MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > I will be BOYCOTTING "series 10&quo...

I will be BOYCOTTING "series 10" of Doctor Who! Who's with me?

Confession time:

As someone who has been a fan of NuWho for a decade, I have decided that I will NOT be watching the new season of Doctor Who (I know, I’m being a drama queen). In fact, I will be BOYCOTTING Peter Capaldi‘s final season on the show and I encourage other Doctor Who fans to do likewise.

Don’t get me wrong – I actually LIKE Capaldi in the role (I was REALLY looking forward to an older, “serious” Doctor more in the vein of Christopher Eccleston after the last two “look at me, I’m sooooo wacky” Doctor portrayals) and Capaldi was an solid choice and has done a good job with what he’s been given. It’s Stephen Moffat and the writers that failed him. Capaldi’s first season where his character was a grumpy, mysterious, unpredictable grizzled tough guy was a welcome change. The second season, they tried to turn him into an “aging rock star” type and it doesn’t work… his Doctor is NOT supposed to be “zany” and silly. The show has been on hiatus for a year and I’ve reached my breaking point now that the creative team at the BBC has replaced the lovely Clara with the awful, ugly, annoying, masculine-sounding, butch “Bill Potts” character. As someone with the name BILL, I think I finally realize what its like to be TRIGGERED. There is no way I’m going to sit through an entire season with this obnoxious sidekick. The trailer looked bad enough, and every “fun” revelation (John Simms, the WORST Master ever, is back, whoop-dee-do) about the upcoming season just sounds worse and worse.

For those who are going to accuse me of homophobia or racism or whatever because this “Bill” character happens to be a black lesbian, I will note I had no problem with a variety of ethnicity and sexual orientations on Doctor Who. Jack Harkness was one of the best co-stars, I was sad to see him to go (BTW, I really need to check out Torchwood one of these days…) and Martha Jones was excellent as well. “Bill”, on the other hand, sounds and acts like she will be the WORST companion since Mel Bush. There are already “rumours” (which the BBC has responded to, but HASN’T denied, BTW) that the BBC has buyer’s remorse over the new sidekick so they are terminating Pearl Mackle’s contract after a single season and starting over from scratch when Capaldi and Moffat leave at the end of this year.

So for this American Doctor Who fan who has been with the show since 2007, its time to say adieu to Doctor Who until 2018. Actions have consequences! (and let this be a warning for the upcoming STAR TREK DISCOVERY)


Not sure why Bill worries you so much even if it is your name, I mean there was Billie Holiday, Billie Jean King, Billie Rogers, Billie Lord and numerous other females with that name including Doctor Who's Billie Piper. Is it because they've shortened it more, doesn't worry me in the slightest, I've even got an Aunt Billie.

As for Pearl Mackie as Bill she seemed fine and annoyed me a lot less than Rose did, my goodness that whole Doctor/Rose love sick storyline was dull, so don't mind having someone like Bill on board. Need to get away from it being all about Clara as well, the recent ones really seemed like it was the Doctor Clara show, like it taking a step back to pre reboot Doctor Who.

Next season will be interesting though, not sure how I'm going to take Kris Marshall as the Doctor, liked him in My Family but not so much in Death In Paradise, then I wasn't a big fan of David Tennant and kept watching.


There are numerous female forms of William. If the character was named Wilma or Billie Jean or something like that, it would have been fine. Naming her "Bill" would be as stupid as naming Romana "Fred", which is why they didn't go with "Fred"


Fair enough, so if it was Fred like the character in Angel which was a shortened form of Winifred would that have been okay.


Capaldi is finally Doctor Who, the writing is worse than ever. It's very unfortunate. Such was the same with Matt Smith's last years. My fave Doctor, of all the Doctors, just shit writing.


Okay, see you later!

Meanwhile, I'm going back to enjoying two actors who have great chemistry and a season full of promise ("The Pilot" was wonderful even if "Smile" was mediocre) As a Whovian who has been with the show long before "Rose" aired and has seen The Doctor wear many faces and travel space / time with many different companions, I can't wait to see what's coming up next!


"The Pilot" was wonderful

From what I hear, it was a wannabe "Waters of Mars" episode with the pathetic premise of The Doctor vs. A Puddle, had a pointless Dalek cameo, and the new companion who is there to "send a message that being gay is no big deal" actually made a HUGE deal of marketing the episode around the fact SHE'S GAY!!!! within 5 seconds of her character showing up.

Can't say I regret missing this "wonderful" episode. I watched the classic 1966 episode The Power of the Daleks in its place, and I enjoyed THAT story immensely.


"From what I hear"

I do think it's always a good idea to base your ideas completely on other people. From what I hear, those Lord Of The Rings movies are nine hours of some people walking somewhere to return some jewelry. I don't have any time for boring movies like that.

