MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > Is there also a multiverse for the Incre...

Is there also a multiverse for the Incredible Hulk?

Hence why in the 2008 movie, Bruce Banner is Edward Norton while in the MCU going forward, he's Mark Ruffalo. Basically, the Banner and Hulk that we saw in the 2008 movie was a Hulk that was someone just outside of the "main" MCU continuity. Of course, that doesn't explain how we still see Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark talking to Thunderbolt Ross at the end of the 2008 Hulk movie.


A Hulk multiverse would be good.


A movie where the Hulk isn't just a punching bag and a foil to show how powerful other characters are would be good.


Unfortunatley the distribution rights are still at Universal. Though it does make me wonder how they can do a She Hulk show and not have that count as a breech.


How is Universal getting away with not releasing anything Hulk related but Sony has to keep pumping out crappy villain spin off movies to keep the Spider-Man rights?


I think Marvel has been paying them to use Hulk every movie.


Wby would it count as a breach? She Hulk is a different character.


Because her whole origin is tied to Bruce Banner being her cousin and that he gave her a blood transfution to save her life after she is shot, she is part of the Hulk's film rights. Same with other Hulk characters like Betty and General Ross.


What does her origin have to do with anything? She is a different character. If Marvel wanted to make a general Betty Ross movie they could. Universal has the rights to distribute a Hulk movie, that's it. Marvel have already used the Hulk in half a dozen movies. They can use whatever characters they want. It's not like the Spider-man Sony deal.


I thought they still had to have Universal's permission to do live action Hulk related things.


Norton Hulk IS Ruffalo Hulk just like Terrence Howard IS the same Rhodey as Don Cheadle


Don't waste your keyboard.


So there can't be an alternate universe where Ross is still himself that universe too? In an infinite number of universes it's possible.


There is only one set of events. The ruse of free will is a nice one though.


I agree that Ruffalo's Hulk and Edward Norton's Hulk are supposed to be the same character in the same universe (even though in reality they seemed vastly different on screen). However, when it comes to "multiverse", you could in theory have the Eric Bana Hulk and the Lou Ferrigo Hulk show up from different universes, just as Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire did. The MCU would just have to retcon those previous Hulks as being transported to the MCU.


If there is a Hulk multiverse with “Norton Hulk” universe being one of the alternate realities, then Tony Stark would still be alive since he appears at the end of The Incredible Hulk (2008) with the implication that he was going to hunt down The Hulk in a future movie which ended up not actually happening in the later films but maybe it does in an alternate universe.
