MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Everyone is treating Daenerys like crap

Everyone is treating Daenerys like crap

Daenerys goes to Winterfell to save all their asses and is treated like trash by all the northerners and mostly Sansa (biatch)!
Then Jon who doesn't want to be a king treats her like trash because he finds out he is really the last male Targarian!!!????


She hasn't saved anyone's life at Winterfell yet, but she's sure threatened a few, like Jaime's.

And so far, the only one I see huffing and puffing, and getting all stroppy, is Daenerys to Tyrion and to Sansa, and now to Jon.

But sure, maybe Sam should swear his undying fealty to her after she's just confessed that she burned alive his dad and his innocent, beloved brother.


She saved Jon's ass at the expense of one of her dragons.


EXACTLY. She is saving many asses at the expense of her armies and dragons and possibly herself! Anyone think Cersei would make that type of sacrifice!!!!??


Again, it's war. You don't like it scurry back to your hole. I guess you like Sam's racist father who btw threatened to kill his own son if he didn't join the Watch!
Also, Tyrion admitted to making serious mistakes and deserves the bitch out!
Plus Sansa admitted she should have thanked Daenerys as soon as she arrived!
Are you watching the same show I am??


So, you're one of those pseudo-liberal fascists who thinks we should kill people because we don't like their politics?

And Tyrion and Sansa were right about Jaime. So was Jon, who had the best take; the pragmatic, rational one. Unfortunately, Danaerys was unwilling to acknowledge her foolishness.


She didn't kill Jamie, so what are you talking about. I'm most definitely not a liberal. I'm a constitutional conservative. But I thought we were giving opinions on a fictional show.
You must be the liberal, Marxist who accuse people of saying thing they never said!
Also, Sansa spared Jamie only because Brian spoke up for him and Daenerys didn't trust Tyrion's opinion because he admittedly made many mistakes about his own family.


Dany burned a bunch of Lannister soldiers alive with her fire-breathing dragons and then she was like "I'm not here to burn people alive with my fire-breathing dragons" and after that she was like "But bend the knee or I'll burn you alive with my fire-breathing dragons" and then she burnt some guys alive with her fire-breathing dragons.


You're acting like you're pro-Cersei. War is war. As if Cersei had dragons she wouldn't use them to roast everyone that fought against her? uh huh.


Damn those fire-breathing dragons, it's all their fault!!!


Cersei attacked and killed all of the people in High Garden and destroyed their house completely! And Euron Greyjoy destroyed a bunch of ships for Cersei. Killing, I'm sure thousands. "It's war, you don't like it scurry back to your hole!" I would rather see Daenerys with the dragons than Cersei!


Yeah whats up with that?


To be fair Daenery's has a pretty huge ego and isn't shy about using her dragons as enforcer's. She is the outsider and nowhere near as nice as she likes to think she is.


and nowhere near as nice as she likes to think she is.

How many times now her advisors kept her from doing something "madqueenish"?
How many times DID she do something madqueenish?

I like her a lot, but I wouldn’t want her to be my queen.


She is an amateur at best. Without her advisors she would be a slave by now.


You need to go back and watch all the shows. When she listens to her advisors she gets the wrong advice most of the time! When she does her own thing she is successful!


Granted, her advisor's aren't the best either but she is hardly good on her own. I detect you have a crush though so won't poke you further.


Sorry, not my type. She is pretty though. I just don't understand people making comments like you did and not see the facts in your face. If she listened to Norah they all would have died outside that city with the 13. Then he would have her leave the dragons that helped her free the unsullied in Astapor. I could go on. She has saved hundreds of thousands of slaves!!! Your just another ungrateful person


I think you need to come to terms with the fact that other people will see things differently to yourself. I don't think she is a competent ruler or leader.

How am I "ungrateful"? What has the fictitious Daenery's ever done for me? Or for you, for that matter?


Entertained us, obviously!


LOL /thread


^This, especially the part about “watch the bloody show with whatever passes for your version of full attention.”

EDIT This is for Imorgan, 2 posts above. And yes, bub, I know how to hit the right Reply button. I’d tell you to stuff your smugness up your kiester, but there’s too much of it to fit.


a) Without her advisors she would be a slave by now.
b) When she listens to her advisors she gets the wrong advice most of the time!

Well, I have to say I don’t agree with either opinion.
In my opinion she’d already be queen now if she hadn’t listened to her advisors. But most likely, the "Queen of Ashes". She is rather impulsive and always ready to strike out against her enemies, which probably is good when you’re at war, but bad if you aim to "build a world that’s different from the shit one they’ve always known", as Jon put it.

She always has a good nose for gaining power – and on that account, she’s better than her advisors –, but she also has the tendency to be ruthless and cruel, and in those moments, it’s good that she has advisors who calm her down. That’s the way I see it.

Daenerys ought to have a word with Arya (provided both of them survive the fight against the Army of the Dead). Arya’s capable of conducting a surgical strike by sneaking up on Cercei and killing her. Or at least, to try it. There’s still a Mountain in her way…


She's a Targaryen.

I don't like to judge anyone on the identity they were born with, but the Targaryens have a long way to go to win anyone's trust.

