MovieChat Forums > Carnival Row (2019) Discussion > Cara Delevingne can't act for crap

Cara Delevingne can't act for crap

She's so stiff and monotone. Agree or disagree?


Ha! I'm not surprised to see this thread here.

I'm curious as well why she keeps getting opportunities after being in so many bombs where she's headlined.

It almost makes me feel bad for other crap actors like Taylor Lautner who was blackballed because he had just ONE flop. Cara's had close to half a dozen and she still gets marquee roles.


She has an air about her of somebody who has been famillied in somewhere. A bit like Daniel Radcliffe or Orlando Bloom it doesn't matter if they are attractive or talented we will keep getting told they are until some believe it


She can't act, but I do find her easy on the eye (in a 'not my normal type' kind of way).



hadnt noticed,
but i dont go looking for problems to spoil my viewing
