Reversed Racism

Has anyone noticed the blatant comments of discrimination toward white people lately?
Season 20 episode 1: "white people and their guns". Starting to be irritated!


Racism is racism. There’s no such thing as “reverse racism”. Anyone can be racist regardless of their color.


I agree 100%. Those were the words I used to try to explain what I was viewing.


I think the person meant racism against whites, which is very real.


I love me guns!!! Thank the lord the founding fathers had the foresight to know libturds would try to come for them one day! USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!! MURIICCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQA!!!!!!


Things are very strange right now. I am glad our forefathers understood what probably would happen.


They didn't.


How so?


Forefathers were concerned with our young country being able to repel foreign invaders, to rally against a foe. Today, guns represent a way to intimidate the rank and file who dare believe we could live in a peaceful world.
"See how many guns we've put into the world? Think you can peacefully live through that? Nope, you need to have guns too."
So now we are all supposed to be armed like it's the wild west. Shoot first and ask questions later. What a freekin' world.


The overwhelming majority of legal gun owners in the Unites States are law-abiding citizens who use their guns for shooting at paper targets and tin cans, for legal hunting, or for home protection in the event they are molested by violent criminals. The problem is that violent criminals also have guns, mostly obtained illegally. Unfortunately, no matter how many laws are passed, it will only affect the legal owners who are not the problem. The criminals will continue to have and use guns just as they do now.


Here is a good video on the topic.


The franchise has always had it's fair share of SJW lunacy. Not sure if you have noticed but scripts in a lot of shows now are just political speeches. Characters even wear t shirts with SJW slogans on them. The characters just front up and deliver the speech a line that has no bearing at all on the story or what is happening.

"As a man I am against toxic masculinity" one character in I think it was Dark Adventures of Sabrina said. What the?


I believe it is conditioning. I hate how men are being emasculated. Some of these people out here are losing their minds! I have absolutely seen the propaganda increasing, even in children's programming. It is ridiculous! Stay strong brotha and live your best life.

