MovieChat Forums > Shutter Island (2010) Discussion > 8.1??? WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF


This is the most boring movie I've seen in a long time. I'm surprised at Scorcese.


I didn't find boring at all. 8.1 seems like a fair rating to me. I thought it was well made, interesting, and entertaining.


Found the guy who watches movies... but doesn't see them.
Watch this and tell me it doesn't change your mind:


I appreciate you sharing that. And yeah I am aware of all that. But those weren't my issues with the film. It was the dragging pace and boring exposition, mainly, that I didn't care for. I like easter eggs in films too but they can't try to be the main course; there has to be an interesting delivery along the way.

I say this honestly: I am not that easily bored. But I found myself constantly losing interest in this movie. It just wasn't compelling enough. And I have some theories as to why, though I doubt you or anyone else who likes the film will get them. Mainly that sometimes a director can get so deeply/heavily invested in a project that their subjectivity overwhelms their ability to fashion a proper cinematic narrative. IOW they get lost in it and immersed so much that they forget that others will be watching the film too, lol. This happens sometimes, even to great directors. IMO it happened to Scorcese here. Any film that is too much on the 'inward' side does not communicate or connect with the audience as well as something more cinematically fashioned.

Anyway, that's my take. Thanks for the link. But it didn't change my mind. I like all the hidden stuff, but for me that's a separate issue from whether or not it's boring. Maybe if he'd have cut it to 85 minutes, all the boring crap woulda dropped off. Maybe? I dunno. But 8.1 is far too high IMO even for the IMDB aggregate system. I could see Shutter Island having a 6.0 but personally for me I'd put it at 4.0



Thanks for the insight.
Well, sometimes movies just don't work for you I guess.

I have that with some classics like 2001: Space Odyssey. I just... it puts me right to sleep and whenever I can stay awake I just want it to be over soon. I appreciate what it did for sci-fi and I know it was ground breaking stuff in some aspects back then... but oh God leave me alone with this flick. xD

As for Shutter Island, I rated it 7. Not a masterpiece and not for everyone, but a solid movie in the end for me.
These little details like the lady drinking water out of an "empty glass" whenever we see it from Leo's perspective due to his fear for water, while being full when shown from anyone else's perspective are what gets me. Love that stuff.

PS: And apologies for being a bit of a dick earlier. Usually people calling good movies "boring" are the same that think the Transformer series is the greatest thing since sandwiches and it makes me a bit sad...


No worries. You werent untoward! I enjoyed hearing your perspective on it.

I should add that I do think the movie is technically very good. Effects, photography, planning and execution etc. My ONLY gripe was the story dragged pretty bad in some places. I was just surprised when I saw that high rating. But I guess the rating system can reflect a microcosm and not overall viewership. Like, Lebowski is rated very high but many people just don't get it. Well, maybe this was my turn to 'not get it' lol

Then some I feel are rated way too low, like Tequila Sunrise. It's a 6 (I think) and IMO should be around 8.5



IMDB ratings are more or less a joke. Check the IMDB Top 100 and you'll see.
Sure, it's art, so how can we establish a "definite" rating for each movie, but come on... all this super hero cookie-cutter junk these days is so extremely overrated, it is just painful to witness.


Totally agree. As an afterthought I probably should've chosen a different subject line. lol


Fun fact: I thought the same when I was replying. WTF 20 times in caps doesn't seem very mature ;D


Unfortunately exhibiting maturity has never been one of my goals when posting. :/

But on a more sober note, it was an authentic response to how I felt in the moment. I guess it was intended to convey sincere extreme disdain.

That was then. I've calmed down now lol


I gave it a 8/10. Maybe go back to listening to rap music and playing on your little xbox..


Lol dude I am 54 years old and hate rap and never owned or played an xbox in my life. Nice try though. Its obvious you never jump conclusions huh. Lol


I gave it a 8/10. Maybe go back to listening to rap music and playing on your little

Oh, the irony is deafening. This movie is a boring, lazy retread of at least five different movies spanning five decades, the most recent one being Mulholland Drive. Instead of mocking someone for listening to rap music and playing on their X Box, here's a word of advice--try watching movies before 2010.


well said


In some ways I sort of agree that 8.1 is a tad high for SI. However, I do like to acknowledge a movie that TRIES to be thoughtful and mysterious is going to get some more credit over something that is entertaining yet formulaic. I imagine SI might be inflated because the people who watched and rated are fans of Marty and Leo.
I wouldn't mind seeing it again but I don't remember being enthralled by it. I think the cloudy setting and dark mood make it more difficult to warm up to. Not sure Ruffalo was very interesting, but I always like seeing Patrica Clarkson. It's a complex movie.


In some ways I sort of agree that 8.1 is a tad high for SI. However, I do like to acknowledge a movie that TRIES to be thoughtful and mysterious is going to get some more credit over something that is entertaining yet formulaic. I imagine SI might be inflated because the people who watched and rated are fans of Marty and Leo.

Good points. I agree.


It’s just a well-liked psychological thriller (and I used to consider it overrated myself... actually I still kinda do but I guess I now see why many are so fond of it). What madness.


The movie deserves no higher than a 6, and only for its cinematography and sets. The entire story is such a pathetic retread of better movies that if it weren't for its technical excellence, I'd give it a 1/10, easily.


It's okay. I think the Godfather is boring. And it's not like I don't like dramas. I like One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Driving Miss Daisy, Forrest Gump, and Shawshank Redemption. You can feel free to dislike this. I myself hated the ending when I first saw it. Though I wasn't aware at the time it was based on a book.


Scorcese didn't direct the godfather.

Thanks. yeah, i don't care for this one


I know he didn't direct the Godfather. I mainly just was mentioning a popular movie that most everyone likes that I don't like.


oh. i see it now. gotcha


I find it riveting, and endlessly rewatchable because of how richly detailed it is. The way Teddy’s conversations with the hospital staff can be read two ways, and how Scorsese controls the texture of the film to bring out the theatrical overtures are the kind of genius we rarely see in mainstream film anymore. Hell, SI is nearly ten years old, you have to wonder if we’ll ever get movies like this again.

I’ve never been a Leo fan but his performance here is incredible, especially his breakdown near the end. The film shines a light on the tragedy that is mental illness, in various forms. Kingsley, Ruffalo, Von Sydow, Williams, Carrol Lynch, Levine are one hell of a supporting cast and they all shine.

I’d give the film 9/10, but if someone gave it a 10 I wouldn’t argue. I think it’s top-tier Scorsese.
