MovieChat Forums > nolerhett

nolerhett (78)


Pretty good if you can get past a few issues ... spoilers to follow Cold enough for water to freeze in seconds but still raining The Hood Maker View all posts >


There's a veronica mars reddit if you're still looking. The acting is fine. The script is great, and the story is engrossing and mysterious. It's not as polished as shows with higher budgets, but if you like post-apocalyptic science-fiction, with some dark humor, this show delivers. There is a season 2, and if IIRC, things get resolved to some extent. I think it's insane that you're spending this much time debating plot points of a movie you didn't like. Why? They're aliens. We're not told what their armor is made of, or even if those were the only type of alien creature. If you're accepting that aliens land on the planet it's not a huge leap to accept that their armor could be virtually indestructible. Again they're fricking aliens from space that landed on earth via meteors iirc. Even that would suggest that their armor would be incredibly durable considering the speed and heat generated when entering earth atmosphere. Yeah it's a dumb trope. It doesn't even have to a virus or bacteria. Just some fine particulate in the air that after you breathe it for long enough destroys your lungs. Yeah that sounds great if dynamite and nails would be sufficient to penetrate their armor. There's just not enough info to say it's faulty logic. Obviously the lack of info is purposeful. It helps keep costs contained and saves the people making the movie the time and headaches of coming up with a more detailed world. Fair point, and I don't recall. I assumed it was, and I would think that if it wasn't it would have been mentioned by one of the characters. They were breathing the air (I think). I paused when they show. There was not dozens. You're either trolling (most likely) or seeing things. Reply if you must but you're on ignore so have fun. I'm in agreement with all of this. The only saving grace is if in the sequel (which seems to be in the works) it's revealed that the creatures were just one aspect of it and they weren't responsible (or just a small part of) the dire straits that humanity (and any other noise making animal) appeared to be in. View all replies >