Mel Gibson Director

Give him his do, Gibson is one hell of director. Although I felt this film was a bit over the top, it was quite an experience. I particularly liked the concept of having the characters speak in Aramaic. That said, I enjoyed Braveheart and especially Apocalypto much more. Apocalypto was one of the most unusual films ever made and I also enjoyed the use of the indigenous vernacular in that film. Gibson, in the same manner as Fellini, has an eye for casting individuals with physical features that are either unsettling or merely grotesque. Haven't seen his latest film, Hacksaw Ridge, but I'm sure it must be an eyeful.
This coming from a Jew and knowing Gibson's anti-semitic views. Hopefully Gibson can overcome his irrational views and just stick to making ground breaking films, I think all of us would be better served.


He knows story structure.


Why do people keep saying, "He knows story structure" as if that's some kind of miracle? That's the lowest bar there is for a director, and by gum, he can step over it! He also leans on blood, gore and slow motion like a crutch. It's like Bruce Willis pursing his lips and doing the slow head turn -- he'd be a much better artist if he stopped leaning on his crutches.


I don;t know what it ewas but I really liked "Get the Gringo". Whats wrong with hard R movies anyways a little blood makes the conflict in the movie feel more dangours.


If he stopped at a little blood....


Why do people keep saying, "He knows story structure"

Because so many don't. So many movies are wasted because the director can't tell a cohesive story.



Not the best movies. And to hear his fans tell it, he's right up there with the best of the best and will endure forever.

I think it's more likely he'll go down as the pseudo-religious Sam Peckinpah of his age.


Knowing story structure is, indeed, a low bar for a director, but it would elude 99% of people on the planet.

Also, Gibson is a really good director. Not one of my favourites, but I really enjoyed Hacksaw Ridge, Braveheart, Apocalypto, and this film, although Passion isn't a brilliant movie.


We'll have to agree do disagree. My biggest beef with him as a director has been his overuse of slow motion. It's like, "Hey! Stupid audience! You might miss this, so I'm going to make it really slow for you!" If you look at the truly great directors they used slo-mo sparingly, if at all.


Mel Gibson is best director.


<< Give him his do. >>

Due. "Give him his due"

(Or in "give him his doo doo.")
