MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Help GOT fans. Question about Shae's str...

Help GOT fans. Question about Shae's strangling.

Why did Shae testify against Tyrion?

Because he sent her away to save her?

Because she was always working for Tywin or Cersi?

Because she slept with Tywin?

Was she part of Cersi's revenge for sending her daughter to Dorn?

I didn't fully understand his motive for choking her to death.


Hes mad that she didnt invite him for a threesome


She promised she would always be his and he loved her and took that seriously.

He killed her because she obviously lied to him. I think that is why even as he escaped he was drinking himself to death for loss of his love.


Was she always a lie or only after he got rid of her?


Because she slept with Tywin and did not accept Tyrion's love.


Can you please post SPOILER in your thread title and then put the spoiler in your first post rather than in your title?

It would be appreciated by those on this board who haven't seen the episode yet or haven't watched the series yet.


> Why did Shae testify against Tyrion?
> Because he sent her away to save her?

Yes – at least, that’s my interpretation.
While he genuinely wanted to save her, she didn’t believed that. She thought he was just trying to get rid of her. Actually, I think she never really understood how dangerous a place King’s Landing is.

> I didn't fully understand his motive for choking her to death.

She betrayed him in court. And slept with his father.


It's not clear why Shae testified against him, she seemed to be fond enough if him to turn down a lot of money and a free ride out of town. I've always presumed that because she didn't leave town in time, Tyrion's enemies got ahold if her and intimidated her into lying under oath. And I presume it was intimidation instead of bribery, because if she wouldn't take money to escape why would she take it later?

Tyrion killed her to keep her from raising the alarm as he was going to murder Tywin, and BTW he had no idea she'd turned down the money and ticket out of town Varys had offered her. It was Tyrion's second romantic tragedy, and I hope he doesn't suffer a third.


I felt like it was more just looking out for herself. She got backed into a corner, saw that Tyrion was doomed, and the villain was the one who could protect her with his power, so she went there. As the saying goes, better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path. I think it was nothing more or less than self-preservation.
