on". - Keep your eyes on anything you want, but keep your fingers away from keyboards, you dont make any fucking sense.


you seem to be in the vast vast minority here


Not really. Most people can spot a bad movie easily


so thats why
-most people on these boards agree its decent- excellent. even people who are conservative and say "I expected it to be woke but it isnt" admit its decent
-imdb has it at a 7.3
-RT has it at a 94%

do you not know ht the word minority means or?


Who the fuck cares how high it's rated ?
I don't give a shit if it's "woke" or conservative or liberal or whatever terms people pull out of their asses - its a bad movie.
I start watching movie
- I see indian girl sleeping with WAR paint - I say ok, maybe director never read a fuckin book about indians
- I see indian girl harvest some root which clearly shows bad camera work (just watch that scene) - I say ok, honest mistake
- I see some indian girl chasing a deer and sliding like its some retarded video game - I say ok, why not, its a scifi movie
- I see dog catching his TAIL in a trap - thats not how traps work, 100% of cases there will be a leg there
- Then this girl takes some rock and breaks a chain the thickness of my thumb by placing the chain on the ground and hitting it
- I see girl with her brother hunting a hawk - obvious and lazy CGI - no bird flies like that, ever
- I see retarded camera work following her through the village that looks fake as fuck
At this moment of course I'm out of the element, because director is so goddamn retarded that he cannot even build atmosphere. Yes, its a fucking shit movie directed by a retard.


"Most people can spot a bad movie easily"

alzheimers too?


No, u need a doctor in that case.


you wrote paragraphs in response to one small one. this moves in your head rent free. ui guess you still dont know what minority means.. smoke words confuse conservatives


It's a shit movie lol


critics disagree
moviechat disagrees
the vast majority of reviewers disagree.

"but but MOST people can spot a shit movie"

most people also know what most means, as well as minority


most = Media Oriented Systems Transport
minority = the state or period of being under the age of full legal responsibility. I am over 18, so I am not in minority


You are not the sole authority on what determines a good film. Others do not need your stamp of approval in order to consider this film good.


I trust myself to decide if I like a film, you can trust RT or whatever you are trained to trust.


oh shut the fuck up, simp...


yes and no ones saying you cant dislike it. I simply stated you are in the vast majority on your opinion


What is a majority ?


retard detected


all the personal attacks will not make this shit movie any better lol


I trust myself also. Let me just inform you though I trust RT or other sources over you as they have far more credibility. Now be off you peon.


im either being trolled or you are dumb as fuck

minority - 'the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number."

most- "the greatest amount or quantity."

you are sooo stupid


What if it is less than half but more than 50% ? Is it still minority?


you should get tested for the tism.... the doctors missed something.


- I see roots that lower the body temperature to the point of appearing invisible to thermal vision
- I see natives hunting at night with torches.
- I see a native girl who gets saved by an invisible, intelligent humanoid creature and concludes that she must hunt it down instead of seeing it as a spiritual creature that she shouldn't mess with.


Amber Midthunder is not bad...
But I liked her a lot more in Legion.


Location was gorgeous. It was the only good thing.

And brother was charismatic and swaggy. I felt sorry when he was killed. I liked him But we all knew it would happen from the moment he was introduced. Because no one can outshine Doctor Mary Sue ))) Honestly I was surprised he would survive to almost end of the movie. I expected him to tragically die in the first 30 minutes.

It was hard to have any feelings for characters or any tension because we all knew that every character will die and Mary Sue will never be in real danger because she is main character and must survive till the end. Thats why Predator, very conveniently, was always distracted by something when it was her time to die. Sometimes he just walked away for no reason.

CGI bear and lion were ridiculously bad.


Not a CG hater here, thought the CG bear in "The Revenant" was incredibly done and believable. In Prey the CG bear was not well done and looked animated in many shots. Further, other animals looked poor at times (the CG lion looked fine mostly but it was also helped by being in near darkness).


"her character development is well executed."

WTF? WHAT character development???

She went from "I want to hunt because you think I cannot hunt" and failure after failure - managed to get one of the tribe member killed by the cat and then she could have killed the cat but shat her pants and failed - how is she alive after that episode is unclear. Then she goes like a stupid cunt after a bear and the bear almost kills her but she is saved by the predator that mainly ignores her the whole movie. Then the stupid cunt, after barely escaping from the bear, decides that it's smart to hunt the being that just easily killed the bear.

And not only that she is stupid enough to hunt the predator, she manages to bring his wrath on her own tribe hunting party and has everyone killed, including her brother.

Plus the pistol in Predator 2 being in the "hands" of a predator implies that another predator come and wiped them all, taking the pistol as a trophy. Not the best outcome for her tribe and she is the only one to thank to ...

And when she kills the predator is like the predator not just doesn't give a shit about her and doesn't consider her a threat but suddenly becomes dumb as shit, as dumb as to cut his own arm.

And she is still the same stupid and weak but full of her self cunt.


Nailed it.


I thought it was very good at least in the first half. I felt the second half could have been better but maybe part of that is down to me feeling sleepy and losing concentration.

The best in the franchise though? Nah. Third place just behind the second one, on first viewing.


Thanks for your review.
I'm curious, what would you say is the film's "cinematography style" ?


Combination of long and medium shot.


Fully agree. Ignore the slow crowd!
