MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > This is a 'dumb' movie masquerading as a...

This is a 'dumb' movie masquerading as a smart one

And I hate that phrase 'dumb movie' but I feel I have to use it here if only because it pisses me off how they tried to market this as some kind of scientifically accurate and high minded film when in reality it is dumber than Armageddon.

Now I don't mind a movie being dumb when it knows that is what it is; Armageddon never claimed to be smart it claimed to be fun and exciting and on that front it delivered.

Interstellar is a fraud and Kip Thorne should be ashamed that he let himself be dazzled by the bright lights of Hollywood and be used as propaganda.


Great movie, very entertaining. Takes some brains and paying attention to stay with it. Those who can't might not like it. Is it scientifically accurate? Who cares? It's just not the point.


Of course, Interstellar is one of the most idiotic, utterly pretentious, drawn out slogs ever made. It’s like Solaris, but written by a failed first-year art school reject.

What cracks me up are the people claiming there’s some kind of grand thematic ode to how “love is part of the universe” and how we’re “bound by time and space.” How exactly did Nolan accomplish this? By having Mccounaughy find a floating tesseract bookcase and message his daughter some unexplained equation? Merely saying “love is quantifiable” is not a story, it’s just bad writing. The whole string theory nonsense was poorly handled anyway, because the characters were utterly undeveloped and boring. I can’t even remember their names.

By contrast, Blade Runner (the original, not the shitty reboot), had more to say about the time/space/human condition in a 1 minute speech by Roy Batty than Interstellar could in its entire 3 hours.


Nope. Stupid thread. Shame on all who fell for this troll bait.


This is the best thread on this board. Not everyone falls for the Nolan Cult.


Looked great. Some nice things here and there but a dumb movie. Science? No, no. LOVE is the answer. smh

I like half-ish of Nolan's movies but this one goes into the trash heap along with TDKR.


yeah exactly i feel the same way


Amen. The sheer existence of this thread restores my hope in humanity.
Nolan, the master of pretension, boredom and self sucking gets called out for what he is: a hack.


The really dumb thing is thinking these other barely inhabitable planets would make a better home than the post-blight Earth. With technology so advanced that they could terraform these inhospitable places, it would be a walk in the park to re-terraform Earth to make it livable again.

And once they had the technology to live in space on the orbiting habitats, why would they need another planet at all?
