MovieChat Forums > The Sixth Sense (1999) Discussion > Did anyone go in knowing NOTHING?

Did anyone go in knowing NOTHING?

Watching this movie again, i realized that it essentially plays as if we're not even supposed to KNOW that Cole sees ghosts. The famous synopsis of the movie is actually revealed pretty slowly up until the iconic line. Now, im sure M Night assumed this would be the main marketing plot point and just wrote it as a slow-burner because thats what he envisioned, but i wonder if back in 1999 there were some people who saw the movie without knowing anything about it. They would then have gotten TWO twists.


I saw it in the theater at age 13, knowing nothing about it. I remember hiding my face in my mom’s shoulder during the scary parts. Lol


I remember having a sense that things were being "set up" when we saw scenes of Bruce and his wife. To me their interactions seemed strange for a guy who had been shot at the beginning of the film and from then on I knew it had to play out later in the film. I actually thought that maybe his wife had paid to have him killed but it failed so she continued the marriage but was very hapless about it, but it still didn't make sense.

After the ending and reveal it did feel surprising, but with the convenience of DVDs it's easy to go back and look at specific scenes where M. Knight purposely hides the reality of Bruce's predicament. As many others said you just can't watch the movie with the same apprehension anymore. It's just ends up like we did after Vader reveals he's Luke and eventually Leia's father when you're watching A New Hope


I gotta say that I thankfully wasn't spoiled of the ending though mostly cause we didn't have internet back then and I didn't watch the news or talk shows. But I watched it about a year later in 2000. I remember being surprised at the ending and then not finding it as scary. I noticed a hint at the twist a few years ago when watching it. After seeing Cole for the first time, he goes home and his wife is laying on a couch next to a window. She breathes and you can see her breath. But if you look closely, the window is shut. Meaning she is cold and you can see her breath cause he's a ghost.


My wife and I went to see it in the theater after the first week got so much buzz. Understand that when it was released it wasn't hyped that much (that I recall). It really got some amazing word-of-mouth and people weren't going online as much as they are today so the twists were kept secret for the most part. Nobody we knew had seen it so we went knowing very little.

I recall the theater was packed on a Sunday afternoon viewing. I even remember where we were sitting and what theater we were at.

The movie was so captivating that I got lost in it and wasn't thinking of a shocking moment. I'm usually really good at spotting twists but I was so into the movie I didn't even think of it. When he walked in at the end and she dropped the ring my wife and I looked at each other with gaping mouths. You could hear people in the theater gasping.

One of the most fantastic movie moments of my life.


My wife & I originally watched it without knowing anything except the name of the movie, it starred Bruce Willis and everyone was raving about it, generally speaking.

The famous line didn't strike us as a twist, just a logical revelation in a drama that had paranormal elements. It had zero impact on us and no one knew at the time it would become an iconic line.

The end reveal, however, caught us totally by surprise and had that 'Wow' factor.


If by knowing nothing you mean didn't know what would happen that would include me. Definite thumbs up to the movie and I'm surprised Haley Joel Osment didn't win an Oscar.


i wasnt aware back in 2000 or whatever. and it totally didnt work for me. i was like "eh, that doesnt make sense." but after rewatching, it was well executed and played with the expectations of the audience. like he never actually talks to coles mother or his wife.

the helping ghost plot was just a common ghost trope
