MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Chances Ellaria will reappear?

Chances Ellaria will reappear?

What are the chances we'll see this lil' spitfire again?

She was captive at Queen's Landing, correct? Do you think Cersei left her torturers there with her....or they just poured a bucket of water over her, locked the door, and took off?


Well first she watches her daughter die, the same way Myrcella died, then I'm sure Cersei has other plans for her.


But, aren't Cersei and Ellaria in different locations now? I thought Cersei took of from the castle Ellaria was imprisoned in?

Did she take her with her to Kings Landing?

Maybe I'm mixing up the locations, or order of events....


Yeah...kings landing. Next time we see her she'll be emaciated and staring at the rotting corpse of her daughter on the other side of the room.


Not sure we really need to see her again but yup...she was left to starve while she witnesses her daughters decomposition for several weeks at least...
Pretty gruesome end!


She wasn't left to starve. Cersei made it pretty clear she intends for Ellaria to grow old in that room. If she doesn't eat, the guards will force food down her throat. Her torture is going to last a very long time. Cersei plans for her to grow old and gray in that room with the decaying, and eventually skeleton body of her daughter.


I stand corrected...jeez thats even more awful!


Hey! Weren't you in Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon? The big black guy who kicked Bruce Leroy's ass, almost?


Nah...youre thinking of my cousin The Shogun of Harlem lol


Someone on this board said that the actress who plays her says she won't reappear again, implying she was killed off screen


Do you people even watch the show? She's very much alive... doesn't mean we'll ever see her again though.


If we never see her again its a fair assumption that Cersei kills her.


It's a really poor assumption, only somebody who doesn't pay attention to the show could make.


I pay attention. And I'm making an assumption, I'm not declaring that I know her character is definitely dead.


Cersei made her plans for Ellaria very clear... She said Ellaria is going to spend years in that room watching her daughter's corpse slowly decay, and die a very old woman. She even said if she tried to die by not eating, the guards would hold her mouth open and shove food down her throat.

So not only is Cersei not going to kill Ellaria... she isn't going to let her die by any means, even if she wants to.

How'd you miss that whole speech?


I didn't miss it. I just don't think that means something hasn't happened to her in the interim. And her arc is essentially over. Same deal with the Septa Cersei tortured and allowed the mountain to rape. And regardless, if she's alive and dying slowly but never seen again onscreen, to me that's the same as dead.


I think not. Nobody from Dorne is going to rescue her, because she never had any right to rule in the first place and now that her daughters are all dead she has no official connection to the Martells.

Maybe if the dreams come true and an army of frozen zombies invade King's Landing, we'll see one break into her cell and kill her. But I don't expect that, I don't even expect Cersei to give the order for her execution.
