MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Its clear the writers don't know what to...

Its clear the writers don't know what to do with Littlefinger anymore

Whatever he's playing at (and I didn't clearly see what it said on the scroll Arya found) it seems really unwise at this point. With the dragons and the WW coming front and center, political machinations have become irrelevant and pointless. Knowing his character, you'd think he'd be smart enough to realize that and just let things play out.

He's overplaying his hand. This won't end well for him. I think the writers are just looking for a quick way to write him out.


I know it's getting ridiculous, at this point it's like: let's just have him sneak around and lurk in the corners :))) I think the only reason he's still alive is he might have some info or knowledge that will play a part somehow..


The only thing I can think of is that he's working against Arya and Jon so that he can eventually marry Sansa and take over Winterfell. Which would be dumb. The Stark kids have been through too much to fall for his bullshit. Plus they have Bran which is like being in control of NSA surveillance.


I know that play would be way to obvious and predictable and week story line. I do hope they have something more interesting in store with him.


It's all playing out exactly like I read in the spoilers.
Don't get too attached to lil'bitchface :D :D :D


He had a writing sample from Sansa (the message she sent via raven for him to bring the knights of the Vale to the rescue at Winterfell's battle of the bastards). The message -- what I could see of it-- looked like a message from Sansa to Winterfell in which she said that Robert Baratheon had been killed in a boar-hunting accident and something about swearing fealty to King Joffrey.

I think Arya will figure out she is being played--- she is way smarter than Littlefinger.


Its time for Arya to take his face, kill Robin and control the Knights of the Vale. Littlefinger has lost his relevance as a character. He was more interesting when Catelyn was still alive.


Arya doesn't have anything to gain by killing Robin, just as Littlefinger doesn't have anything to gain by turning the Starks against each other.

Again, he doesn't want the North, he wants Westeros, and all he wants from the North is allies and Sansa. Well Jon is an ally who knows he owes his throne to Littlefinger, and Sansa would be a lot less likely to marry him if she's got the North to rule. Not that she's going to want to marry anyone ever again, not for a long time.


Except thats what he is doing. Trying to pit the Stark sisters against one another. And there is no scenario in which he takes the Iron Throne of Westeros unless he marries Dany or Cersei. So I'm not sure I understand what your argument is. If anyone is acting out of character its Littlefinger, not Tyrion. And thats a failure of the writing. Just my opinion


Otter, you might want to edit this post. One of the two given names in your first sentence has to be a typo.


You're right, thanks!


Arya killing Littlefinger and taking his face to take control of the 10,000 knights of tha Vale would be wild...the Vale might be the largest army left in Westeros


I wonder if Arya would ever be smart enough to think of that?

Probably not. Her mind is dominated by personal grudges and a fondness for fighting one-on-one. She doesn't think in terms of armies or large-scale strategy. Jon does, but he doesn't know about her abilities and is too decent to suggest the best use of them that anyone has ever suggested.


Otter -you raise a good point!
But i think our boy will soon meet up with little sis again (we all remember the special bond they shared) and i feel she will be schooled in patience/strategy by oue hero Jon...those two would be an epic combo of bad-guy killing!


I think they're trying to make it seem like Arya is going to save Sansa from whatever Littlefinger is planning to do, but Littlefinger could be playing Arya while Sansa is playing Littlefinger. Her main objective is to expose Littlefinger to the Northern lords and the Vale in such a way that they're ready to call for his head. Then she wouldn't need him anymore. We got the first hint of it in this episode where they straight up told her they were loyal to her.

Arya doesn't know she's a pawn, but she does know (because she's a trained human lie detector) Sansa is being less than forthcoming. It's the one piece missing from the Winterfell plot this season. When Bran and Arya came home, they demonstrated to Sansa their special skills, now it's time for her to demonstrate to them what she can do.


Good observation


I think they want to put his littlefinger up his littleass.


What you think is exactly what the writers are doing with him LOL.
Bye bye lil'bitchface, you won't be missed ))))
