WARNING: One of the leads is a Trans Woman

Do not support.


Her role is clearly female without any innuendo. So you want to forbid now people to work because you don't like their lifestyle?


If he plays the role well, I guess it's ok.

But isn't it strange that while they complain that there aren't enough opportunities for women, at the same time they are giving these female parts in big budget movies to a man?


I don't like military people. I am convinced that their job makes our world worse? That many of them will end as mentally instable beings, not capable of having a stable and normal life. And it is just because they made a stupid decision when they were teenagers.


What does that have to do with anything?




Wow, now I have another good reason not to watch this, besides avoiding giving money to a Rachel Zegler film.


Now I want to see it.


We've been watching secret trannies on screen since the beginning.


Really? Which one's?


Hard pass !


Is she hurting anyone? (The answer is no.)

Are you afraid you might catch something? Maybe she's contagious and you're afraid it will somehow rub off on you? (please tell me you aren't that stupid)

Do you think you might watch the movie, appreciate her as an actress and thereby have to consider the possibility (fact) that boycotting a movie over this is really, really stupid?

Watch the movie, don't watch the movie, whatever. But stop wasting your time by being hateful over things that 100% do not affect you in the slightest.


If it "100% does not affect" anyone in the slightest, why is Hollywood so intent on adding trannies to movies and series so we can have "representation"?

It's because it DOES affect us, obviously. Now we can argue if it affects us in a positive way or negative way or something mixed.

"Is he hurting anyone" or "is it contagious"?

It's scientifically proven and easy to understand that wanting to become a transgender has a huge social component.
By exposing this possibility to young impressionable kids they may incept in their minds that they want a different body.

And suddenly you have convinced your kid that he/she will never have kids and will become a medical patient for the rest of their lives when they are probably just confused (part of being a teenager).



If it "100% does not affect" anyone in the slightest, why is Hollywood so intent on adding trannies to movies and series so we can have "representation"?

No. That's the PR answer. The real answer is that they hope they make more money. They hope the number or people who like it is bigger than the number of people who don't like it.

It's scientifically proven and easy to understand that wanting to become a transgender has a huge social component.
By exposing this possibility to young impressionable kids they may incept in their minds that they want a different body.

Actually ...
That argument only shows that people can be influenced by what they see and what they see others do. It doesn't prove the "thing" in question is right or wrong.

And suddenly you have convinced your kid that
... pink hair is cool!

Seriously, if your kids are that easily influenced, you are not doing your job as a parent. Parents need to have conversations with their kids - conversations that involve both talking and listening!

If your kids said he/she wanted to die his/her hair pink, you would need to ask him/her why and have a conversation involving you listening to your child. As the parent, you can say no. But you need to talk to him/her about it. Well, I guess you don't have to talk first, but it would be the wise thing to do.

If your kids are honestly wondering if they are trans, you would be wise to take them seriously and ask them questions about it and have a discussion.

Sheltering your kids doesn't work. You have to teach them how to deal with uncomfortable topics. If you don't agree with something, that's ok, but don't teach them to hate people. Teach them to accept the fact that you are going to disagree with some choices that other people make.


It's true what you are saying, but you are putting the burden on ALL parents that they have to be patient, caring and communicative with their kids.

This is a clear utopia and will never happen.
As we know, a very big amount of parents is just not a good parent and will let their kids wander into the wild.

But I agree with you on that, it seems most of the transgender people go through some teenage insecurities and household problems and that's why they seem to need this cry for attention. Once again, it's all part of the society component that drives these feelings.


I'm sure they already got paid. Too late.
