MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Breaking news!: Zack was actually fired ...

Breaking news!: Zack was actually fired from Justice League!

Crazy,but apparently he was going to be let go months before his family tragedy. It was a convenient reason to let him go,but irrelevant to him being replaced.




pretty much every movie website is talking about this. It broke today, but if you Google "Zack Snyder" it's a flood of stories talking about this. I heard it on collider,but they are far from the only ones running with this.


Thanks... This makes a lot of sense though...

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Snyder's filmmaking style clashed with what Disney wanted... I mean, his work on movies from Watchmen through to Batman Vs Superman shows that he is trying to tell more mythic and even spiritual supperhero stories, rather than the jokey style of Joss Wheadon and Galaxy Guardians or the commercial family friendly formulae Marvel generally have... I think he was going in more of a 300 Greek myth direction...

I wonder what Justice League would have been like if he had had is way...

Hopefully he can apply his talent to non-comicbook movies... Should be interesting


I'd probably have liked his JL movie better.


Yeah I read about this yesterday too, it's legit. I was thinking of posting the article yesterday, but I just don't have interest in talking about Justice League.


I find it interesting, regardless of what anyone thought about the movie. It will most certainly affect his career moving forward.


Doesn't really surprise me. I kind of figured the family tragedy was used as a way to let him keep his head up high while trying to right the course for this franchise. Justice League wasn't perfect but I liked it way better than MoS or BvS (or even Suicide Squad really).


More breaking news from today - Josh Whedon FIRED by WB from directing the Batgirl movie.


Was that in production?


called this from the second it was announced.....

BOTH WB and Snyder should be ashamed for Using the death of his daughter to try and save face

The Reports were clear....sometime in early 2017, Snyder showed WB an Early cut and WB deemed it "Unwatchable"....Apparently Snyder had not made any changes that he promised after BvS failed

Snyder reportedly had a huge meeting with WB before starting production on JL and assured them The tone was going to be completely different, There was going to be Humor and his Dark,depressing + colorless tones and themes were going to change

Snyder apparently fixed/changed NONE of that....resulting in WB literally having to fire him and bring in a new writer/director to change the film

the real Stunner to me here is, in the first trailer we got clear Proof Snyder Made ZERO adjustments....

the number 1 most complained about thing about BvS was its TONE, its Dark,colorless look and feel....All Action sequences took place at night and had all Color drained out.

and what does Snyder do?

the exact same thing in JL.The Entire final Climax in JL, Snyder once again shot of Green screen and then CGI'd A Dark, colorless NIGHTtime background in

The Sequence when Superman fights the League, Snyder once again decided to make this scene take place at Night where he drained ALL COLOR out

if you watch the first trailer you see The Shots from The Climax and Superman vs League scenes Have An All Black Sky....Yet the same shots are in the final cut which now have The RED sky...

this means, In Post Production, Whedon had to completely change The entire climax and Superman vs League sequence from Night to the ODD RED sky in an attempt to bring some COLOR back to the movie and sequences..

for Snyder to once again, shoot all action sequences at night, to Once again Intentionally DRAIN all COLOR out simply means hes either Incapable of Change, or worse Doesnt care, to once again do the exact same thing that Audiences Hated in BvS, to once again shoot the exact same Action sequences At Night and drain all color out Suggest he simply doesnt care, He had to know critics and Audiences universally Hated the Tone....Yet he just didnt care, He wanted the Scenes shot that way, He wanted the Dark,Depressing,Colorless tones and Literally could care less if Audiences hated it....

Snyder deserved to be FIRED....

you dont fail as badly as Snyder did with BvS and deserve to direct Another CBM let alone the direct sequel....

Reports are finally getting out that Many it WB wanted to Fire Snyder after BvS, they never wanted him to direct JL, but unfortunately due to the fact that JL was due to start Production just 2 week after BvS came out, Firing Snyder wasnt an Option, Justice League was already to deep into Production and would have resulted in A 100 Million + loss to delay the film...

apparently this is when the "Sit down" happened and Snyder assured WB execs, Justice League would be completely different than BvS....

the facts are Justice League was DOOMED the second BvS came out in theaters....The film was so awful, so hated it, so MOCKED....It KILLED All Hype going into JL....

going forward With Snyder after BvS just wasnt an option....after Audiences saw BvS....There was no possible way a JL film could succeed With Snyder directing or even attached in any way....

The ONLY possible way a JL film could have succeeded after BvS......was for WB to publicly Fire Snyder, Admit BvS missed the mark and wasnt what WB or Audiences wanted, and then announce JL is being slightly delayed to bring on a new director and creative team....

that is the ONLY possible scenario that MIGHT have somewhat restored HOPE in a JL film....

Snyder directing JL after BvS was a DEATH SENTENCE




Yeah, I imagine if they were to release the Snyder cut for the fans, it would be embarrassing too Snyder, and considering what he's going through currently, the cut should not be released. I agree he was let go not because of the suicide, it was just a very tragic convenience. My one question is, if they needed to fix the problems of Justice League, why not bring in Patty Jenkins? She proved herself with the first 2/3 of Wonder Woman, had the most success at the time with a DCEU movie, and honestly isn't a bad director. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring her in? Just my opinion though.


Jenkins was the perfect choice, but not if you wanted to turn the dccu into an mcu clone. Hiring whedon to “fix” JL was about as playing safe as you can get for the wb. All in all, it’s a mess and they might as well reboot only this time not rush it be the mcu clone they so desperately want the dccu to be. Man of steel was never meant to be a jumping off point for an expanded universe. Batman, needed his own movie first, as did the other characters. If man of steel really was to be the start of the franchise they should have released a batman movie that ended with the scenes at the start of bvs and then moved on to Wonder Woman and then made bvs.

Honestly, it’s just all too rushed and no real thought to how to build a franchise. Just wb being money hungry for that marvel cash. Jenkins would have at least kept a tone that fit the way the dccu was, it whedon would bring the fan boys. Just silly, as I think Jenkins would have brought the fanboys and the annoying sjws in droves. Annoying for forums, but good business.