I'm also very sorry to read that gays invade the shows you like. I do hope it stops so that you can watch tv shows and movies again.

Anyway, good luck with your boycott! I think we can agree that you're a true Doctor Who fan, having seen a photo or a trailer and given up on an entire season because of it. I very much look forward to hearing about your boycott of Game Of Thrones because of what you heard about it from someone in a cafe, or because you saw the cover of one of the books and didn't like how it was drawn.

Oh God. I just saw some fan art of that upcoming American Gods show and it was terrible. BOYCOTT!!!!!


All I'm going to say is why not give it a chance?

I see a lot of people seemed to state Bill's character was bad from what they had seen in the trailers. In my opinion it's not enough to really know how she's going to be. From the 2 episodes we've had I and many seem to actually like her. She seems more down to earth and real compared to clara and other assistants. Her reactions and other things just seem real. With the likes of Clara I think they tried to make a strong female but made her too strong and unrealistic at times. I wasn't sure what to think when Bill was announced as I was sick of the same old 21st female assistant and was hoping for something different e.g. past, future, different planet etc. However I feel the two of them work really well together.

Obviously everyone has a right not to watch, but you'll never know what you could be missing until you watch it yourself.


>>> All I'm going to say is why not give it a chance? <<<

Well, now that the fallout is here, we can see the comments from the people who "gave it a chance" this season, and the responses have been overwhelmingly NEGATIVE. Looks like people regret having their memories of the Twelfth Doctor tainted by the current putrid crop of episodes. Once "Bill" has been seen, she CANNOT be unseen.

I KNEW it would suck, and I wisely avoided having my fond memories of Calpadi ruined by this season. Any insightful viewer could see what was happening, the show was getting worse and worse, until the debut of "series 10" was unwatchable tripe.


I think it's pretty decent actually.

I'm enjoying it and it is sad to think that you'll give up on all your years of enjoying who to throw away Moffat's last stories with it.

To each their own though!


Just because something new is "bad", or whatever doesn't mean that the old stuff becomes bad.


Actually I've seen quite the opisite. A lot of people who have been very negative of the show have found this series a lot better with some feeling like it's more like classic who. But why not watch it and make your own judgement? No one is saying you have to, but it just seems like a lot of people make judgements before they even see e.g. on the new assistant. A lot of people seemed to hate the idea of Bill but love the realistic way they have portrayed her rather than having her know everything they've made someone relatable, who doesn't know everything, has flaws, real reactions etc.


I don't agree with OP. I'm still having a good time.


I really like Bill, and I never liked Clara. These things are totally objective, of course, I could never tell you why Clara rubbed me the wrong way, except that Coleman seemed to think that talking really fast was hilarious and adorable. But that's not why I failed to like her, it's just why I didn't think she was well-acted. But I do like Bill very much, and I also like her student-teacher relationship with the Doctor.

I just don't like any of the scripts they've been given. I'd urge you to give Bill a chance, if not for that.


>>> I really like Bill, and I never liked Clara. <<<

Unfortunately for you, nobody feels this way in real life, so pushing the BBC spin about how much "better" the show is this season after they replaced the lovely Clara with a butch lesbian with a man's name will accomplish nothing.

No sane person sat around watching Doctor Who last season, thinking "Hmmm. Having a charming and cute girl as the co-star is just so awful, I wish they'd replace her with an ugly lesbian with an afro whose only purpose on the show is to appease the SJW's"


Okay, I'm going to say how much I like Bill again, just because you're being so rude about her.

BILL> CLARA!!!!!!!!!


From the trailer I thought I would hate Bill, but after one episode I became a fan. I never disliked Clara, but I never really cared about her either; I like Bill a lot more.


I know this may seem like splitting hairs, but as there are people in this forum saying they're enjoying Bill's character and were not fond of Clara, then...then it doesn't track that nobody feels that way. It may old true for lots of people, but to say nobody feels that way is an inaccurate overgeneralization. It can be what you feel, and certainly what you feel others should think, but it isn't true for everyone. It's ok.


are you high? Speak for yourself and stop believing that the whole world revolves around you: nobody feels this way in REAL LIFE???? So you're basically telling us how we should or are supposed to think? Are you out of your f** mind?? First of all I don't find Bill ugly. I just don't. Second I find her to be quite a refreshment from Clara. Third I couldn't care less about her sexual preferences. Apparently your tiny narrowed mind's having some hard time with it. My solution: deal with it! Don't pretend that the whole world's having the same issues than you, most of us don't, that's the reasoning of a five year old kid and if you are indeed five years old, stop watching too much telly, do your homework and go to bed!


First of all I don't find Bill ugly. I just don't. Second I find her to be quite a refreshment from Clara. Third I couldn't care less about her sexual preferences.