I'd rather have the average Lannister on the Iron Throne, barring the hateful Joffrey, than the average Targaryen, excepting Jon, who I regard more as a Stark than a Targaryan. The only thing worse than the Targaryans are the Boltons.


I sometimes wonder what show people are watching. . .it's utterly baffling.
Can you name a SINGLE Lannister you would actually want on the iron throne? Who is this average Lannister you speak of? Average that family out, and my immediate reflex is "Kill it with fire before it breeds." Tommen and Tyrion are the ONLY ones that somehow escaped being outright bastards, and who would want either of them ruling?

Daenerys is far from perfect, but she wouldn't be a waking nightmare, either. And Jon of course would be fine. Going further back in history, there were plenty in the Targaryan line who were also fine.

One thing that the show seems to definitely want to impress on viewers: the more an individual Wants the throne. . .and believes they Deserve the throne. . .the less fit they are. It's an unsubtle message; easy to agree with.


What do you expect from Daenerys?? She was sold and abused her hole life and raped! The only family member she knew would have let the hole tribe Eff her! She prevailed and listened to Tyrion and didn't burn the red keep! If she has an ego I would say she earned it!
Every Northerner and Sansa should be on their knees thanking her for her and her armies/dragons sacrifices!


It's a double edged sword though. Because of her the white walkers now have a dragon and the wall is gone.


Because of her??? Are we watching the same show. Because of Jon an Tyrion. It was Tyrion's idea to go take one and Jon's stupidity for getting caught. Her and her dragons have helped free thousands of slaves! Give the girl some respect!


Yes, she was abused and traumatised, and I feel bad for what she survived, but that doesn't mean she's fit to be on the Iron Throne. You don't give someone the Iron Throne out of pity and sympathy.


At what point did I say she should have the Iron Throne out of sympathy?? I didn't. She truly believes it's her birth right and has been fighting for it. In the meantime she has saved hundreds of thousands of slaves and now she went to help save the north!! Do you really think Cersei would have done any of that. Obviously not "hang the world" is how she feels. Hmmm.
BTW. Jon might be a nice guy, but he is an idiot. It's nice to be honorable and all that but when your the only one with honor it's stupid not to be more careful


If I had to feed two massive dragons out of my winter stores, I'd be complaining too!


REALLY?? An army of dead is coming to kill your stupid ass and your worried about how you will be feeding them? Your going to be DEAD if they didn't come to help you! Those armies and dragons are risking their lives for your stupid, ungrateful ass!


I think I'd prefer the white walkers not to have a dragon.


I would too, so blame Tyrion for his dumb idea and Jon for screwing it all up. She just wanted to rescue them.


So, it is winter and food is scarce. You have to feed all the Nothern soilders, free folk and nothern smallfolk taking shelter at Winterfell. Then you have to feed the unsullied and Dothraki AND the dragons who eat what they want. Win the battle and then starve to death. No complaints?


Yes, your right! Daenerys should take her armies and dragons and leave the ungrateful northerners to fight the white walkers themselves. It isn't like the armies that were left couldn't hunt and gather after the fight! It isn't like they had to wait years for an attack!


You still do not get it.


I'd be complaining all right, because I'm a normal human being and I don't believe in dragons or zombies, and wouldnt until I see them. And I can see the dragons.

So while the rational part of my mind would prepare for a zombie apocalypse if people I trusted told me it was imminent, I wouldnt really have a gut-deep terror of zombies, not like my pre-existing gut-deep fear of starvation. So yeah, I would definitely complain about feeding the dragons.


So when the zombies are killing all your people and coming for your ass then you won't care about feeding them??? Yah, makes sense. If they win they aren't going to have as many mouths to feed. Not to mention Daenerys wants to head south once she saves the northerners!


Normal human beings like you and me wouldnt really, REALLY, believe in the zombies until we've seen them. And nobody on the show does either, it's a measure of how much people trust Jon that they're preparing for war instead of saying he's as nutty as Bran.

Until I actually saw the zombies, I'd fear starvation more that I feared the Z Apocalypse. So would you.


If I saw friggin dragons, I'd believe the dead were coming for me. Dragons are as fantastical as walking dead. I'd be all in and grateful for the help.


If I saw a dragon, I wouldn't necessarily start believing in the walking dead, vampires, unicorns, or the tooth fairy. You are failing to grasp the simple underlying principle of "seeing is believing".

Well, now that it's a week later, suddenly feeding the survivors has become less of a problem! If the keep's food stores weren't damaged in the battle, there's probably enough grain and sausages to feed the few survivors for a decade.


In addition to everything above: Remember that the war between Cersei and Danerys isn't over, a temporary truce has supposedly been called because of winter and the Zombie Apocalypse, but once that's over everyone knows that if those two are still alive at the end of winter the war is going to start again.

And that anyone who has anything to do with Danerys now is going to be on Cersei's shit list later.


Did you forget Daenerys left the war to help Jon and the north!? Let's see how Cersei survives if Daenerys and her army and dragons went after her first. She didn't have to burn down the entire city. She could have taken out the gates to the city and let her armies in to go after the soldiers. She could have taken her dragons to the red keep and burn Cersei's ass out. She listens to her advisors when they make sense. She isn't purposely cruel. She does what she feels she has


BTW. Everyone was already on Cersei's hit list, even her brothers now both of them.
