MovieChat Forums > The Killer (2023) Discussion > needed a better ending

needed a better ending

it sort of died.


it certainly wasnt the most satisfying climax, ill say that.


I watched a non-spoiler review 2 weeks ago that mentioned a potentially disappointing ending but no details. So I was watching this whole movie enjoying every chapter while dreading a possible bad ending.

Almost stopped it at the last 10 min to watch from the beginning bc I was enjoying the ride so much. I was convinced he would get killed anticlimactically in the last few seconds.

I'm glad that didn't happen. There was plenty of dark shit throughout. Maybe he should have executed the billionaire at the end. The taxi driver, secretary/mother were offed, why does the rich guy get to live? Would it cause too much heat? Also I usually criticize Netflix for attempting to franchise everything. I would not be disappointed if there was a sequel.


why would he kill the assassins who were just doing their jobs? like he had done many times before.


Prob cause they had personal knowledge of his home address and living situation and he wanted to tie up loose ends. It's info they could act on in the future or sell to someone.


Their job was to kill him, not beat up his girlfriend. They were paid to eliminate him. They would have succeeded eventually, if he didn't kill them first. It's not like they would simply give up because he wasn't at home that one time.


perhaps they were trying to show him become a little less of a robotic killer by letting a bad guy live


He did say that the Client was a harder target because rich people bring a lot of heat.


Yeah movie was a bore overall.


@hownos I usually agree with your take on movies but I differ on this one. I really liked the ending. He showed the rich guy how vulnerable he was by breaching his security to make sure he didn't send someoned else to kill him. Then he wisely retired, possibly because he realized he was slipping and didn't want to risk any further mistakes.


I agree it felt like an end scene was missing with more relating to his line of work or something to add to the story rather than him letting the millionaire live and walk out.


I repeated the last scene because I love that song from the smiths and notice someting interesting during the line one of the many like me the killer has a tic in his eye, I think most people dint notice that, is the tic of someone who is tense unconfortable I think is imply sooner or later he is going back to his "work" I already liked the end but after that I liked more.

I think this movie is going to be like Fight club having mixed reviews at first but in time people are going to pay more attention and find things here and ther creating discussion and fan theroies about his meaning making this film a classic with a strong fan base.


"What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever."


And close to 30 years later, (so far) John Doe was correct.


Yeah, I wish more film directors these day studied how Fincher's films are shots and edited, and take more stock....


I was SHOCKED that he settled back in the same house. A guy as careful as him I would have thought would have relocated somewhere else.


The ending was very good. Spoilers incoming obviously.

It was only after he met the rich guy the killer has realized the he is really one of the many; there are others who belong to the few true exploiters. His killing streak throughout the movie leaves us with no delusions that there is any empathy in him and we aren't supposed to root for him but he himself has recognized that some people are higher on this scale. He will defend himself from them if it's necessary but he isn't going to change his worldview by eliminating those who are _supposed_ to be the "strongest".

Now, personally I am not even a "blame the rich" guy (you may have noticed that Hollywood has somehow much harder time in blaming the politicians; kicking the rich is cheap) but I would give Fincher a pass for this because he used to put billionaires in good light in the past imo (fantastic The Game) so he just personally made it square with them with this one.
