MovieChat Forums > What If...? (2021) Discussion > Is it rue The MCU is trying to make Tony...

Is it rue The MCU is trying to make Tony Stark look bad now?

I haven’t watched anything from the franchise since I saw endgame.

at first I was really excited for phase 4 but with the pandemic I cooled off and It made me feel like without the Ogs the MCU won’t be that great anymore .

But I recently read on an article that the MCU is trying to make Tony Stark look bad and it’s ruining it’s amazing legacy so fans feel interested in the franchise without IronMan and the current characters get more attention and love.

I think it’s s bad move better reboot if they can’t continue without him and re cast the original 6 again.

I thought they wouldn’t but sadly it seems like the MCU is struggling without the original team.

But to everyone who is still following is true the MCU is ruining the character of IronMan/Tony Stark




The “Tony keeps dying in What If” thing is exaggerated. He died as often as Black Widow or Hawkeye. And certainly Thanos keeps getting beaten up.

There is no agenda. People just see what they want.


Ohh great that’s good to know, and it’s funny you from where the rumors came from lol 😂
It was exactly an article on the what if episodes killing Tony many times and in ridículous ways. So there is no agenda now on trying to make fans hate Tony.

Now I didn’t mean an SJW agenda, just an agenda of hey Sadly seems like dr Strange doesn’t seem strong enough to relay on or Bucky. Let’s diminish our OGS so fans will get over them and love the new generation


Oh, I know what sort of agenda you meant. I think the legacy of the OG Avengers is fine. Especially since Thor is still around and we’re getting one last hurrah with Hawkeye, War Machine, Nick Fury, and Banner in the near future.

I do agree that there isn’t one epic hero to get behind in the new batch. Captain Marvel was supposed to be but she isn’t strong enough as a character. I thought Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther had a shot but unfortunately he passed away.


That’s great to know they are keeping the legacies of the OGs fine and each one will get a good send off.
Tony, Steve and Natasha already had this but will see our other three leave pretty soon on a high note with their time to shine.

And yes the new roster lacks a strong figure to rely on and make him the new face of the MCU. Let’s see if they can find one.
But for now the MCU actors sadly lack that movie star quality our original Trinity had.


Just… nah. With all the numerous great actors (huge stars) playing great characters in the MCU (both new & old), the MCU’s future isn’t looking any less strong. But I mean, really, u haven’t seen anything since Endgame and yet you’re claiming that the MCU is gonna suffer without Tony despite the fact the MCU has had many excellent films without Iron Man’s involvement and also Phase 4 has so far been (largely) received extremely well and the hype for many of these projects has been through the roof? Bruh.

But the tired silly crowd that still preaches “the MCU is dead after Endgame” aside… yes, there are fans out there who’ve actually been in tune with Phase 4 and they feel the same way as you regarding the future of the MCU. But with the impact everything from WandaVision to the wildly acclaimed Shang-Chi have left (and soon Eternals and the big event that’s going to be No Way Home), it’s clear the overwhelming majority couldn’t disagree more with those like you. Btw… Shang-Chi himself, Simu Liu, is a BONAFIDE movie star. Talented and charismatic as hell, and his character is a worthy Avenger.

Now in a way, the franchise is going back to square one by introducing us to many new characters. Yet, with the track record the franchise holds, things are not going to slow down anytime soon for the MCU. It’s going to places it’s never been to before, the big names and soon-to-be big names continue to join the franchise, and overall things are looking brighter than ever. And it should be noted, while not one person deserves credit for the entire success of the MCU, the simple fact is KEVIN FEIGE is why we’re here. The MCU’s mastermind is credited by many as THE biggest reason why the franchise has become what it is. To doubt him is to, well, forget history because he and Marvel have been proving many wrong since day one.

Look, if you’ll form no connection with new characters that we’ll be seeing in the franchise, then that’s you. However, the current actors lack movie star quality? Lol. When it looks like almost all of Hollywood is joining the MCU, that’s one funny ass statement. Well, either you’ll give the new era of the MCU a try (you may or may not be letdown) or you won’t. Regardless, whether it’s the boring MCU detractors or formers fans (McU DeAd AfTeR EnDgAMe) downplaying the MCU like the real agendists they are, ultimately these negative voices don’t represent the majority. As such, this franchise (that continues to attract huge actors, writers, directors, etc more than ever before) is far from done. Nuff said


And yes the new roster lacks a strong figure to rely on and make him the new face of the MCU.

I think the X-Men and Fantastic Four will basically replace the Avengers. They'll be the new popular Marvel characters.


Depends on how woked they'll make Thor - Love and Thunder. Will they give Thor his powers back and make Jane a Valkyrie or make Thor be her bitch?


I doubt he’ll lose his powers. That’s already happened. The set photos show Thor walking around with Stormbreaker (and wearing a costume that resembles Thunderstrike) so it seems legit so far.


Sadly, they seem to getting rid of the entire first generation of Marvel actors*, and replacing them with younger people who work cheaper. It's not a trend I like, because it's not like the new generation is more fun than the old one, and it's not like Marvel Films can't afford to give their actors a good slice of the money pie. I can see why they killed of Stark, because he was the one actor who was getting paid hundreds of millions, but why would they need to get rid of the rest?

Anyway, they don't seem to be Stark-bashing at all, although of course there's always going to be some fanboy who thinks he isn't being treated with sufficient adulation and who will tell the whole internet. The fact is that Stark was always kind of a pain in the ass, obviously he did enough fantastic things that everyone forgave him his faults, but he faults were always there. I mean, if you had to work with a neurotic, self-absorbed, hyperactive, obsessive genius who used his inherited wealth to control everything you'd be exasperated with him too, but of course you'd forgive him when he saved the world again. He's not the sort of person who is going to get hailed as a saint, even after he died saving the universe. Even his own wife spent half the time adoring him, and half wanting to kill him.

- - -

* Except Hemsworth and Hiddleston, and I hope they don't get laid off in a year or two.
