MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Women Of Twitter Roast Joss Whedon's Rid...

Women Of Twitter Roast Joss Whedon's Ridiculous 'Wonder Woman' Script

In the three weeks since its release, “Wonder Woman,” has been hailed as a female-powered success: countless think pieces and viral posts have been written about the power of seeing women’s stories on the big screen.


I wish people would be more concerned about the ridiculous script of the movie we ended up getting but it's all good that Whedon is getting his face slapped a bit.


I actually loved that script, and the movie made from it, having Diana seeming to be naive and wrong-headed did a nice job of humanizing a superhero.

And the movie made a shit-ton of money, so I presume it worked for a lot of people.


Which denigrates it to no end. If it's a "female-powered" success, than it's been qualified, meaning that a "male-powered success" is MORE of a success. The equality term should simply be "success:" gender-neutral, and standing on its own two feet for its merits as a movie; NOT being fueled simply because it's women.



Yeah.. Because Joss Whedon is know for being a women hating chauvinistic pig. Totally. And people on Twitter are known for being sane. Tots.


"people on Twitter are known for being sane" unintentional sarcasm?


Wow. This comment kinda aged like milk. Not really convinced that he's a "women hating chauvinistic pig", but more just a dude. If it's fine for women to dial up typical female traits to 11, it is for men as well.


This is some batshit crazy level stuff right here. Whedon is known for featuring strong female characters in his shows and movies. He's the last person who should be criticized or mocked for that kind of crap.





Even if what's being alleged is true, having sex with lots of women doesn't make Whedon a predator. It doesn't even make him a hypocrite.

The best part of the hit job piece is this: Apparently, in his own words (according to the ex), Whedon used his powerful position as director and producer to procure “beautiful, needy, aggressive young women,”

That's incredible. Jilted lover wants to denigrate young women husband slept with. Doesn't want to look bad in doing so. Denigrates but says those aren't my words, they're his.

Regardless he's smart to go dark. There's nothing he can say that won't be taken out of context or used to further vilify him. Once it starts the only way to end it is to go away for awhile. If he hasn't done anything besides sleep with young aggressive women he'll be fine. If he's manipulated or used his position to coerce sex from young women he's in trouble.


It's not that Joss is an asshole. He's a misogynistic asshole who built his reputation and his career on being a feminist concerned with women's needs, fears, and challenges. Firing an actress for being pregnant, calling any actress over a size 00 fat (reports are he bullied Amber Benson, then a size 6, for her weight as well), AND cheating on your wife by sleeping with actresses in your employ is the very opposite of female-friendly behavior. He's getting canceled not just for being an asshole but for being a liar and a hypocrite.

reply 42 Last Thursday at 10:55 AM


Years later, the script started circulating on-line. Many who read it felt that Whedon’s take on Wonder Woman was all wrong. The writer leaned in to the male gaze with Steve Trevor as a point-of-view character. Steve spent much of the movie man-splaining things to Diana. One particularly galling scene depicted Wonder Woman doing a sexy dance.

There’s another scene in which Steve sits on the Lasso of Truth and professes his complicated feelings for Diana. He calls her “dangerous” and says she is “looking for trouble” and “wildly adept at finding it”. Steve tells Wonder Woman that she has “delusions of grandeur” before confessing “I keep hoping you’ll turn around so I can see more of you naked.” If that exchange sounds familiar, it’s because Whedon liked it well enough to incorporate it into his version of Justice League years later.

At the time, I was skeptical. How bad could the script really be? Joss Whedon was a well-known feminist. And advocate and an ally. Surely his Wonder Woman script couldn’t be as offensive as people were saying. I am sorry to anyone I argued with back in 2017. I have read some of the script now and it is truly awful.

Towards the end, Wonder Woman is bound in chains and forced to submit to the will of the villain in order to save Steve’s life. This is immediately following Steve telling Diana that “she’s not a hero” but a “fucking tourist”. Once she has submitted to the villain twice, Whedon wrote that “Diana looks at herself, at her chains, at her torn and tawdry outfit.”


Oh, did I mention she was on her knees this whole time? It just goes on like that. I am not even touching on the racist stereotypes. If you want to read it, you can do so here.

By the time the Wonder Woman script hit the web, there were already some cracks in Whedon’s façade. His career hit new heights when he wrote and directed Marvel’s record-breaking Avengers movie.
