MovieChat Forums > Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999) Discussion > Is Olivia anyone else’s least favorite d...

Is Olivia anyone else’s least favorite detective?

I like Meloni, Ice-T, Munch, Cragen

But Olivia - I don’t know. Her voice was grating, the show tried to portray her as too perfect, she always took the victims’s side before getting all the facts etc

There was a brief time in season 7 when Olivia went to computer crimes. Meloni, Ice-T and others ran the SVU unit - that period was great.


I don't care for Olivia or Meloni's character. Him because the character was whiney and annoying. Her for preaching rather than being a cop, which is more or less what you posted.


There was a brief time in season 7 when Olivia went to computer crimes.

Did not know that. Shame she didn't stay there. Yes, she's always annoyed the hell out of me.



She was in computer crimes not long before Detective Dani Beck appeared as Stabler’s partner. My guess is that Mariska had stuff going on outside the show at the same, so the writers found ways to give her a break (eg computer crimes, undercover work with the feds)


Ice-T is the only one i like in this piece of crap show.
i'll probably stop watching it at this point.

new season is just bad.


I haven’t watched any season after season 12. I just can’t get myself to watch without Stabler there



I don't like her much myself. I agree she always takes the victims side. Not only that, there's been episodes when even the victim has broken the law and Olivia wants to give them a pass. Isn't she supposed to be someone who's in advocate of people obeying the law? So why does she contradict herself and try to argue when certain victims (i.e. female) break the law that they should be given a pass.

I honestly don't see how anyone can like or respect her.


It's called "moral relativism" it's quite the rage, sadly.


She is the worst! She completely has that guilty until proven innocent approach when it comes to suspects. On this show, she's the main character, so she's gonna typically get the right person. In reality, she'd probably have quite a few innocent people in jail as a result of her myopic police work.

I guess that makes sense considering her character is based on someone who famously sent innocent children to adult prison.


I always preferred the others as she became more of the main character I stopped watching.
