


I do not even recognize the show anymore.


I'm totally done with this show.


Duh it’s over.


I once walked into a bar with a jackass and a honeycomb




Last episode I'll ever watch!


So over it.


Jon going North made total sense
He never wanted to be King


Greyworm would've killed him if this made total sense.


Jon would have split Greyworm in half...He's a lunatic with a sword in hand


That leaves all the rest of the Usullied and Dothraki. They'd have dragged his body thru the streets. No way he's just a prisoner. He'd be executed. It's not like they were wishy washy about her. They still loved her. Assassinating her would not pass.


They would fall in line
The Dothraki are useful
dummies, cannon fodder the lot

They would bend the knee and charge off where they are led


Yeah, he'd explain it to these warriors that were just cheering her vision.

They only tolerated Jon b/c of Dany. Kill Dany? dead man a second later.


Try to kill Jon you big tough lad

That lousy Night's Watch crew knifed Jonny to death several seasons ago...the boy does not stay dead
He is The King, a war hero and aces with a sword...shut up and bend the knee


It doesn't matter if he comes back, they'd just kill him again and again.

Unsullied and Dothraki served only Dany. Kill Dany? You dont talk your way out of that.


Jon was King and a well known war hero, and hundreds of Northman allies had his back


They'd have to have his dead back b/c he'd be executed in a flash.

And then the Unsullied/Dothraki would rip them to shreds


The Northmen were way better at fighting than the Useless Unsullied...spears and shields against an all out onslaught???
Unsullied fold in 5 minutes from a Northman attack

The Dothraki were naked, untrained dummies on horses...no match for trained knights in full armor

Be honest dmac8, Jon and his squad were solid, well above the level of pikemen and dopey horsemen


They were loyal and obedient warriors who served their Queen and were bred to fight. Not some griping bunch of whiners like the Northern families. They didnt have the numbers either. Either way, Jon is a goner -- not a prisoner. Grey Worm only grimacing as a reaction to what he did is comical nonsense. It doesn't follow from everything presented prior to this episode.


They were loud dopes on horses, nothing more👎

I like Grey worm quite a lot but he was merely one more useful idiot...he requires command and lacking that he is worthless


Useful in that they're singular minded. And they followed Dany, not the weenies around them. And most Northmen didnt even listen to Jon when he tried to stop them in King's Landing.

But it's very simple. Kill Dany? You die by the Master of War and throng of loyal warriors who filled that square. She wasn't the wicked witch of the west. They werent rooting for her to go. They would've killed Jon, Tyrion and every Northman around in a heartbeat. Northmen are just slow, dirt covered sword swingers who needed the Unsullied and Dothraki to hold off the dead at Winterfell.



Sansa getting exactly what she wanted is the true crime here.

Oh well, we’ll always have the first six seasons.


And Sansa should get what she wants, best character in the show.


she'll hide in the crypt at the first sign of trouble


Most disappointing finale since Seinfeld.


It was. I don't know what happened. Could they just not tell a good story once the source material ran out? Where they more interested in the spinoffs, so rushed the original? I don't know.


They aren't going to be involved in the spinoffs, thank God.