I'm sure the BBC appreciates you repeating their "talking points" about "Series 10". Did they pay you write that drivel? Because you do an excellent job repeating their propaganda for them about how much "better" the show is now and how fans just loooooooooooove having a beautiful classy gal replaced by a butch lesbian with an afro and a man's name.

Unfortunately for you, all your talk about how "good" the show is now won't change the fact that ratings are at an all-time low, so the general public doesn't agree with you and BBC's "buzz" about this season.


Unfortunately for you, all your talk about how "good" the show is now won't change the fact that ratings are at an all-time low

And yet the show has been renewed until at least 2023!

Seems the overseas buzz (Particularly in China - which is weird) has got the commercial arm of the BBC very excited about profits. Profits which I'm sure they'll filter back to the license paying public with cheaper licenses and better quality TV...


>> And yet the show has been renewed until at least 2023! <<

And yet the dung you're getting on the show NOW is only going to last two more episodes, because the BBC has already announced that Chris Chibnall is taking over next season and starting over from scratch. We won't get more than a single season of Peter Calpaldi with "Bill". What a coincidence, right?


Apparently I don't care about the BBC as much as you... unfortunately they don't pay me (in which case I would care a lot more!).

Still, referring to the character as problematic because she has an afro is at best silly, at worst plainly racist. Having an issue because the character is a lesbian is at best silly, at worst homophobic. And I don't find her butchy, but I do find you silly, a bit racist and clearly homophobic.

also, this is telly, just telly, no big deal, cool down, take a deep breath, drink some water, everything's fine.



>> Still, referring to the character as problematic because she has an afro is at best silly, at worst plainly racist. <<

You do realize NOT all people who have afros are black, right? Sounds like the only one who is making a "racist" thing out of it is you. Stupid outdated haircuts are stupid outdated haircuts. Going by your "logic", if they added a character with a mullet and you complained about it, it could possibly be due to racism against whites. Did the movie Joe Dirt 2 get awful reviews because people just couldn't stand a white guy in the lead, hmmm?

Having an issue because the character is a lesbian is at best silly, at worst homophobic. <<<

Right. Which is why people tuned out in droves when Jack Harkness was introduced and openly dated other men. Oh, that's right! THAT character actually had a good story arc in his own right about being immortal and was likeable and charming, UNLIKE the slop we're getting now. Amazing how all the "homophobic" people who dislike "Bill" didn't tune out the show before, isn't it?

BTW, you do realize fans reacted NEGATIVELY to Bill the FIRST time she was shown in a trailer, and that was BEFORE the BBC had revealed the character was gay, right? Funny how we were all magically "homophobic" when nobody knew she was homosexual. Perhaps the evil homophobes were responsible for Hillary Clinton losing the 2008 Presidential campaign, BEFORE she had endorsed gay marriage. They KNEW she's endorse it several years later, so they forced her to lose to Obama as "payback" for what she was going to do in 2015. The homophobes are just so incredibly insidious, then can psychically foresee the future.

>> I do find you silly, a bit racist and clearly homophobic. <<

Yep, and saying The Fantastic Four remake bombed because it was terrible is silly, angel's food cake and white flour products are racist, the word "fruit" is clearly homophobic and invented to hate on gay people, and your posts are brilliant scholarly arguments.


you should probably seek some medical help: you're overall aggressiveness and nonsensical blabbering is embarrassing.

End of the troll feeding.

Good day Sir, I said good day!


I think they need to give the series a rest once again. Its own popularity makes it worse.


Not going to happen though as it's renewed through to 2022.

It was revealed by the BBC Worldwide press, that there is intentions to keep Doctor Who running into at least season 15, which will take us until 2022. The BBC has secured a new broadcasting partnership with China, and following the success of the action packed science fiction show in China, the BBC have decided to keep the show moving. The statement read:

The MOU was inked yesterday evening at a signing ceremony at BBC Worldwide’s Television Centre in London, with Mr Chen Sijie, GM of SMG Pictures and Jaclyn-Lee Joe, Chief Marketing Officer, BBC Worldwide. Madam Wang Jianjun, Director General President of Shanghai Media Group, Tim Davie, Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide and Kelvin Yau, GM, Greater China, BBC Worldwide witnessed the event.

The agreement will see BBC Worldwide working with SMG Pictures to increase the Doctor Who fan base in China, exploring future opportunities as well as exchanging expertise between the two teams.

The MOU comes on the back of a content deal that BBC Worldwide also signed with SMG Pictures yesterday evening. The deal will see the entire catalogue of Doctor Who including spin-offs, Torchwood and Class available on popular TV channels and on-demand platforms all over China.



Cheerio then.. If it makes you feel better, I'm sure you're not the only person who equates the perceived quality of a TV show with a dilema like "Lovely Vs Awful, Ugly, Masculine looking"

Ta ta for ever
