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Superhero saturation: Why have Ant-Man and Shazam struggled at the box office?


I would imagine the main problem for Shazam is that, does the character have a future in James Gunn's plans for DC?

The answer is "No". He inherited it, it was too far along to stop, had he come in earlier in pre-production, he might well have halted production.

Much as the first movie was alright, it didn't exactly set the Box Office alight, so its chances of doing significantly better were not a given.

I think Ant-Man's problems largely stem from Marvels disastrous Phase 4, that doesn't seem to have a specific direction.

The previous 3 Phases were quite clear, introduce new characters, get them together for an ensemble movie, and slowly introduce the big bad of Thanos in the background, until the culmination.

In the first 3 Phases, fans pretty much considered each movie essential watching, hence why Black Panther and Captain Marvel over performed for what they delivered.

The first 3 Phases were to get everyone interested, but some of the TV series seem to go out of their way to suggest "We want this part of the audience to be interested but not this part", which if you want to do a Ms Marvel series aimed at getting girls more interested, thats fine, but don't at the same time make proclamations that The Marvels is going to be bigger and more important than previous Avengers movies, when you've set it up to ignore certain elements of your audience.

Ant-Man is the culmination of apathy toward the MCU since the Infinity Saga ended, many feeling the MCU had run its course and was over, and frankly, its like Marvel are trying to prove them right!

Me and my boy went to see Wakanda Forever, but were underwhelmed by it, so much so that we both couldn't be bothered to muster the interest for Ant-Man 3, because none of these movies seem essential to the overall story arc anymore.

I'm hopeful that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 might be an improvement, and hoping that Secret Invasion might be able to repair some of the damage, but beyond that......


Have we been saturated with GOOD superhero movies lately or BAD ones? Has anybody ever said "I'm getting tired of all these GOOD superhero movies"?


Like their other recent, weaker offerings, Ant-man will still do fine b/c of the front loading these get based on past Marvel glory. DC doesn't have that luxury, but a few more Marvel misses, they won't have that luxury either. Slowing down would be wise, as these releases don't feel like big events any longer.


Maybe people are fed up of the same old KIDDIE characters being spoon-fed to us in movies?

Try The Boys on Amazon Prime: Superheroes, but with adult themes throughout and all-new interesting characters with questionable morals at best. I was sick to death of MCU crap at that point, but I love these characters instead!


I don't think most superhero fans are going to enjoy The Boys since it makes a mockery of the genre. The male heroes are all despicable while the strong female characters prop up the team. The show is very cynical and would undermine the viewers' trust in all institutions. Shazam is clearly a kids' hero while The Boys is loaded with 5 second teases of kinky sex and gory deaths.


Oh, there's a lot more to The Boys, believe you me. And so what if it mocks superheroes? The very concept of superheroes is dumb to start with.


I'm a lifelong superhero fan so I disagree with your assertion that the concept of superheroes is dumb. I also take my superheroes seriously so I don't think superheroes should be the butts of jokes or even making jokes when they are saving the world.

Heroes inspire regular people to perform selfless acts of bravery and compassion. The supposed superheroes in The Boys only inspire cynicism and selfishness. None of the heroes in The Boys are original. They are all knockoffs of original heroes from the golden age of comics.


I don't like many superheroes, certainly not the MCU mob. I like Superman (Christopher Reeve's version), Batman (the serious ones), Spider-Man, Kick-Ass, Deadpool, and maybe a couple of other unconventional ones that I can't recall the names of at the moment.

As for Shazam, I only watched the first movie as I'm a big Jack Dylan Grazer fan (Freddie), and Shazam himself and the concept of the Wizard and the villain and his CGI "seven deadly sins" was lacklustre and to be frank, boring.

And the MCU can kiss my ass, as far as I'm concerned. No-one I like there.


I liked the X-Men, Batman and Spider-Man movies BUT I didn't like the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies. I liked most of MCU phase 1 and 2 and only some of MCU phase 3. I didn't like that Marvel changed the origin story of key characters in Iron Man 3 and Dr. Strange in order to appease Chinese Communist Party censors. The Netflix shows featuring members of the Defenders were decent.

I only watched the first Shazam movie last week since I always considered it a kids' movie. I enjoyed the first Shazam as a kids' movie and I thought it was cool that both of the villains were from the comics. As a kid, I saw a few reruns of the 70's Shazam tv show and it was cool. * Shazam 1970's tv show *


Time to make a hard R the shadow reboot


The 1st Shazam felt kind of like a fluke to me. It was a movie about a relatively unknown hero that managed to be somewhat refreshing among the usual superhero movies. That said, I don't think that many people were left hankering for more of the same.




That and Climate Change.


Simple: After Thanos, general audiences aren't willing to put in time for another 20 movie series. It was done well, and the generalaudiencewas satisfied. DC didn't have a positive series direction so audiences didn't invest time in their products.
It's like the Hobbit and the rings of power. After TLOTR did such a good job, they weren't interested in another trilogy because it was already done well. Then the TV show was released and people tuned out due to the poor story and direction it was going.
