MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > Tony could never get that many women let...

Tony could never get that many women lets be real

Probably the most unrealistic thing in the entire show. The women who just saw him for the first time and eye fucked him lol.


Yes he was overweight, but he was also tall (6'1") and powerfully built. Moreover, money, power and even danger are attractive to many women. So I would say his many affairs were not unrealistic at all.


The power and money angle I get. I am talking about the scenes where the women clearly didn't know who he was and were all over him. Also...idk about powerfully built lol though they did try to portray him like that.


The way that a wealthy, confident man simply walks into a room can be enough to attract women. Women react to powerful men like that regardless of what the man looks like. Women are much more observant than most men in that regard. Men don't give a crap about what a woman owns the first thing we are attracted to is the way they look- later on men are interested in is she nice and is she good dating material, but initially men are all about thinking is she attractive to me. Women on the other hand are attracted to money and power- seriously, haven't you seen Spaceballs?! Therefore, the scenario that is presented in the show isn't far fetched at all.


Try leaving your fedora at home.


I left it at your moms house


Since it took you eight hours for that I'll wish you good fortune because you could use it.


So basically you're admitting to being glued to this site. Whatever floats your boat champ :)

Also, you must understand son, satisfying your mom is a full-time job. I can't just respond to you whenever you want slugger.

Love you!


Well I'm glad you like older women in those fantasies of yours, keep working on that confidence, though. Remember, love is not that transactional. And the incest issues that you seem to have should maybe be addressed by a psychiatrist.


I admit that I am the first to say this publicly ever in the history of mankind.....

Here goes..........

Money > Power > Women

Sometimes you can switch the first two.

Write this law into your Diaries, people.


The quality of some of the women was over the top, but I can buy that he landed some women like Gloria Trillo. the burn victim and those Russian chicks (his Goomah and her legless friend).


You’ll notice most of the women he slept with were floozies, bimbos, or hookers. Whenever he tried to approach a woman of value (Melfi) he got rejected because he’s a basket case.


He had a hot dad bod, confidence, and money. He could slay lots of MILFs. I had a shop teacher who was similar to Tony. Kinda a blue collar guy but with lots of money and dressed nice. He was always pulling the hottest milfs.


Yea its a plot hole


Well, I mean, evolutionarily speaking women care more about power, security, and confidence than appearance. Their genes aren't like mens, where they're just out shallowly looking for fertile appearances (youth, symmetry, hip-to-waist ratios, etc) to spread as much seed as possible to as large a variety as possible. Yeah, certain men look better to women than others, but as for actually deciding to have sex with them or start relationships with them, a man's position, status, level of masculinity, and how they behave and carry themselves seems to be a much more important indicator (generally speaking) of whether or not they're worth the trouble lol.
