MovieChat Forums > The Da Vinci Code (2006) Discussion > How come Jesus have sex with Mary Magdal...

How come Jesus have sex with Mary Magdalene?

How come Jesus have sex with Mary Magdalene? Isn't sex wrong in Christianity? Did Virgin Mary approve of Jesus and Mary Mag's affair? Was there animosity between them like typical mother in law and daughter in law do ?


What makes you think he did? Because a movie said so?


I think they just did over the tunic stuff


This post deserves props. Well done.




Sex isn’t wrong in Christianity. Sex before marriage is frowned upon, and some only have sex for purpose of making babies.

We don’t know if they were ever “together”, and if they were they could have been married?


I don’t think it even matters. If Jesus really is God then he can do whatever he wants.



Jesus understood that God made special provisos for ladies named Mary. That they weren't codified in the Bible was on oversight by the admittedly poor transcription service that God subscribed to. Of course, he was bound by a contract that he didn't want to waste time in court over.


Be fruitful and multiply! In the Bible. Sex is encouraged. Just not as much as liberals encourage it between female teachers and their students.


The idea in this silly book was that Jesus and Mary M. were married, before God and the world, and they had a legitimate child or children. And that organized religion supressed this fact for... some reason or another.

Brown is right that it would be highly unusual for a Jewish man of that her to be over thirty and unmarried, but then, it was unusual for a Jewish man of that era to become a wandering rabbi instead of settling down.


Not that I subscribe to what OP is saying, but it wasn't that uncommon at all in Jesus' time (and before, and after) for there to be wandering Jews, rabbis or preachers.

Celibacy was also admired by the Jews in Jesus' time (not saying they all practiced it, just saying it wouldn't be very "highly unusual" at all). There was a sect of Jews throughout Roman-Judea called the "Essenes" and they were celibate, and some other sects looked up to and admired that fact.

Josephus (a first century Roman-Jewish historian from Jerusalem) wrote in his "Jewish Antiquities":
"It also deserves our admiration, how much they exceed all other men that addict themselves to virtue, and this in righteousness; and indeed to such a degree, that as it hath never appeared among any other men… There are about four thousand men that live in this way, and neither marry wives".

I think it's just as possible Jesus and Mary were a couple as it is they weren't.

There are two Gospels; "The Gospel of Philip" and "The Gospel of Mary" that both mention Jesus kissing Mary because he preferred her over the rest of the apostles.
Also, in the Canonical-Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, she's mentioned by name more than most of the other apostles (12 times) and more than any other woman (other than the Virgin Mary).


I have heard from other sources that at that time, marriage was obligatory for Jewish men, as it is in most Middle Eastern cultures today.

But I'm willing to accept that you know more about Biblical civilizations than I do, because that's one subject I am NOT going to study in detail. The ancient Romans are more my line.


I like reading about ancient Rome as well, but I tend to read more about theology/Biblical history for some reason.
Ancient Rome and the Gospels tend to cross paths very often. The history of Christianity is very heavily intertwined with the ancient Romans.

I don't know a whole lot about them though, and am not afraid to admit you'd probably school me if we ever got into a heated discussion or debate about the Romans lol


This has GOT to be the politest, most reasonable exchange, in the history of Moviechat!

Or the only one.
